The series "Prison of Oz" is a shocking TV-saga, oneof the best in their genre. Striking in the nervous system of stunning realism and outright cruelty, the film tells about people in one way or another associated with the state correctional institution of strict regime "Oswald", or - abbreviated - the prison "Oz". The actors of the saga deserve a deafening ovation, all heroes of television are live, colorful personalities. The single narrative narrative passes through all six seasons, without losing those characteristics for which the film received the approval of critics and an impressive army of fans. The series "Prison Oz" reviews received extremely contradictory, which is not surprising, the creators without embellishment demonstrate all aspects of human relationships through the prism of prison reality.

School of Human Relations
The series "Prison Oz", the actors and roles of whichhave gained unprecedented popularity for 6 seasons, has a multi-layered plot with many branches. The narrative unfolds within the strict state correctional institution, which contains the most dangerous and cruel criminals: murderers, perverts, real psychopaths. In prison during the day sterile cleanliness, strict discipline and absolute order reign. But at night the order established by the official authorities is replaced by another terrible law, and not everyone will be allowed to live until morning. The cycle of events on the screen is extremely similar to the school of human relations, it not only drags into history, but also prompts the viewer to reflect and rethink his own life. So exciting events unfold in every season of the series "Prison Oz." The actors who embodied the central characters on the screen were so imbued with a general atmosphere that they literally lived the lives of their heroes.

Actors' Ensemble
Actors of the series "Prison Oz" in the primarymost of the experience of being in prison did not have, with some exceptions. Mums Da Shemer and Chuck Zito are the only casting cast that actually sat in jail. According to the assessment of the world of film critics, a special dramatic talent were able to demonstrate creative acting duo - Dean Winters and Scott William Winters, who embodied on the screen Ryan and Cyril O'Reilly. Also, without attention of specialists, there was no colorful trio of Vern Shillinger, Tobias Beecher and Christopher Keller.

Casting reruns
Special requirements for role-playersthe central characters were presented by screenwriter Tom Fontana, who co-wrote the script in the project "Prison of Oz." Actors during the casting, responding to his question about the ability to box, lied, of all involved in the project, as it turned out, only Chuck Zito could box. By the way, Chuck Zito himself was initially tested for the role of one of the members of the biker group, but thanks to his texture and New York accent, he ideally approached the role of an Italian. Most of the artists who embodied on screen convicted, in due time played the role of law enforcement officers in other television projects. From the series "Law and order: Special Corps" in "Oz" moved four artists at once: Dean Winters, JK Simmons, BD Wong and Christopher Meloni.

Loyalty and nedogmatichnost narrative narrative
More than once the screenwriters had to showthe highest skill and loyalty, literally "on the move" redrawing the development of the story line of the tape "Prison Oz." The actors of the project took part in the filming of other paintings in parallel, so they "dropped out" from the narrative. For example, Kirk Acevedo, filming in the action movie "Brothers in Arms", was absent almost the first half of the fourth season. The writers had to "organize" the escape of his character Miguel Alvarez. In the final of the fourth season Kirk returns, but soon gets an attractive offer from the creators of the "Third Shift" and again leaves "Oz". Writers have nothing left to do but to "sit" his hero in the cooler.
In this same ill-fated fourth season, the actressEddie Falco leaves the project because of the filming in the movie "The Sopranos", her heroine officer Whitsley authors had to be transferred to London. During the shooting of the culminating series of the same season, Christopher Meloni leaves Oz, unable to combine participation in this series and in the Law and Order. Fortunately, the actor found strength and continued to appear in both TV projects at the same time. In the first season, the creators had to immediately "execute" Jefferson Keane, since the performer of his role, Leon categorically refused to participate in the shootings. Adevale Akinuoye-Agbaje, who played Simon Adebizi, the head of black prisoners, left the series because of his participation in the film "The Mummy Returns." The authors, reluctantly, had to say goodbye to his character.
"Prison of Oz" - this is a cult criminala television series from HBO, the brainchild of Tom Fontana. A real prison television drama, raising serious social problems. Everything is organic in it: an actor's ensemble, unpredictable plot moves, colorful characters, an intriguing storyline that captivates, encourages to view from the first to the last seasons, everything is connected to an amazing mix.