/ / A. Ostrovsky, “Thunderstorm”: the characteristics of the Wild

A. Ostrovsky, "Thunderstorm": characteristics of the Wild

Alexander Ostrovsky in the play "The Thunderstorm" of all residentsthe city was divided into two large groups: the "dark kingdom" and the oppressed. The first is the powerful, wealthy and ignorant people, suppressing all modern and living. Vivid representatives of this group are Wild and Kabaniha. The author contrasts them with the victims of the “dark kingdom,” oppressed people. These include Kuligin, Katerina, Boris, Tikhon, Barbara, Kudryash. Unhappy heroes are equally affected by representatives of the "dark kingdom", except that they show their protest in different ways.

wild characteristic

Money rules the world

Characteristics of the Wild becomes clear afterread the names of the landowner, which speaks for itself. Savel Prokofich is a wealthy merchant and a very respected man in the city of Kalinovo. This is one of the most negative characters in the play. Rude, aggressive, ignorant, stubborn - such is a brief description of the Wild. This person feels his impunity, therefore he is ruled by unbridled outrage. The landowner allows himself to treat people as a nonentity, to be rude, to call names, to offend - all this gives him indescribable pleasure.

Wild can be described in one word -petty tyrant. Savel Prokofich intimidated everyone around him, there is no rest from him either to people around him or his relatives. Characteristics of the Wild readers disgusted. Every day, his wife, with tears in her eyes, begs everyone not to anger the master, but he cannot be angry: he himself does not know what his mood will be in a minute. Homemade from the rage of Savel Prokofich hiding in the closets and attics.

brief description of the wild

Excessive Landlord Greed

Characteristics of the Wild will be more completeif you add greed to the tyranny. More than anything, he loves his money, parting with which for him is like a knife in the heart. Servant and did not dare to hint about salary. The owner himself understands that he needs to give money, and in the end he will give it away, but before that he will surely curse the person. It didn’t cost anything to hurt someone, to hurt the master more. He is not at all ashamed of strangers; he uses strong words and, without hesitation, moot those who are weaker than him.

Ignorance and Despotism

Cowardice before peers, rejection of everythingNew - this is also a characteristic of the Wild. The landowner does not care about the feelings of the people around him, but he maintains his temper in front of those who can fight back. Savel Prokofich did not dare to be rude to a hussar driving, but then he took his offense at home. Kabaniche, too, he does not dare to show his character, because he considers her equal to himself.

characteristic of a wild landowner
Островский очень хорошо показал невежество Дикого in conversation landowner with Kulagin. Savel sincerely believes that a thunderstorm is sent as a punishment for sins. He accuses Kulagin of fraud, because how can you defend yourself from the elements by rozna yes poles. Characteristic Wild shows how he really is stupid and backward man. His ignorance is traced in the manner of speaking, in intonation, the use of expletive, offensive expressions, the distortion of words of foreign origin. A rude, stupid, stubborn despot - that is what can be said about Dick.