/ / How to insert pictures into the presentation? Background and Animation

How to insert pictures in a presentation? Background and Animation

Starting from school, everyone has toget acquainted with a variety of programs to create a presentation. With this tool you can significantly ease many types of work. Let's remember where and when it is applied, what software products we know for its creation. Despite such a diverse number of programs, the most common was and remains a product of Microsoft (Microsoft). What will be discussed in this article? First of all, we will get acquainted with the functional purpose of the presentation, consider the PowerPoint program and its capabilities, and most importantly, answer the question of how to insert pictures into the presentation.

how to insert pictures into the presentation

Even for newbies like softwareseem rather simple. The main thing is to get acquainted with the possibilities. Despite the simplicity of work, many can not answer the question of how to insert pictures into the presentation. All this will be described in detail in this work.


So, first get acquainted with the very concept and purpose of the presentation. How to insert pictures into the presentation will be described below.

Presentation is an English word thattranslates as "presentation". In simple terms, this is a speech. This could include the presentation of people, ideas, products, materials, and so on.

Why prefer using presentations?Its main advantage is the visibility of the material. What lesson at school will be more interesting for you? A solid and monotonous lecture by a teacher or a vivid colorful presentation with photographs and thematic video files? You can not answer this question, everything is obvious.

how to insert a moving picture into the presentation

Many understand the word "presentation"only scientific material on the monitor screen, but they can be not only computer. The simplest example is the demonstration of a new collection of clothes, because this is also a presentation. The speech of the company director with charts drawn by hand is also a presentation. Examples can be just a mass. But today we are interested only in electronic versions and the answer to the question of how to insert pictures into the presentation. Let's move on to the most common software product for creating a computer presentation.


Как мы уже говорили ранее, PowerPoint – это самое Microsoft common software. Novice users are wondering how to insert a picture into a PowerPoint presentation, but fifteen minutes after they become acquainted with the program, this will seem trivial.

how to insert a picture into the presentation as a background

Even the most advanced users, who believe that they know the software product "from" and "to", use only a small percentage of the capabilities of PowerPoint.

Presentations are interactive, this feature to themgive hyperlinks that can be either internal or external. What are they needed for? In order to work with a large amount of material you can quickly get on the slide that is needed. Based on this, we can single out another ability — the order of slides may not be consistent, but you can control the presentation either manually or automatically, remotely.


Now we touch directly on the main issue. How to insert a picture into a presentation? You can also use standard templates as a background, but sometimes it becomes necessary to make a background image.

With the question of where to get the image, for sureeveryone will understand independently. The open spaces of the Internet are endless, you can use pictures of many sites or insert photos of personal production.

how to insert a picture into a presentation in powerpoint

So, when we opened the program, we neededRight-click on the slide and select "Format background". There is a window where we can place a picture from a collection or download it from a computer. If the picture you like is not downloaded to your computer, you can simply copy it to the clipboard, and in the pop-up PowerPoint window select the “Clipboard” option. As you can see, working with graphic images is extremely simple and straightforward. But surely many have seen that on the slides of many ready-made presentations there are animated pictures. How they got there, we will explain to you in the next paragraph.


So, how to insert a moving picture inPowerPoint Presentation? To begin with, the set of such animations is created independently, directly in the program itself. But if you decide to use the already finished one, then we present to your attention a sequence of actions on how to insert a moving picture into the presentation:

  1. Use the Gif format: just drag the necessary object onto the slide.
  2. Note that animations are cyclical, but there aresimple, that is, they are executed once and then stopped. If the animation is not cyclic, then paste it through "Insert" - "Multimedia" - "Video" - "Video from file". Now we have access to settings where we set up automatic and continuous playback.

That's all the tricks. We hope that our work was useful to you.