/ / Block-house plastic - advantages and disadvantages

Block-house plastic - advantages and disadvantages

In the current market, the number of construction materials andfinishing elements are just off scale, so it is often difficult to make the right choice. Now we will consider this kind of decoration, like block-house plastic, we learn about its specific, technical and quality characteristics. In addition, by reading this article, a person will be able to understand whether he should get such a finish, and in what cases will it be useful to him. So, let's start from the very beginning, namely, from the appearance.

block house plastic

Block-house plastic - a bar of their PFH,which can be painted in any shade. As a rule, they always depict the texture of the tree, and this pattern can be pronounced or completely invisible. That's why often this kind of decoration can easily be confused with a natural tree. From a distance, the bars made of solid wood have exactly the same appearance as the plastic analog. Is that if the artificial material is not painted in a specific, atypical for the natural tone.

plastic block house

We pass to qualitative data, whichhas a plastic block house. Its main advantage over all other materials is its incombustibility. Such decoration does not promote the spread of flame (as opposed to wood), which to a large extent attracts many people. However, under the influence of high temperature indicators, the block house plastic has the property of melting, exuding an unpleasant smell. Naturally, as a result of this process, the appearance of the entire finish irretrievably deteriorates, and it is required to repair the affected areas.

block house plastic price

Has such a finishing material and sometechnical merits, as well as shortcomings, which you need to know about. Mainly it is worth noting that it, like a tree, can last for many years, while not missing moisture, microbes and other undesirable factors. However, any block-house plastic, serving as a kind of shield, gradually deteriorates, which is reflected in its appearance. Over the years, scratches, small holes and other defects appear on the surface of such a finish. At first they are noticeable only on closer examination, but eventually they begin to "catch the eye".

However, despite this, plastic is a material,which can last up to fifty years, even with the presence of some defects. That is why most modern private houses and service buildings are equipped with this material. Paradox is also how much is the block-house plastic. The price for such a pleasure is several times lower than its wooden counterpart. And this is another reason why it is so common throughout the world.

Finally it is worth noting that the selection of finishingfor your own house, gazebo or other facilities should be based on style. After all, a certain effect can be created only by a tree, and plastic in this case will look cheap and unpresentable. Block-house plastic is a very economical and practical choice, but this option is not always ideal and acceptable for aesthetic reasons.