/ / Theme of friendship in the lyrics of Pushkin. Friendship motives in the lyrics of A. S. Pushkin

The theme of friendship in the lyrics of Pushkin. Motives of friendship in the lyrics of Alexander Pushkin

Significant place in the works of A.S.Pushkin allotted to the theme of friendship. Lyceum partnership - this is what became the support for the whole subsequent life of the poet. In the most difficult moments of his life, he turned to his friends for support, even from a distance. The theme of friendship in the poetry of Pushkin is particularly vivid in works written during his years of study at the lyceum.

Theme of friendship in the lyrics of Pushkin

Lyceum friends A.S. Pushkin

The theme of friendship in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkina

Theme of friendship in the lyrics of A. S.Pushkin appears in the earliest poems, written by him during his studies at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. But later, the poet turned to the genre of a lyrical message to friends, whom he greatly appreciated. Pushkin had particular friendly feelings for his fellow students I. Pushchin, V. Kuchelbekker and A. Delwig. However, in addition to the comrades whom the writer met at the lyceum, he dedicated his work to K. Batiushkov and P. Chaadaev.

The theme of friendship in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin

Features of treatment of the theme of friendship

Motives of friendship in the lyrics of A. S.Pushkin acquired different colors depending on the period of writing the poem, the object of dedication. So, in the poems of the poet of genius, we can find only a mention of friendship, support. In some of the works, friendships are enormous and unfold in dedication, sacrifice, a sense of fraternity and inseparable unity. Most of the lyceum poet poetry devoted to the theme of friendship. After all, Pushkin really loved dreamy Delvig, sometimes ridiculous Kuchelbecker, resolute A. Chaadaev and his other peers. Loyalty to his friends, he carried through his life and was grateful for the fact that they did not turn away from him, in spite of any adversity. This Pushkin is different from other poets of the 19th century. The partnership was not so much glorified as love; it was not so poeticized by anyone as Pushkin.

The first experiences. Message "To Batyushkov"

Это стихотворение было написано в 1814 году и It is considered one of the first experiences in the field of friendly lyrics. Here the poet addresses his friend Batiushkov first of all as a poet, he gives him advice on creativity. The main thing - do not forget the lyre, even for love. The theme of friendship and love in the lyrics of A. S. Pushkin is always one and inseparable. But here the lyrical hero puts allegiance to his creativity above all else.

"Epistle to Galich"

Galich was not only a friend, but alsoa teacher. Already in this poem, Pushkin’s attitude toward friendship clearly sounds, more precisely, he gives its definition. Friendship is not “an exchange of vanity and fun,” not just a carefree pastime, it is a unity of thoughts, it is a nobility, it is the desire to improve each other, and not indulge in petty feelings and shortcomings of another person.

Motive of loyalty

The theme of friendship in the lyrics of Pushkin is closely related tothe motive of loyalty and friendly duty. Particularly vividly he appeared in the poem "Separation". In general, this work marked the transition from the cheerful nonchalance of Pushkin the Lyceum student to more serious, adult lyrics. Here the writer takes an oath of allegiance to the holy brotherhood, which does not seem to be an exaggeration. The poem is dedicated to a friend Kuchelbekker.


This poem was written by Pushkin duringhis links in Mikhailovsky. The poet was alone, he had no connection with the outside world, reading and poetry remained the only entertainment. Then one day Pushin came to visit him. Alexander Sergeevich was incredibly pleased with his arrival, touched. And subsequently he created the greatest poem about faithful and faithful friendship. It was necessary to be a truly courageous and selfless friend to write such a message to the Decembrist openly. In the work Pushkin recalls the arrival of Pushkin to him in Mikhailovskoye (1825). The second stanza is the poet's plea that his voice also help a friend who is in life penal servitude, as the Pushcha’s visit once helped him.

Friendship motives in the lyrics of A.S., Pushkin

Pushchin was devoted many poems.One of the most beautiful is called “K Pushchin”. This is a poetic congratulation on his birthday, in which Pushkin endows his friend with such vivid epithets as "an amiable birthday man", "heart friend". Here the poet says that real friends do not need a reception according to etiquette, any conventions, because they already know how they relate to each other.

Late "friendly" poetry

One of the brightest works of friendship,written in the 30s, it became "The more often the lyceum celebrates." The basis for the creation of the work served a number of reasons. Firstly, the anniversary of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which Pushkin could not forget. Secondly, by this time his most loyal and loyal friends Pushin and Kuchelbekker were in exile in Siberia. And another comrade has already died - Delvig. That is why the lines of the poem are filled with deep sadness and longing for the past days.

Уже в 1836 году Александр Сергеевич напишет еще One verse dedicated to the anniversary of the Lyceum - "It was time." The theme of friendship in the lyrics of Pushkin has played with other colors, has become more ambitious. This is a kind of poetic result, combining the motives of all works dedicated to the partnership. The leitmotif is the phrase "you remember ...", which says that the poet has not forgotten a single beautiful moment spent with his lyceum comrades, and that he hopes for the same feelings in their hearts. But here it’s not only appeal to friends, the work goes to a more ambitious level. The partnership here is a connection between the representatives of one generation, who survived through many adversities, ithoric upheavals, but at the same time keep in their souls memories of the “young holiday,” of days of fun and liberty.

Theme of love in the lyrics of Pushkin

Friendly and love lyrics form the basisPushkin's creative heritage. For a poet, love is a bright feeling that brings joy. And it was not important whether the feelings were mutual. The main thing is the delight of a loving soul, the thrill of the heart. As an example, one can cite two of Pushkin’s most famous poems about love: “K ***” and “I loved you”. The poem "K ***" ("I remember a wonderful moment") is dedicated to Anna Kern. In this text, love is synonymous with the words "inspiration", "life", "tears". Tears that again become possible for a lyrical hero are not sadness or sadness, but a sign of life, a sign that a person knows how to feel, knows how to love, and consequently, he knows how to create.

Love and friendship in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin

"I Loved You" is an example of a lyrical poem,the theme of which is loveless lovelessness. Just a few lines Pushkin was able to fit the huge feelings. The love about which the author speaks in the past tense, obviously, lives in it even now. But he is so delicate that he will never tell his chosen one about it, so as not to disturb or upset her. The great, selfless feeling is depicted by the poet. This is not a zealous, possessive love, but one that gives freedom, for which the most important thing is for its object to be happy: "how may God give you to your beloved to be different."

Perhaps none of the poets have been so powerful.portray the life-giving power of love. So, Lermontov, the successor of Pushkin, saw in her only bitterness and suffering. The same can be said about Tyutchev, for whom love is the unequal struggle of two hearts, this is a death sentence imposed on both lovers.

 friendly and love lyrics

The theme of friendship and love in the lyrics of A. S. Pushkin. Interpretation features (briefly)

1. Friendship for Pushkin is a person's ability to see the flaws in a friend, to fight with them.

2. True friendship is eternal, it cannot cease due to any external circumstances.

3. Love and friendship in the lyrics of A. S. Pushkin is a source of inspiration.

4. Love cannot be unhappy, even if it is unrequited. Love is a ray of light in the soul of man.

5. Without feelings, a person cannot live a full life, cannot create anything.

Thus, the theme of friendship in the lyrics of Pushkin is one of the main ones, it is inextricably linked with love, devotion, and also service to ideals and homeland.