/ / The motives of loneliness in the lyric poetry of Lermontov: the outline of the composition

Motives of loneliness in Lermontov's lyrics: the plan of the composition

Poetry of Lermontov inspires, fascinates hisdepth, his works are truly masterpieces. His lyrics are infinitely multifaceted: the greatest poet wrote on the themes of nature, love, homeland. But the motive of loneliness in the lyric poetry of Lermontov will surely pass through the whole thread through all the creativity. The outline of the composition should be drawn up on the basis of its various emotional and literary shades. Lermontov's loneliness is different, it carries a different semantic and psychological burden, it exists in several forms in parallel, revealing to us the whole soul of the poet.

Motives of solitude in the lyric poetry of Lermontov

The poem "Sail"

При упоминании имени Лермонтова у большинства his famous poem “Sail” comes to mind. From the very beginning, the reader seems to plunge into the sea of ​​the poet’s infinite solitude. “A lonely sail whitens / In the mist of the blue sea ...” - with these words the work begins. The capacious word “lonely” immediately catches the eye. No wonder the poet uses it here: he uses the method of inversion, highlighting the word for the reader, emphasizing that it is the key in the poem.

It is from this work should begindescribe the motives of loneliness in the lyric poetry of Lermontov. The writing on this subject most often begins with the “Sail”, and for good reason. The lyrical hero here is a sail, he is also a romantic image, having its own character and even soul. "And he, the rebel, asks for storms, / As if there is peace in a storm." In fact, the sail is the soul of the poet himself. It is she, and not the sail that “is not looking for happiness and is not running from happiness.”

Motives of loneliness in the lyric poetry of Lermontov

Poem "cliff"

If in the poem "Sail" lyrical heroas if reveling in his loneliness, in another lyric work he suffers from this loneliness. “He stands, alone, thinking deeply / And he quietly cries in the desert ...” - the Lermontov's poem “The Rock” ends sadly and soulfully. Again, the reader is attracted by the word “lonely”, as if speaking for itself.

The word “desert” bears its own meaning as well.In the context of this poem, it means a place where there is absolutely nothing, empty, lonely. A lonely cliff suffers, quietly crying in the middle of the desert, like a man left to the mercy of fate.

Motives of loneliness in the lyric poetry of Lermontov

The poem "I go out alone on the road ..."

The next poem of Lermontov about life anddeath and about loneliness. And again there is the aforementioned motive. From the very first line, the hero is again alone with himself, he enters the road in thought.

It’s not for nothing that the motives of loneliness are so primaryLyrics Lermontov. His poems allow you to look into the very soul of the poet. After all, he himself, like the lyrical hero, was left alone with himself until the end of his life. Lonely and proud, he was always faithful to his own detachment from a bustling and unjust world.

Motives of loneliness in the lyric poetry of Lermontov

Loneliness as a poet's civic stance

M.Yu.Lermontov fell to live and create in times of harsh political reaction, which took place in Russia after the bloody suppression of the Decembrist uprising. The picture of cruelty and imperfection of the world was complemented by the fact that the poet lost his mother at an early age. It formed him as an observer of life, sad and philosophically dreamy. But most often the lyrical hero in Lermontov’s verses is a person, not clogged with loneliness, but proud, opposed to an unjust world and society. The poet's poetry is filled with a hidden protest against all types of slavery - internal and external, political, when a person is not free to express his position directly, openly.

The lyrical hero, as well as the poet himself at thattime, does not find a place either in a motley secular society, or in the field of love, or in friendship, or even in his Fatherland. In the poem “Duma” the motives of loneliness in Lermontov’s lyrics are very clearly traced. The summary of the poem is as follows: the poet honestly and openly says how much the younger generation of the modern age lags behind in terms of spirituality, how cowardly and cowardly it is. The poet complains that the youth simply squeezed in front of a mass rampant despotism and tyranny, this causes him to have a fit of wrathful contempt. At the same time, Lermontov does not separate himself from his unworthy generation, saying not “they,” but “we.” The poet passes judgment on himself as well, condemning him from the position of future generations.

Through the poem "How often, motleythe mob is surrounded by "very clearly reflected the motives of loneliness in the lyric poetry of Lermontov. Here, the poet is absolutely one among the masks, "decency strapped." He dislikes their company, as well as the touch of the soulless "urban beauties". The poet in proud solitude confronts all this crowd, he is ready to "defiantly throw an iron verse" in their face, drenching him with "bitterness and anger."

Motives of solitude in the lyric poetry of Lermontov

Loneliness of the poet in love and friendship

In Lermontov's poem "And bored and sad"life is treated as "an empty and stupid joke." It makes no sense if, at the time of solitude, even "no one has a hand to shake." This reflects not only Lermontov's loneliness among the crowd, but also his attitude towards love and friendship. It is easy to trace his complete disbelief in love. After all, to love “for a while is not worth the trouble”, it is simply impossible to love forever.

Те же мотивы одиночества в лирике Лермонтова traced in the poem "Gratitude". In it, the poet thanks his beloved for “the poison of a kiss,” “for the bitterness of tears,” even “for revenge of enemies, for slander of friends.” However, do not take it literally. In such a gratitude, there is a reproach in the insincerity of human feelings, when even the kiss is considered by the poet to be a “poison”, but the friends in his concept are hypocrites who have slandered him.

The lyric hero is alone in the poem No,I don’t love you so ardently ... ”, where he recalls“ the past suffering ”, and he considers his youth“ lost ”. Loneliness pushes him to the memories, he again sees in front of him a "mouth alive," burning "fire in his eyes." But the reality of the poet is completely different, he does not even want to think that the lips have become “long dumb”, that the fire of life has “gone out for a long time”. Again the poet is left alone with the past, he does not want to meet with the present at all.

Loneliness and misery

Interesting motives of loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov,in particular in the poem "Testament". It is written in the form of the death confession of a soldier dying in a war. A woman with an “empty heart” appears in the piece. The soldier speaks of her like this: "Do not regret the empty heart." He bitterly exclaims: "Let her cry ... She does not mean anything." In the person of this person, the author portrayed all the cruelty and injustice that a fighter experienced in his life. The motive of loneliness is very bright here. Although the lyrical hero has parents, he does not believe in being alone with himself and in earthly love.

Стихотворение «Молитва» написано в форме монолога lyric hero. He prays for the happiness of his beloved, caring for her soul. The tragedy of deep spiritual loneliness is present here. Troubles and deprivations did not destroy the interest and participation of the lyrical hero in the life and fate of a person who failed to maintain spiritual purity. The author sympathizes with even the one whose spirituality did not stand the test, did not cope with the influence of the “cold world”.

Loneliness reveals the poem "To the northwild. " It tells of a pine tree that stands "lonely on a bare summit" and sees dreams about a palm tree "in the wilderness of the distant." Palma also stands “alone and sad.” Pine dreams of a close soul, languishing somewhere in distant overseas regions.

Motives of solitude in the lyrics of Lermontov and Pushkin

Theme of Motherland and loneliness

Another topic closely related to the motive.loneliness also plays an important role in all the lyrics of Lermontov. This is the theme of the motherland. Here, many writers note how similar in this context are the motives of loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov and Pushkin:

  • The attitude of both these poets towards Russia has always been ambiguous.
  • They loved Russian nature and admired it, but did not accept the autocracy and laws that prevailed in the society of those times.

It is impossible not to mention the poem "Motherland"describing the motives of loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov. The work is definitely worth adding it with analysis, because it is in this work that Lermontov admits that he loves his homeland, but with “strange love.” The author wants to see that Russia, where the “quivering lights of the sad villages” flashed, where there was a “smoke of burnt sting”, where one could see “a pair of white birch trees in the yellow cornfield”.


Having considered the motives of loneliness in the lyricsLermontov, I must say that the poet was able to open this topic perfectly. His lyrical heroes are not just lonely, they are full of energy, pure noble indignation, they want to change the reality around them. The poet's poetry reflected the whole of his multifaceted spiritual world.