How to make GIF

Many users are interested in how to make GIFin-house. We will consider in this material the possibility of creating such an animation in the program "Photoshop", as well as give other software solutions that are suitable for this.

The program "Photoshop"

how to make gif
GIF is an animated image created bywithout coding or using Flash. Next, we'll look at how to make GIF in Photoshop. Run the program Photoshop. Create a new document by clicking on the "File" tab, and then selecting "New" from the drop-down menu items, enter the desired height and width for the future GIF animation.

Устанавливаем стандартное разрешение - 72 пикселя per inch. Then click the "OK" button with the left mouse button. Select the tab called "File", then "Open". Specify the files that we will use in the animation. Click the left mouse button on the desired image to select it. To select multiple images, press and hold the Ctrl key.

How to make GIF-animation: work with the image

how to make gif animation

Use the "Open" function when allfiles. After that, Photoshop will open the pictures on the workspace. Go to the toolbar, where the left mouse button click on "Move". The button at the top of the left column is located. With the left mouse button on the image, move it to the new document.

Photoshop will put each image on a new one.layer. In this case, all the layers are in the same tab. In the next step, click on the "File" tab and select "Open with ImageReady". If the animation panel does not open, click "Window", and then "Animation". The palette will appear at the bottom of the workspace and will show a small image of the file you selected.

How to make a GIF image: first frame

Left click on the function"Duplicate selected files" by going to the animation palette. The required icon is located next to the "Trash" at the bottom of the panel. From now on, this frame is duplicated. Next stage. Click the left mouse button on the first frame to select it.

Next, in the palette, turn off the visibility of the layers,Clicking on the image of the eye, the exception is the image that is selected for the first frame of the animation. So we created the first frame. Click on the second one to immediately select it in the palette. Similarly, turn off all layers except for the second image. Ready next frame.

Repeat the process

how to make gif in photoshop

We have already established the basic algorithm of howmake GIF, now you just need to repeat the procedure for each frame of the animation. Again, refer to the function "Duplicate selected files." We pass to the third frame. And so, until the animation is collected. After the work with the frames is finished, we press the PLAY button to see the preliminary version of the GIF file you are creating.

We press "Stop".Left click on the black arrow at the bottom of the 1st frame on the animation palette. Specify one of the options "Once" or "Always" in the menu. In the first case, the animation will be played once, in the second - the playback will be non-stop.

Click the left mouse button on the black arrow,which is located at the bottom of each frame, and select the time during which this picture will be displayed. As a result, we save the animation by clicking "File", then choose the option "Save as". Enter the name of the animation and click the black arrow in the "File type" field. Choose Images only.

Click "Save". Done. Now you know how to make GIF, using "Photoshop", but there are other programs that can cope with the task, they will be discussed further.


If we talk about programs that can helpwith the creation of animation, should pay attention to the application Easy GIF. This solution is designed to develop animated images in GIF format and at the same time can complement them with various special effects. The application has a lot of settings with which you can change almost all the characteristics of the animation file.

how to make gif picture

The user determines the duration of the videoand its color range. Other features of the program include: adding text to an image, previewing a project in a browser, and converting GIF animation to an AVI file. You can add sound to the project, and then save it in SWF-format.

Приложение подойдет веб-разработчикам.The fact is that the program automatically generates HTML code that is ready for placement on the site. To create an animation you can use a variety of graphic formats: GIF, BMP, PNG and JPG. To reduce the size of the resulting files, the developers have implemented a system for optimizing the finished material, which includes several approaches to this issue. The program is ideal for developers of promotional products.

In solving the problem you can alsohelp the following programs: Adobe Flash, Blender, Pivot Stickfigure, Anime Studio, FotoMorph, 3DMonster, Funny Photo, Active GIF, Falco GIF, Abrosoft FantaMorph, Hippo Animator, Flex Gif, CoffeeCup GIF. Now you know how to make a gif. We hope our advice will help you.