L. Andreev, "Kusaka." Summary of the work
So, let's pass to the analysis and comprehension of history,which captured in a short story Leonid Andreev. "Kusaka" (the summary is not able to convey the depth of feeling that the writer has put into the story) is the story of a dog that does not belong to anyone who lives on the street. There is no nickname, no house, owners, and simply sympathetic, caring people, she can not meet. The dog most often hides in her one famous secret corner of the garden. Sometimes she runs out into the street. Then the children throw stones and sticks into it, and the adults whistle after them. The dog was lucky to meet kind people, whose dacha she guarded.

What is the main idea of the story?It can be determined even after reading the summary. Andreev L .: "Kusaka" is the story that a soulless attitude toward animals leads to indifference and stiffness in communicating people among themselves. It is not by chance that in the beginning of the story an episode with a drunken peasant is placed, who called the dog to caress, but then he suddenly remembered all the injuries inflicted on him by people, and swept away the evil on the animal, striking Kusak with his boot. Certainly, Leonid Andreev calls for humanism in his work. "Kusaka," a brief summary of which we present here, also serves this lofty goal. Justified and the episode at the end of the story, showing the fool Ilyu, over which cynically laugh in the village and adults and children. What does he teach, what draws our attention in the story Leonid Andreev? "Kusaka", a brief summary also confirms this, a sample of the so-called Aesopian language, when the shortcomings of people, their unseemly acts, are shown and ridiculed on the example of animal behavior. Be more attentive to others, be kinder and more merciful - the main appeal of the author of this work.