/ / Friedrich Schiller, "Robbers": a summary of the work

Friedrich Schiller, "The Robbers": a summary of the work

This drama was created in 1871 by Schiller.The “Rogues,” a brief summary of which is offered to your attention, became the starting point in the development of the German predatory novel. The work takes place in Germany at the time when Schiller himself lived. “Robbers”, a brief summary of which we will examine, is a drama, based on which D. Verdi wrote an opera with the same name.

News of the dissolute life of Karl

Schiller robbers summary

The action of the work begins in the ancestral castle,where barons von Moore live: father, Franz (younger son), and Amalia von Edelreich (bride of eldest son and pupil of the count). The author tells that Franz received a letter from a solicitor from Leipzig. The Solicitor asks him for advice about the dissolute life of the eldest son of Count Carl von Moore. This young man is a student at the University of Leipzig. The old man, saddened by the letter, allows his son to write to Carl and report that the count is angry and deprives him of his inheritance and parental blessing.

Carl decides to become a robber

a summary of the robbers Schiller chapters

In the meantime, students gather in a tavern,located on the border with Saxony. This is their usual meeting place. Karl is waiting for a response to a letter to his father, in which he repents in a promiscuous life and makes a promise to be engaged in business. Spiegelberg, his friend, kills time with Carl. He says that robbing is better than living in poverty. Karl receives a letter from von Moore. After reading it, the young man comes to despair. Spiegelberg, meanwhile, talks about how great it would be to live in the Bohemian forests. You can take money from wealthy travelers and spend it. This thought takes poor students. However, they need a chieftain. Despite the fact that Spiegelberg is counting on this position, everyone unanimously decides to elect Charles as ataman. Hoping that thanks to such a life he will forget his daughter-in-law, his father and his past, the young man takes an oath of allegiance to the robbers who swear allegiance to him.

Frant Franz

Further, the intrigues of Franz are described by Schiller("Rogues"). A summary of their following. After Franz drives the father of his eldest son out of the heart, he wants to blacken Karl in the eyes of Amalia, his bride. He tells the girl that the diamond ring that she had presented to her lover before leaving was given to a slag who had nothing to pay for services. Franz draws in front of the girl a portrait of a sick beggar, dressed in rags. The "deadly faintness" strikes from his mouth. That is now her beloved Carl. However, it is not so easy to convince a loving heart. Amalie does not believe Franz and chases him away.

Then in the head of Franz matures a new plan.the realization of a dream (to become the master of the inheritance of von Moore). The young man persuades for this Herman, a side son of a local nobleman. He should change his clothes and go to the old man, saying that he saw Karl die. His son allegedly participated in the battle of Prague. It is unlikely that the heart of a sick count will be able to withstand such sad news. Franz for this promises to Herman to give him Amalie, which Karl von Moore once beat off from him.

"Death" Count

Friedrich Schiller robbers content

Everything happens according to a plan that Franz decided to carry out from the drama, the author of which is Friedrich Schiller (“The Robbers”). The content of this plan we have already briefly described. In the photo above - a portrait of Schiller.

The count speaks with Amalie, remembers the elderson Here comes disguised Herman. The young man reports that Karl was left without a livelihood, so he had to participate in the Prussian-Austrian campaign. He died heroically in Bohemia, where the war threw him. Dying, Karl allegedly asked to give his father his sword, as well as to return the portrait of Amalia and her oath of allegiance. The old man blames himself for the death of his son. However, he notices the joy on the face of Franz and begins to understand that it is he who is to blame for all the misfortunes of Karl. The count loses consciousness, leaning back on the pillows. Franz thinks that he is dead, and that makes him happy.

Ataman Karl's life

In the Bohemian forests, meanwhile, is pillagingThe eldest son of Count Karl, the hero of the drama, which was created by F. Schiller ("The Robbers"). A summary should be made by saying a few words about his life in the forest. This young man is brave. He loves to play with death, since he lost all interest in life. Ataman gives his booty to orphans. He punishes the rich, robbing ordinary people. Karl says that his craft is revenge, and the craft is retribution.

Franz rules in the castle

Summary of Schiller's drama "Rogues"continued by the fact that Franz ruled in the ancestral castle. He achieved his goal, but does not feel satisfaction: Amalie still does not agree to become his wife. Herman, realizing that he was deceived, reveals a "terrible secret" to the girl. It turns out that Karl is alive, like the old count.

Carl decides to visit his castle

Together with the gang the eldest son of the count is insurrounded by bohemian dragoons. However, the people of Karl manage to escape, paying for it with the life of just one fighter (the dragoons lost about 300 people). Czech nobleman asks for the detachment of Charles. He lost his fortune and his beloved, whose name is Amalia. In the soul of Karl, the story of this man evokes some memories. He is going to go to Franconia with a gang.

f shiller robbers a brief summary

The young man, posing as Count von Brand, penetratesin your own family castle. Here he meets Amalie and sees that she is faithful to the "dead Karl." Among the portraits of the ancestors presented in the gallery, he notices the portrait of the father. Carl stops at him and peeps away a tear. Nobody will know the eldest son of the count. Only Franz, all-seeing and constantly suspecting everyone, guesses Carl in his guest. However, he does not tell anyone about his guesses. Franz forces Daniel, the old butler, to take an oath that he will kill the count who has arrived. However, Daniel on the scar on his hand recognizes him as Carl. He cannot lie to the old servant who raised him. But now Karl must leave the castle forever. Before leaving, he decides to see Amalie. The girl feels for him feelings, such as were previously associated with her only with Carl von Moore. However, Amalia does not recognize him, and the guest says goodbye to her beloved.

Carl finds his father

a summary of the drama Schiller robbers

Он возвращается к разбойникам.They must leave these places in the morning. In the meantime, Karl is walking in the woods. He stumbles upon a tower in the dark and hears a voice. This Herman arrived in order to feed the locked prisoner. Karl tears down the locks from the tower and frees his father, who is withered as a skeleton. It turns out that the graph, unfortunately, did not die from the message that Herman brought. In the coffin, he came to himself. Then Franz secretly sharpened his father into the tower, condemning him to loneliness, hunger and cold. After hearing the story of his father, Karl decided to take revenge. Despite the ties of kinship with Franz, he ordered the robbers to seize his younger brother and deliver him to him alive.

Franz's conversation with the pastor, Franz's death

Are you curious to know how the brief summary will continue? The “Robbers” (Schiller) are described in chapters only in general terms, but we will now outline further main events.

Daniel, the old valet, at night says goodbye tolock. He lived here all his life. Franz comes in with a candle in his hand. He is worried. Franz dreamed in a dream Last Judgment. For his sins, he was sent to hell. Franz begs Daniel to call the pastor. He considered himself an atheist his whole life, and even now he is having a dispute with a visiting priest on religious topics. However, this time he fails with the same ease to laugh at the argument about the immortality of the soul. Franz, having received confirmation from the priest that patricide and fratricide are the gravest sins, is frightened. He suddenly realizes that his soul cannot escape hell.

The robbers sent by Carl attack the castle. They set fire to it, but Franz cannot be grabbed. He himself is constricted by using the lace from the hat.

Death amalia

Drama Schiller is already approaching the final"Robbers". The members of the gang, having executed the order, return to the forest where Karl is waiting for them, still not recognized by the father. Amalie comes with them. She rushes to Moore, hugs and calls the bridegroom. The count learns about who is the leader of the bandits, murderers and thieves. Upon learning of this, he dies. However, Amalie forgives her lover. She is ready to start a new life with him. But love is hampered by the fact that Moore took an oath of allegiance to the robbers. Realizing that she cannot be happy without Karl, the girl asks for death. And Moore stabs her.

Carl surrenders to the authorities

Friedrich Schiller robbers summary

The spectacular finale prepared us Friedrich Schiller("Robbers"). A summary of the later life of Karl is as follows He drank his cup to the bottom and realized that the world cannot be rectified by atrocities, but his life is over. And he surrenders to justice. Karl was still on the way to his castle talking to a poor man with a large family. Now he is going to him, so that he surrenders to the authorities the "famous robber" and received a thousand louis dors for his head.

drama Schiller robbers

This concludes his drama Schiller. “Robbers”, the brief content of which was described by us, is one of the most interesting works in his work.