/ / Wind gun as a means of protection

Wind gun as a means of protection

Constructively the weapon is arranged very simply - thisonly a hollow tube and charges to it. Powered by exhalation from the lungs. It was used by a man from ancient times, and Europe met with him in the era of significant geographical discoveries. In the role of the game shell, the gun is still used in many countries.

Features of components


The tube of the gun is made of rigid plastic, steelor a duralumin. In the abbreviated version, a tube with a diameter of 6-10 mm and a length of 25-35 cm is adopted. This version is easily hidden in the sleeve, keeping the best distance of shooting about 5-10 meters. The long version consists of a tube 70-150 cm in length and 8-15 mm in diameter. This execution can be disguised as a cane or umbrella. The arrows are much longer and heavier. The main condition: the metal tube should be perfectly straight and bend with difficulty.

A battle boom should not be too light, inOtherwise, the penetrating power of the charge will be small, and the flight will pass in instability. The center of gravity of the arrow should be displaced to the needle, for this purpose it has a weighting agent. The annular seal allows a small amount of friction to enter the charge into the tube. Heavy long arrows fly not far, but at the same time have a significant penetrating ability.

European variation equipped with an air riflemouthpiece. He gave the opportunity to increase not only the convenience of shooting, but also the power, the range of release of the charge. In a non-European variant, the shot is produced differently: the tube is tightly compressed with the lips, the hole is clogged with the tongue, then the cheeks inflate to the extinction, and the tongue closing the hole is retracted.
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Means of survival

In some places of our planet still livetribes, leading an almost primitive way of life. The wind gun for them continues to play the role of a weapon that is capable of silently and secretly hitting the enemy. To overcome death by a miniature arrow is unlikely to succeed, which is why the tip is most often incised and put into the sieve of poison. The maximum damaging effect is achieved by incising the tip, so that, breaking off, remains in the wound. Shooting with bullets from a gun occurs in the notes of the Spanish historian Antonio Guerrer (circa 1622), narrating about the peculiarities of the life of the Aztecs. Bullet bullets made of hardened clay were able to kill the animal and the person already at an average distance.
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Perspectives of application

Modern industry has improvedwind gun. It is made using the lightest and at the same time strong materials. The length can reach more than 3 meters, their mouthpieces are made with an admixture of silver nanoparticles, the sights are set optical. Such a model with a set of arrows would be envied by every aborigine. Do not ignore the wind gun and the military. Units of many countries, as a rule, are familiar with this type of weapon. If you can not shoot a powder charge in order not to be detected, an improvised wind gun will come to the rescue, which you can buy at the weapons store. Also, it can be useful for survival in natural conditions, where animals so simply will not allow the hunter to reach the arm's length.