/ Sharp. What it is? Basic concepts

Sharp. What it is? Basic concepts

Anyone starting to learn the basics of musicsolfeggio or harmony, must necessarily have an idea about the signs of alteration, among which there are two main ones: sharp and flat, used not only in the middle of a piece of music, but also at the key. There is also a bekar — a sign that cancels out the pitch of a note. Now we will consider the topic "Sharp: what is it." Many music critics believe that this sign is used in music most often.

Sharp: what is it

So, if we talk about what constitutes a sharp, for the simplest understanding we can say that this is an increase in the sound of a note by half a tone.

sharp what is it

В музыке диез может употребляться в нескольких variants (especially when you consider that there is also such a thing as "double-sharp", meaning a double tone increase, that is, one tone). The use of double sharps in music can be found quite rarely. Nevertheless, we will dwell on this a little later.

Sharps as key marks and not only.

The sharp sign, as already mentioned, can be applied.and as a key sign, and as a sign of alteration in the middle of the work. The difference between these two options is that in the first case, the increase in the sound of certain notes applies to the entire musical composition. In other words, if the key is specified, say, F-sharp, then the sharp sign will raise the note “F” in each measure and in any place of the composition (unless otherwise indicated, for example, the use of the Bekar sign, but only in one measure) .

In the second case, the situation is somewhat different.The sharp sign in the middle of the work (if it is absent at the key) may also be present. Only here its action (raising the sound of a note) extends exclusively to a note or notes, before which it is put within the framework of one measure. In the next cycle, its action is automatically canceled.

Now consider the key mark sharp.What is it in terms of influencing certain notes of the entire work? As already mentioned, this is the method for setting notes to be raised throughout the piece. What is most interesting, sharps in the key (as well as flat) have certain rules of construction. In this regard, it turns out that the number of gammas, which is available today.

Последовательность диезов при ключе выглядит as follows: fa, do, salt, re, la, mi, si. Along the way, it is worth noting that the bems have the reverse order. This rule needs to be known by heart, since it is always possible to determine the basic tonality.

sharp sign

If anyone remembers, even in Soviet times, children were taught to memorize these two sequences using rhymed couplets. One of the most famous can be called this:

"Fa, do, salt, re, la, mi, si -

Bring me the scale! ”

Si, mi, la, re, salt, do, fa -

Wait for me. Until!".

Determination of the pitch of the gamma according to the sharps in the key

Knowledge of the sequence of characters with the key has a downside. Consider it sharp. What is it in terms of defining tonalities?

Everything is very simple.By key signs, or rather, by the latter, it is possible to quite simply determine the basic tone of the scale or harmony used. For major keys from the last character you need to build up a small second (go up a semitone), and for a parallel minor build a large second down (go down one tone).

This is easy to understand with a simple example.Suppose there are three signs in the key: F-sharp, C-sharp and G-sharp. From the last sign (in this case, G-sharp), half a tone gives up the key in A-major, and tone down - in F-sharp minor.

sharp notes

In principle, the notes of sharp signs allow you to make, so to speak, and reverse calculations, that is, knowing the key tonality, you can immediately say what signs are present in it at the key.

Construction of some types of scales

As is already clear, the main gamma is played only with the use of signs at the key. Such majors and minors are called natural.

Of particular interest are harmonic andmelodic minors, although you can find major scales of this type (they are used quite rarely). In the harmonic minor, the VII step is additionally increased.

sharp rise notes

The melodic minor looks a little different.When playing the scales upward, steps VI and VII are raised, and in the reverse order, these signs are canceled, replaced by backers. So, for example, a melodic A-minor in a game of both sides looks like this: whether, si, do, re, mi, F-sharp, G-sharpness a / la, G (pure tone), F (pure tone), M , re, do, si, la. It is not difficult, perhaps, to note that the reverse sequence is nothing else than the usual natural minor.

sharp what is it

Now we do not take into account some specificfrets such as Lydian, Mixolydian, or some other, which have their own rules for raising or lowering certain notes. They are studied already in music schools, and in more detail in music schools and conservatories.


So, I think, with the question “Sharp.What is it? ”We figured out, if not fully, as the subject of solfeggio implies, nevertheless, for understanding some basic terms and rules at first this will be enough. If someone wants to continue their studies, it is better to do this in a specialized educational institution.