/ / The series "Kitchen": the cast, a brief description of the characters

TV series "Kitchen": an actor's composition, a brief description of the characters

October 2012Many viewers can not tear themselves away from the screens, watching the adventures of the heroes of the kitchen "sitcom". The cast of the project includes both recognized stars of the national cinema and little-known names. What is this series about and who are its heroes?

"Kitchen": the cast, photo. Dmitry Nazarov as a chef Barinova

All the plot lines of the multi-part film “The Kitchen” revolve around the lives of the staff of the Claude Monet restaurant. The main "conductor" in this team is a chef with extensive experience, Viktor Barinov.

kitchen cast

However, with all their professionalmerits Barinov has a completely unbearable character. He is not only derogatory to some of his cooks and waiters, but also not indifferent to alcohol. Sometimes it seems that the only thing dear to Viktor Petrovich is his kitchen.

The cast of the project is rich in well-known names.But Dmitry Nazarov, perhaps, became famous thanks to the role of Viktor Barinov. Of course, the artist played small roles in other TV shows (“Kamenskaya”, “Citizen Head”, “Shtrafbat”), but Nazarov did not receive major roles in the cinema. But the sitcom telling about the restaurant “Claude Monet” made the face of the artist recognizable in a flash.

"Kitchen": the cast. Katya Semenova and the performer of this role

Valeria Fedorovich’s name was practically notIt is known until the girl appeared in one of the seasons of “Kitchen” in the image of Katya Semyonova. When a mysterious specialist in the field of molecular cuisine suddenly appeared in the walls of the restaurant “Claude Monet”, the audience could not understand why Victor Barinov was trying to oust her from the team.

the cast of the show kitchen
Лишь немного позже открылась тайна:It turns out that Katya Semenova is the chef’s daughter, with whom he has not been in contact for many years. But the relationship between father and daughter are getting closer to the last seasons of the series “Kitchen” (season 6).

The cast of the sitcom is full of newby names. Valeria's name is one of them. The girl graduated from Shchepkinsk school. Even during her studies, she began to appear on the screens: the melodrama “Violetta from Atamanovka”, a fantastic film “Survive After”. However, after graduating from college, the girl was not invited to play in any theater. Then she began to actively attend the casting of TV projects and, finally, was approved for the role of Katya Semyonova.

Mark Bogatyrev in the role of Max

The cast of the series "Kitchen" is unlikely to costwithout Mark Bogatyryov. And in general, his character is almost the main one in all this film story. It is Maxim who explains what is happening on the screen at the beginning of each series and at the end.

kitchen season 6 cast
As for the biography of the character, then Max LavrovI came to Moscow from Voronezh because I thought that cooking was his vocation. The young man was lucky to get into the team of Claude Monet, but the wayward Viktor Petrovich was not very much and contributed to his advancement along the career ladder. In the 40th series, Max was generally demoted to the waiters. Another problem in Lavrov’s life is his relationship with Claude Monet’s art director Victoria. For several seasons, the couple converged and diverged. And only in the final episodes will the character be able to realize his dream: to become a chef and get a full-fledged family.

Mark Bogatyrev also owes a lot to the show."Kitchen". The name of the young performer previously flashed in the credits of the films "Tariff New Year", "Wood grouse" and "Champions". However, the popularity he earned precisely the role of Max Lavrov.

Elena Podkaminskaya in the role of Victoria

If we talk about the permanent main characters of the sitcom “Kitchen”, season 6, the cast of which has changed several times, still remains Helena Podkaminskaya's finest hour.

kitchen cast photo
The actress performed one of the most colorful roles.in the series: her heroine Victoria Goncharova is beautiful, self-sufficient and extremely self-confident. Victoria holds the post of art director at the Claude Monet restaurant, so in a sense she is the boss.

Elena Podkaminskaya, who played Victoria,for a long time was in the shadows. And although she debuted on the screen at the age of 23 in the Poirot Failure mini-series, the artist was not offered good roles for very long. There were only minor characters in the projects "Freud's Method 2", "Adjutants of Love" and "The Brothers Karamazov" until a Kitchen "sitcom" appeared on the horizon. The cast was added to another beautiful woman, and Podkaminskaya finally began to enjoy its well-deserved popularity.

Dmitry Nagiyev as himself

The creators of the sitcom also decided to add some zest to the on-screen development of events. The cast of the TV series "Kitchen" basically played fictional characters.

kitchen cast
However, Dmitry Nagiyev this time appeared inself image. According to the plot, the star of the screens, Dmitry Nagiyev, is the owner of the French restaurant “Claude Monet”. What to hide, Nagiyev became a peculiar adornment of the film: his every appearance in the frame was accompanied by an abundance of winged sayings and indescribable verbal turns. In addition, Nagiyev coped well with the role of boss-tyrant. In principle, he moved to the new role with the old set of familiar techniques and tricks.

Other performers of roles

The series "Kitchen", the cast of whichbecame famous in a flash, turned into a springboard for many actors. A graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School Viktor Khoriniak played a charming bartender Kostya. Prior to this, the novice artist starred in the projects “Univer” and “Pilot of International Airlines”. Also, Olga Kuzmina (“A Man in Me”), Sergey Epishev (“Churchill”) and Sergey Lavygin (“Mommies”) flashed in the frame.