/ / Comedy by A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit": Characters and Their Characteristics

Comedy by A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit": Characters and Their Characteristics

The events depicted in the play take place in thepostwar years (after the war of 1812), when the Decembrist movement begins to unfold. There are two opposing camps. These are advanced nobles and conservatives. In the play, the leading nobles are represented by Chatsky, and the conservatives are all FAMUSOVO society.


In a private conflict, the epochal conflict was reflected.But the public would not have become so significant if it had not been associated with specific individuals, albeit fictitious. Clever and honest, an open young man struggles with the vicious age of the past.

There are two story lines in the work:love and social. A comedy with a love affair begins. Coming missing three years Chatsky in the house of Famusov, he is met by the daughter of the master Sophia. "Woe from Wit" represents a love story. Chatsky is in love and expects the girl of reciprocity. Next, the love line is intertwined with the social line.

Chatsky and Famusov embodied twoopposing camps in society. Alexander Andreich's conflict with the past century becomes inevitable, as soon as Chatsky crosses the threshold of the house of Famusov. He, with his honest views and ideas, encounters viciousness, mustiness and servility.

Speech heroes and speaking names

Speaking of the speech of comedy characters, sherather vividly characterizes their features. For example, Skalozub often uses military vocabulary, which speaks of his profession. Khlestov also uses rich, rich vocabulary. The main character Chatsky masterfully speaks Russian, which is only his monologues, full of such vitality and beauty ("Who are the judges?"). Chatsky is not only a young man in love, he is primarily an ardent denunciator of the defects of Famusov's society. Only with words and nothing else does he brand the truthful Chatsky of those around him. Many phrases embedded in the mouth of the main character, became winged. Speech Chatsky, on the one hand, close to the language of Radishchev, on the other - was very peculiar. A.S. Griboyedov basically refused to comedy in the monologues of the main character from the book speech and foreign words.

Chatsky in the comedy

The names of the characters can be called talking.MOLCHALIN in the comedy "Woe from Wit" (from the word "silent") is a laconic, quiet young man. This list can be supplemented by such names as Tugoukhovsky, Repetilov, Skalozub.


The main task of the comedy was the writerto depict the images of Famus society. There are no superfluous characters in the work. All images are important for characterizing both the main characters and their entire environment.

Chatsky and Famusov

Skalozub - rude dummy with characteristic mannersand appearance. In the speech ignorance, stupidity and spiritual impoverishment of this person is shown. This typical representative of the Famus society is against science and education as such. Naturally, Sergei Sergeich Skalozub is a welcome guest of the Famusov family and his ilk. In addition, it is in the image of Skalozub that Griboyedov shows the type of careerist who does not shun any means while moving up the career ladder.

Prince and Princess Tugoukhovskie, Khlestova

In the satirical vein, the Tugoukhovskys are shown.Prince Tugoukhovsky - a typical henpecked wife. He practically does not hear anything and only submissively obeys the princess. The Prince is Famusov in the future. His wife - the usual representative of the surrounding society: stupid, ignorant, negatively related to education. In addition, both gossip, as the first spread rumors that Chatsky went insane. Not for nothing did the critics subdivide all the secondary characters into three groups: Famusov, candidate in Famusov, Famusov-loser.

Khlestov is a stupid lady, but she is also of the opinion. In her opinion, honesty, human intellect directly depend on social status and wealth.

MOLCHALIN in comedy Woe from Wit

Repetilov and Zagoretsky

Repetilov is the type of Famusov-loser incomedy "Woe from Wit". A character who has absolutely no positive traits. He is stupid enough, careless, likes to drink. He is a superficial philosopher, a kind of parody of Chatsky's line. From Repetilov, the author made a parody of the main character. He also propagates public ideas, but this is just following the fashion and nothing more.

Another Famusov-loser is Zagoretsky AA.In the characteristics given to him by the other heroes, you can see the words-synonyms to the term "swindler" several times. For example, Gorich says: "A swindler, a rogue: Anton Antonych Zagoretsky." However, all of his fraud and lies are within the surrounding life, in the rest he is quite law-abiding citizen. In Zagoretsky even more from Molchalin, rather than from Famusov. He needs everyone, despite the fact that the gossip and the liar. He not only picks up the rumor about Chatsky's madness, but also supplements it with his fantasies.


The character to which Griboedov showed a littlesympathy is Goric. "Woe from Wit" brings to the scene a friend Chatsky, who came to the ball to Famusov with his wife. He is a kind person, soberly assessing the surrounding reality. It is not included by the author in any group. A friend and companion of Chatsky before, now, hearing about his "illness", does not believe this. But he is not without flaws. Having a gentle nature, after marriage Gorich became the henpecked wife and forgot his beliefs. His image is the image of a servant husband.


In other words, in the comedy "Woe from Wit" a characterThis and a number of others personify the "past" age with its rules, ideals and habits. All these are limited in their development individuals who are categorically against everything new, and most importantly, against open truth.

The difference between comedy and 18th-century literature

A huge and fundamental difference in comedyGriboyedov from the works of the 18th century is that practically all heroes in it are not just positive or negative types, they are shown in a multilateral way. In "Woe from Wit", the character of Famusov is depicted not only as a person who is in spiritual stagnation; Famusov is a good father of his family, a true gentleman. Chatsky is very ardent and sensitive, at the same time witty and intelligent.

Chatsky in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is leaving,disappointed in the subject of his love. On the question of who he is - the winner or the defeated one, you can answer this: Chatsky was broken by the amount of the old force, but he defeated the past century with the quality of the new strength.

This is how the social typification of characters is manifested.If here the author departs from classicism, then in a love affair, on the contrary, tries to observe the laws of this particular direction. There is a heroine and two lovers, an unsuspecting father and a maid covering her mistress. But otherwise there is no similarity to the classic comedy. The role of the first lover is not suitable neither Chatsky nor MOLCHALIN. In the comedy "Woe from Witches", there are no heroic lovers from classicism: the first - loses, the second - is not a positive hero in every respect.

It can not be called the ideal heroine and Sophia."Woe from Wit" presents to our attention a smart girl, who is in love with worthless Molchalin. He is convenient to her. He is the one who can be pushed around all his life. She does not want to listen to Chatsky and is the first to dismiss the rumor of his madness.

Lisa is more of a resonator than a subreth.Among other things, the comedy traces the second, comic love line and the third, related to the relationship between Lisa, Molchalin, Petrusha and Famusov.


Inheritable characters

In addition to the main and secondary characters, skilfulThe hand of the writer was introduced into the work of inclusive characters. They are needed in order to increase the scale of the conflict of two centuries. These characters embody both the past and the present.

Remember at least Chamberlain Kuzma Petrovich,who is rich himself, and married to a rich man. This is Tatiana Yurievna and Praskovya, the narrow-minded foreigners who came to Russia for work. These images and a number of others lead the reader to the idea of ​​the wide-ranging conflict presented in the play "Woe from Wit". A character who shows the reader that Chatsky is not alone, there are those behind him who will promote ideas that are solidary to him, is also represented, and not in one way, but in several ways. For example, the comedy mentions a cousin of Skalozub from the village, a relative of Princess Tugoukhovskaya.

The main task, which was performed by the writer,depicting the heroes of the play, showing their views on society, and not revealing their psychological characteristics. Griboyedov is primarily a writer and educator, therefore, in each image, he vividly draws out certain moral qualities or their absence. He typifies the features and qualities of the character and immediately individualises them.

Chatsky has overtaken his age in everything.That is why he became a model of sincerity and nobility, and Famusov and Skalozub - a symbol of vulgarity and stagnation. Thus, on the example of 20 persons, the writer reflected the fate of a whole generation. Chatsky's views are the views of the entire advanced movement of the future Decembrists. Chatsky and Famusov - representatives of two generations, two centuries: the century of the enlightened and the century obsolete.