/ / Shotgun "TOZ-34": characteristics and reviews. How much does the hunting shotgun "TOZ-34" cost?

Shotgun "TOZ-34": characteristics and reviews. How much does the hunting shotgun "TOZ-34" cost?

Shotgun TOZ 34
In the arsenal of Russian hunters, the gun "TOZ-34"occupies the most enduring positions. Along with the "Izh-27" it is the most mass domestic "vertical", preferred by many generations of Russians. This is indicated by the special popularity that the TOZ-34 gun acquired. The testimonies testify to him that the weapon, produced in the amount of more than one and a half million copies, has not been deprived of attention by hunters to this day.

History of creation

Hunting rifle "ТОЗ-34" was created in the sixtiesyears of the last century at the arms factory in Tula. The authors were talented designers N. Korovyakov, S. Ferapontov, V. Ochnev and V. Paramonov. It played a fundamental role in the development of domestic hunting weapons. It was this model that was awarded at the Leipzig Fair of the highest gold medal. It was the first light gun with a vertical barrel. Produced serially, it became the base for an impressive family of compact sports and hunting double-barrels with good prikladistosti. In the opinion of experts, the individual elements with which the TOZ-34 gun is endowed, otherwise it can not be called genius.

Characteristics of the gun "TOZ-34"

Hunting rifle TOZ 34 price
This double-barrel has vertically arrangedthe trunks of the twelfth, sixteenth and twentieth calibers. It was the first domestic model of serial bokflintov, which has a small weight. The rifle is distinguished by modern strict forms, good balance with flattering, and also high combative combat. Shotguns of the brand "TOZ" of the twelfth and twenty-eighth calibers at the plant are produced in the ordinary and souvenir versions, in a limited number they produce copies of the twentieth and in small batches - the thirty-second.

The trunk of all modifications is detachable.It is located in a vertical plane and is equipped with standard muzzle constrictions. Its trigger mechanism, located on a separate base, is equipped with two inner hammers, which are cocked when opening the trunks, and the same number of descents. To prevent accidental shots, the TOZ-34 gun is equipped with an interceptor and an automatic fuse. The extraction of the spent cartridges comes from it by a general ejection, and not automatically, in addition, there is an ejector mechanism in it. The length of the chamber is seventy millimeters.

How to disassemble a TOZ 34 gun
How much does the TOZ-34 gun cost?

Today, among all brands of guns, popular withhunters, the leading position is occupied by "Izh-27" and "TOZ-34". Such popularity is explained by their excellent "fight", ease and, of course, low cost combined with quality. Hunting rifle "TOZ-34", the price for which in the ordinary version ranges from twenty-eight to thirty thousand rubles, is intended for the use of cartridges having paper, as well as plastic ones with metal sleeves. At the same time, during the use of the latter, the accuracy of the shooting falls with the uniformity of the shot scree. Hunting rifle "ТОЗ-34", the price of exclusive copies of which reaches forty thousand rubles, has a better fitted barrel and better processing of the selective butt. On some versions there is also an original engraving.

How much does the TOZ 34 gun cost?

Today in the secondary market there is enougha large number of double-barrels "TOZ-34", in good condition and intended for any purse. In addition, all special spares are sold in weapon specialized stores, including butt-offs. "TOZ-34", despite the peculiarities of its design, can be repaired even at home.


Connection of the barrel unit to the box at "TOZ-34"It is carried out by means of the circular hinges, cut off partially. Such a design is original: it is nowhere more found in domestic guns. In this case, the locking of the barrels on the hook of the barrel coupling is carried out by a locking frame.

The zevye of the thirty-fourth model is inseparable.It consists of two screw-fastened parts. The appendix has a neck of the form pistol with a ledge under the cheek. It is made from birch, as well as walnut or beech wood. In general, the design of the gun "TOZ-34" is quite simple and has significant differences from other bezkurkovyh double-barreled, equipped with reclining barrels. He does not have a transverse bolt, but the creators of the trunks have provided a low landing. The descent of the hammers is smooth. During the opening of the barrels at the same time, cocked cocking is carried out with the compression of the fighting springs made in the form of a horseshoe.

Shotgun TOZ 34 reviews


Each hunter, using this double-barreled gun,must perfectly know how to disassemble the gun "TOZ-34". This model has its own design features, inherent only to it. Therefore, during disassembly and assembly, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations given in the passport so as not to disable your weapon. Disassembly must begin, only making sure that the double-barrel is empty and the chamber empty. Then you need to smoothly pull the trigger and, pressing the trigger front hook, do not release it until the lock lever is moved to the right until it stops. Then, turning the trunks, separate them from the receiver. And, of course, the assembly is already in the reverse order.


The weight of the guns "TOZ-34" of all calibers practicallythe same and varies from 2.9 to 3.2 kilograms. It depends mainly on the material of both the bed and the butt, its role is played by the length of the trunk with the shape of the butt. Today there are several different modifications to this Tula twin-barrel: "TOZ-34R" with a rubber shock absorber, "TOZ-34E", having an ejector, and "TOZ-34ER" with an ejector and simultaneously with a rubber shock absorber. In this case, the length of the barrels of this rifle of the twelfth caliber is up to 720 millimeters, and for the remaining modifications from 660 to 675 mm. The chamber of all calibers is standard - seven centimeters. In those instances of the guns of the twelfth caliber, in which the muzzle constrictions are more than one millimeter, it is recommended to use only coordinated canister from containers. Many professionals for hunting large animals using the TOZ-34 gun use sub-caliber bullets. Double-barrel, although designed for all types of sleeves, however, has certain features: when using metal, the accuracy is smaller than, for example, plastic or paper.

Characteristics of the TOZ 34

The gun "TOZ-34" is also suitable foramateur, and for professional hunting. There is an opinion that with this double-barreled twelfth caliber you can go even to a bear, and smaller ones are suitable for the production of a small fur-bearing animal. "TOZ-34" has an excellent balance and is so high in accuracy that it is not inferior to anything more high-end and, of course, expensive rifles. And no matter how widely modern today's Turkish or European "verticals" are advertised, the domestic hunter, not burdened by such imposed stereotypes, nevertheless buys not only used but also new copies of this Tula double-barrel, satisfied not only with excellent performance characteristics but also more than an adequate price.