/ / Philippe Noiret: Filmography and Biography

Philippe Noiret: Filmography and Biography

Actor Philippe Noiret in our country became known inthe early 1960s, when the film "Captain Fracassus" was released. And although the main roles in the film were played by Jean Marais and Jean Rochefort, the image of Tiran was also remembered by the Soviet audience. Filmography Noiret contains several dozen paintings, and by the number of prestigious awards, he can compete with Alain Delon and Jean Gabin.

Philippe Noiret

A family

Philip's father, Pierre Noire, was the directorlarge construction company. In his spare time, he was fond of prose and poetry, so the creative atmosphere reigned in the family. His mother Lucy Guillen Ehrmann, a Belgian by birth, was a housewife and raised two children - Philip and his brother Jean, who was born in 1925.

Young years

The future actor was born in 1930 in the city of Lille.When Philip was not even five years old, the family moved to Toulouse - the capital of the French region of the South - Pyrenees. There he developed a passion for breeding horses, which he carried throughout his life.

At the insistence of the parents, Philip Noiret is going to studyin Paris and enters the Lyceum Janson de Say. There, he manifests himself as a perfect bummer, so his father sends him to finish their studies at the Jesuit College of Juillie, known for his strict disciplinary procedures.

Philippe Nuare photo

Without showing zeal in school, Philippe Noiret at the sametime with pleasure acts in amateur performances and sings in the choir. There he has a very beautiful voice, thanks to which the young man is invited to perform together with the children's choir during the solemn Easter service at St. Peter's in the Vatican in 1949. Then the young man writes his first record as a singer.

Choosing an acting career

In 1950, Philippe Noiret falls forexaminations for admission to the Paris Conservatoire. Then he begins to attend lectures by theater director and actor Roger Blain, on stage art. Soon he is accepted into the troupe of the National Theater of Brittany, where he meets Jean-Pierre Darras. Actors are invited to broadcast on television, which brings Noire a certain popularity. In this case, Philip does not leave the desire to express themselves in the musical field. However, the decisive turn in the fate of the young man occurs after a meeting with the prose writer and playwright Henri de Monterlan, who convinces him to become a comedian.

Philippe Noiret Movies

Service in the theater

In 1953, Philippe Noiret, films withwhich at one time enjoyed immense popularity throughout the world, after a successful audition becomes an actor in the National Folk Theater. His first significant works were the productions of Sid by P. Corneille in 1953, Shakespeare's Macbeth in 1954, Don Juan by J. B. Moliere in 1955 and Marriage of Figaro, etc.

At the same time, the actor successfully performs in a duet with his regular partner Jean-Pierre Dara in the famous Parisian cabaret "Gateway", "Three donkeys", "Villa Esta" and in "Jacob's Ladder".

In the same place, at the National Folk Theater, Philippe Noiret meets his future wife, actress Monique Chomett. Their wedding took place in 1962, and after some time, the couple have a daughter, Frederick.

Philippe Noiret: Filmography

The first role of the actor in the movie was work instudent short film (1948). Then he appeared in episodes in several famous paintings. In 1955, the debut film directed by Agnes Ward's "Pointe-Kurt", where Noire plays the main role, comes out. However, success in the cinema comes to him after work "Zazi in the Metro", and a year later the viewer has the opportunity to watch him play in the star film "Captain Fracassus" in partnership with the magnificent Jean Marais.

Then he appears to the public in the image of Bernard in the film “Teresa Tableuera” and proves that he can successfully perform in various roles.

In 1968, Philippe Noiret becomes unconditionala star of French cinema, as his work in the film “Blessed Alexander”, directed by Yves Robert, puts him in the eyes of viewers and critics on a par with the most famous film actors of the time.

An important role in the life of the artist played BertrandTavernier, who offered him a role in the film “The Watchmaker from Saint-Paul”. This film received several awards and marked the beginning of further cooperation with this director. Together, Noire and Tavernier shot nine films, including real hits that were widely recognized.

Philippe Nuare Filmography

Annie Girardot and Philippe Noiret: filmography

На всем протяжение кинокарьеры актера его The most charming women of European cinema, such as Romy Schneider and Catherine Deneuve, became partners. However, the greatest love of the audience won his duet with Annie Girardot in the picture of Jean-Pierre Blanc "Old Maid". The picture told about the usual holiday romance, which ends parting at the Paris station to the sounds of the magic music of Michel Legrand.

In addition, along with Annie Girardot Philippe Noiretstarred in "Gentle Police" and in its continuation under the strange name "Stolen the thigh of Jupiter." Colleagues on the set of the actor became Katrin Alrik and Francis Perrin. In these films, which had a big box office success, Noire performed the role of Professor Sorbonne Antoine Lemercier.

Annie Girardot and Philippe Noiret: filmography


During his career, Philippe Noiret received many prestigious awards, including awards:

  • National Council of Film Critics for 1970 for the best supporting role in the film "Topaz".
  • "Cesar" and "David di Donatello" (in the nomination the best foreign actor) for his work in the movie "Old Gun" (1976).
  • "European Film Awards" for his role in the film "Paradise" (1989).
  • "Cesar" for the painting "Life and nothing more."
  • BAFTA for his role in the movie "Paradise" and others.

In addition, in 2005, the actor was awarded the title of Cavalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor, which is considered one of the most prestigious awards of the Fransuz Republic.

Philip Noiret, whose photo has been decorating cinema posters of the world for more than 50 years, was also loved by Russian viewers, since many of the films with his participation were also very popular in the national box office.

Now you know, the works in which paintings brought fame to the famous European cinema performer Philip Noir. He devoted his whole life to theater and cinema and died in 2006 at the age of 76.