/ / What types of animations exist? The main types of computer animation. Types of animation in PowerPoint

What kinds of animations exist? The main types of computer animation. Types of animation in PowerPoint

Each person is characterized by the desire to reflectyour movement in work or creativity. To achieve this, you can, using a variety of animation techniques. The term "animation" was translated from Latin as "animation".

types of animations


Let's try to figure out what kinds of animations exist. They are also called the technology of the animation process.

  • Revitalization on the principle of "freeze frame".It is also called doll animation. There is a personnel fixation of the object, for example, using a camera, then the object changes position in the frame, then the fixation occurs again.
  • Morphing - the transformation of the object. The existing one is replaced by another, according to the principle of quantitative generation of the personnel structure.
  • Classic type - a movie created from a seriesseparate frame-by-frame images, with their alternate change. The main disadvantage is the high degree of complexity of the process. This direction is one of the frequently used. It represents those kinds of animations that are usually used (and used) in most animated films.
  • Color revival - characterized by the transformation of color without changing the overall spatial position.
  • 3D animation is a cartoon created with the help of specialized software (3DS MAX, XSI, MAYA) in which key scenes are created for a future video.
  • Sprite - the embodiment of this type of animation is done by using a programming language.
  • Capture Motion - the mostaccurately conveys all the nuances of natural movement, facial expressions. Special sensors placed on human actors are aligned with the control points of the model. When moving coordinates are transferred to them. Thanks to such methods, animated models come to life.

Все основные виды анимации, представленные в list can be created using various technical tools or manually. But today, most often for these purposes special computer programs are used to optimize the process of creating animated objects and works. Computer methods of creating cartoons expand the boundaries of expressiveness. Increases the degree of impact on the viewer by applying various effects that are not available with manual performance.

types of computer animation

Computer animation. Principles

Creating a cartoon using computerOpportunities are subject to certain rules. Their key principles are: raster, fractal, vector. There is also a separation of 2D and 3D animation software. Two-dimensional programs are usually used for Flash-animation, three-dimensional programs allow you to set the degree and type of object lighting, texture, and automatic rendering (rendering).

The main types of computer animation have the same principles in their work. All of the above types apply to them.

Methods for the preparation of computer animation

  • Key cropping method. Allows you to set the object in the requiredposition, correlate them relative to time intervals. The computer system completes the missing frames in the structure (between the reference frames). There is a re-creation of missing stages of movement.
  • Procedural animation. It is used if it is not possibleachieve replay of certain actions using keyframes. It characterizes computer types of animations from the point of view of the sequential construction of individual personnel structures.
  • Formation of single frames. Most often done with the help of various graphic editors. Separate frames of images are created, which will later be arranged in a certain sequence.
  • Raster principle of building animation. The most understandable of all listed previously.It is presented in the form of raster images that are saved in a single file. Commonly used format is GIF. There are a number of programs that allow such files to be released, such as, for example, Gimp.

All the above types of computer animation allow you to understand how multifaceted is the process of creating motion.

main types of animation

PowerPoint software

Touching on this topic and examining examplescomputer programs that allow you to create animated images, not to mention such a program as PowerPoint. It belongs to Microsoft. This package is designed to form presentations. The demand for presentations has been steadily growing, as a high-quality and visual presentation of projects and works is one of the key moments in the development of a professional. A presentation created in PowerPoint is a collection of slide materials with their simultaneous display on the screen. All necessary data after creating them in the program are stored in one file. Harvard Graphics, for example, also has a similar focus.

Wide enough internal program settingshelp to use different types of animation. In PowerPoint, the use of various ready-made templates allows you to most effectively approach the creation of presentations.

main types of computer animation

Main features of the program

The program structure allows first of allcreate presentations by creating slides with their simultaneous video demonstration on the screen. Slides can be created using different templates. The formation of the slide show occurs with the use of various effects. Different types of animations are used. You can adjust the sequence of the slide show on the screen.

PowerPoint color templates

A key feature of the program is thatStandard animation effects can be applied to all files simultaneously. The program also has a set of ready-made color templates. They have a variety of color schemes that allow you to apply them to any thematic slides. Color templates allow you to increase the efficiency of work on the presentation, save time, and also give it a certain stylistic orientation.

what types of animation exist

Special effects

For the most visible and memorablepresentations in the program there is a certain set of effects that allow you to adjust the type of transition in a slide show. Because of this, the pause between the change of slides, filled with special effects, becomes imperceptible.

Features of the program

All presentations created in the programPowerPoint, have the ability to save in HTML format. This saves all used audio and video data. Also in the program there are tools for creating tables and diagrams by drawing, as well as special markup that allows you to insert ready-made drawings with their further preservation. Another distinctive feature is the automatic generation of albums. There is the possibility of using music.

types of animations

Таким образом, рассмотрев в статье информацию о what methods exist for creating animations, we can conclude that with the development of modern software, the approach to this issue has become the most rational. A large number of programs designed to modernize the work on animation processes, gives a huge scope for creativity and work. And understanding what types of animations exist will help you choose the most appropriate program for specific goals.