/ / Block, "In a restaurant", analysis. Intention and Fiction

Block, "At the restaurant," analysis. Intention and Fiction

Every person lives in the world of those hopes, illusions,representations that he produces for himself. Especially the poet, especially such as Alexander Blok. The worlds of different people may intersect, but they may not correlate at all. The loneliness that Block is experiencing in a restaurant will be shown by the analysis as a very special attitude, peculiar only to his hero, who wants to live like everyone else, but cannot.


Was this burnt and parted sky, or which the fire of dawn made pale and on which lanterns stand out?

block in the restaurant analysis
Verbs poems are used only inpast tense. All the memories of his lyrical hero are like illusions, the softness and tenderness of which is to a large extent created by alliterations of repeating “L”, “H”. But the beginning consists of assonances “neither”, “not”, which sounds in the pronunciation as “neither”, “not”. All this at once creates the thinnest shrill melodiousness woven with nostalgia.

Where is loneliness more acute?

Hero placed Block in the restaurant. The analysis shows his presence in the hall, crowded with people, and some kind of estrangement - he is at the window, which means, at the same time outside the room.

analysis of the block poem in the restaurant
Он за столиком явно один и, окидывая взглядом the hall meets an unearthly vision. The reader understands this right away - he would not have ordered another girl to convey a black rose in a tall glass filled with golden champagne as a symbol of sadness and love. The violins sing about her. The girl is young, refined and sublime. She is a hero exalted immediately and unconditionally. The full hall immediately becomes empty. So he draws a block. In the restaurant (analysis will emphasize this) only two remain.

Together and separately

Она надменно взглянула на пославшего знак attention. The lyrical hero was embarrassed, but bravely withstood her gaze. And even in response, he bowed slightly. The presence of consonants in the verbs "looked and met", standing side by side, slightly inhibits what is happening, deprives him of instantaneous. And further, the rumbling “Ps” will emphasize the girl’s deliberate, thoughtful harshness when addressing her to her companion. Nevertheless, her hands slightly trembled, under the ecstatic sounds of music.

verse analysis in the restaurant block
She did not remain indifferent to the silent messageand worship her beauty. Contrary to her young contempt (beautiful metaphor), the girl is attracted to a stranger. To stop her uncontrollable feelings, she quickly leaves the restaurant like a frightened bird. Light as a dream, she passes by the table, smelling the smell of perfume, swaying the standing restaurant air, with the movement of silks that whisper anxiously. Hissing "Ж" and "Ш" transmit the rustle of silk. Soft "L" emphasize the grace of the movements of the heroine. So continues Blok in the restaurant (analysis tells about it) to show the girl's fear of a sudden feeling and escape from it. She just never experienced anything like that and rushed away like a bird out of a cage.

Seeing through

The lyrical hero remains alone again.The sublime communication was interrupted, and there is no hope for its renewal. This is the story of the analysis of Blok’s poem In the Restaurant. Although he sees her calling eyes in the mirrors - follow me, stop, hold, do not leave me with a bored cavalier. But the hero remains immovable - he also has an over-pride that does not allow him to budge, run, catch up, beg, and lose his face. And then let the gypsy giants roar monstrously and sing about love in shrill voices, debating her.

analysis of the block poem in the restaurant briefly
This completes the analysis of Blok’s poem “In the Restaurant”.

Poetic paths

Passing on the secrets of Blok’s sound recording isungrateful and very difficult task. The text of the article was a small attempt to reflect the individual features of the poet's verse. But it is just full of bright musical richness, when there is a roll call of sounds, thanks to which the poems are expressive and expressive. We will conduct a simpler analysis of the verse "In the restaurant." The block uses epithets (at dawn a fire), simple comparisons (the sky is pale, the dawn is yellow). All the second quatrain is an amazingly beautiful oxymoron. Anapest, who wrote a poem, forming a rhythm and sound, makes follow the actions of the lyrical hero and empathize with him.

Images of women in the lyrics of Blok

Behind faces hidden by dark veils or masksfor silks wrapping around the camp, for narrow hands, loom in the fog or in the mist of a woman who makes her appearance, look, gesture crazy. They are found on the streets, but more often among the restaurant tables or on the stage.

Blok's women
This is partly an analysis of Blok’s poem “Inrestaurant ". You can briefly ask: "Who inspired the poet to create unearthly images?" They, these women, were few. As the poet said before his death - I had two women: "Lyuba (his wife) and all the others." But to all, and most of all, four women influenced him, there was a reverent attitude, worship and passion. Who were they? Ksenia Sadovskaya when he first passionately fell in love at the age of 16, Lyubov Mendeleeva, his wife, his beautiful lady, Natalya Volokhova, dramatic actress and Lyubov Andreeva-Delmas, opera singer. He tossed between women until he returned to his wife, who was already faithful until his death in 1921.