/ / "Hesperides' apples": a summary of the myth

"Apples of the Hesperides": a brief summary of the myth

The ancient literature includes a lottales of heroes and their adventures, of their battles and wanderings, of the gods who helped man, then remained indifferent to cruelty. One of such heroes is Hercules - the legendary son of Zeus of the Thunderer and the earthly woman of Alkmena. But it was not his divine origin that glorified him, but his deeds. The feats of Hercules (the apples of the Hesperides are the twelfth and the last in a row) are stories about the incredible difficulties that the hero had to overcome. But first things first.

A bit of prehistory

The myth of the Hesperides Apples (a summary of hisThe following is the story of one of the most difficult exploits of the ancient hero. But before you talk about its essence, you should tell about the character itself. Hercules was the son of Zeus and the earthly woman. Before the birth of the boy, the Thunderer predicted his authority over the whole world. But jealous Hera, the wife of God, did not like it. With cunning and deceit, she made Hercules go into exile and was forced to serve King Eurystheus, a cowardly and cowardly man. Being afraid of a relative, the governor sent him to perform ridiculous tasks, hoping that he would not return back. But every time Hercules returned the winner.

Myth apples Hesperides

New job

Миф «Яблоки Гесперид», краткое содержание which we consider, begins with the fact that the king calls the hero to himself immediately after his return. This time he sends Hercules to the ends of the earth, where no one knew the way. This time Eurystheus ordered that he bring him golden apples from the coveted garden. In the garden behind which Titan's daughter Atlanta looked, a tree grown by Gaia and donated to Hera on her wedding day with Zeus grew. The fruits of it could not be snatched from anyone mortal, and it was forbidden to enter the garden. The hero had nowhere to go: he was again going on a long journey to carry out the commission.

The myth of the Hesperides Apples tells Hercules thatfirst it was necessary to find the way to the coveted garden. Whom he asked, but no one, neither the wisest old men, nor half gods, could know this. Forest nymphs advised the hero to ask the sea god Nerea. Catching him sleepy on the beach and holding him in his arms (God resisted and tried to escape), the son of Zeus learned the way. Without delaying a minute more, he heads north.

feats of heracles apples hesperides

"Apples of the Hesperides": a summary

Finally, Hercules reached the edge of the world, wheregrew an unusual apple tree. In the place where the river Eridanus flowed, the Atlanta stood and held the firmament on its shoulders. After greeting the titan, he told him who he was and why he had granted it. It turned out that the Hesperides were daughters of the titan, so he volunteered to help Hercules.

The myth of the Hesperides Apples tells that Atlant(or Atlas) put the sky on Hercules’s shoulders, and, straightening his back, went to the garden. He was gone for a long time, the hero's muscles sank, and sweat poured his forehead. And only the help of Athena allowed to withstand this burden. Finally, titanium appeared, carrying brilliant fruit in its hands. He offered to take them to Eurystheus, but Hercules guessed that in this way Atlas was trying to evade his work. Having resorted to cunning, he returned the sky to the shoulders of Atlanta, picked up the apples and hurried home.

Hesperides Apples Summary


Myth "Hesperides Apples", a summarywhich we are considering, ends with the return of the hero to Mycenae. However, the king was not at all happy about Hercules and his offering: he did not accept the apples, but he kicked the servant out. Hercules presented the fruits of Athena, and she returned them to the daughters of Atlanta in the garden.

Completing the last mission of King Eurystheus, Heraclesbecame free. But the fame of him has long been ahead of him. All admired the courage and strength, endurance and ingenuity of the hero, but he himself did not stop helping people.