Writer Friedrich Gorenstein

Friedrich Gorenstein - a talented writerscreenwriter and playwright. He is a symbolic persona in both Russian and world literature. Want to know about the life and work of this writer in more detail? Read the article carefully.

Friedrich Gorenstein: biography

Gorenstein Friedrich Naumovich

Будущий писатель родился 18 марта 1932 года в Kiev Friedrich's father, a professor of political economy, was arrested in 1935. And two years later he was shot. Since then, Friedrich began to bear the name of his mother - Felix Prilutsky. However, the writer later regained his surname and original name. During the Great Patriotic War, Friedrich's mother, who worked as the director of a house for young offenders, went with her son to evacuate from Berdichev. However, the woman could not survive the trip and died on the road near the city of Orenburg. After the death of the mother, Friedrich was placed in an orphanage. After the war, the boy leaves the orphanage and lives with his sisters Zlota and Rachel in his native Berdichiva.

For several years, Gorenstein FriedrichNaumovich works as a laborer. The young writer finishes the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute and since 1961 has been working as an engineer. Later, Friedrich moved to Moscow, where he studied at the Higher scenario courses. During this time, Gorenstein wrote scripts for seventeen films. However, only five of them were implemented.

In addition, Frederick wrote for magazines.His works did not want to publish, so most of the creativity went into the box. In the USSR, there was published only one story of the writer “A House with a Tower”. It happened in 1964 in the magazine "Youth". Thanks to one single publication, Friedrich made a name and attracted attention.

Creativity Gorenstein very much appreciatedpeople he gave to read his unpublished works. It was a fairly narrow circle of people, which included filmmakers (Andrei Konchalovsky, Andrei Tarkovsky), critics (Benedict Sarnov, Lazar Lazarev, Anna Berzer), writers (Yuri Trifonov) and other intellectual elite.


Friedrich Gorenstein

С 1978 года Фридрих Горенштейн публикуется за by the border. Moreover, the writer decided to emigrate from the Soviet Union. Since 1980, Gorenstein has been living in Austria, in the city of Vienna. After some time, the writer moved to West Berlin, as he was a contender for a creative scholarship from the German DAAD exchange service. Thus, Frederick became the first Russian writer to receive such a prestigious scholarship.

Artworks Gorenstein actively publish inthe New York Word and various émigré journals like The Edge, Syntax, Continent, etc. After 1992, when Gorenstein had a three-volume work in Moscow, the writer was completely forgotten and stopped publishing his books. Ignored Frederick and literary critics. Lasted like the whole ten years. Nevertheless, the works of Gorenstein continued to publish abroad. Thus, in the 90s in France 8 books of the writer were released, in Germany - 11.


Friedrich Gorenstein writer

Горенштейн Фридрих Наумович умер 2 марта 2002 years in Berlin. The cause of death was a serious illness, with which the talented writer fought for several years. Frederick did not live just a few days before his 70th birthday. Gorenstein was buried in Weissensee - one of the oldest Jewish cemeteries.


Frederick Gorenstein wrote quite a lot in his life.many works that are recognized by the world classics. However, the most famous him brought the novel called "Place", which was released in 1976. The book consists of three parts and an epilogue. All events unfolded in Russia in the 50s when Stalin died and Khrushchev came to power.

The story is on behalf of a young man named GoshTsvibyshev is an orphan and the son of the repressed. The author tries to portray the cruelty of the communist regime, with which the main character collided. In the novel, some autobiographical motifs can be traced.

Frederick Gorenstein biography

Frederick Gorenstein established himself asgood playwright. For example, a play called "Baby Killer" (1985), which told about Peter the First and the young prince Alexey, was staged in Russia. For many years, this work has not disappeared from the scenes of famous Moscow theaters. The play received a lot of flattering reviews and reviews from critics.