/ / Play Market: "Check the connection and try again." What to do if the Play Market does not work?

Play Market: "Check connection and try again." What to do if the Play Market does not work?

It is no secret that in order to perform onA tablet or other tasks (whatever it is) need special content. These can be applications, games or documents, music files, books, or pictures. All this and users upload to their mobile devices.

Content for Android OS

In fact, each gadget is just a shell,able to perform a specific set of functions. What makes it unique and so familiar to each of us is media content. And we choose what kind of games, programs, documents, and so on, based on our own taste.

Each of us has a wide choice.According to official information, every day about one hundred thousand applications are downloaded to one of the largest content catalogs for Android - Google Play, or the Play Market (for a tablet or phone). This suggests that constantly a huge number of people working to diversify your gadget, make working with it more convenient and more productive.

Content platform №1

Play Market check connection and try again

There is a lot of content for the tablet and the phone,Therefore, a natural question arises - how to understand it, systematize and filter it? And here the solution can be called special platforms-catalogs of applications, games, music and other things.

Каждая такая платформа представляет собой крупный directory with a clear structure and descriptions of all files. In that case, if a user needs to find, say, a program capable of playing the role of a notebook, he simply drives in keywords in the search field of such a directory, after which he gets clear results.

Your attention deserves the Play Market.For "Android" it is the largest directory of add-ons. It contains millions of files, each of which has descriptions, screenshots and reviews. This is very convenient because such data simplifies the search for the necessary material. A user just needs to look at the ratings that have been set by other mobile device owners. For this reason, this resource is the most popular.

What is the Play Market?

In general, the Play Market is standard for the OS.Android search and download content. It is presented in several forms at once: as an application, using it directly from your tablet, you can search and install programs; as well as an online resource, which can be accessed from a browser. True, do not overestimate the capabilities of the Play Market: Windows, like iOS, does not support applications hosted on it.

The structure of this directory is extremely simple.On the left of the screen, the user sees the categories of products, among which he can choose the desired program, music, film, book. Going into the category, you can see the subcategories that are broken down depending on the interests of the user. In each of them, the Play Market program shows the most popular, interesting and high-quality products. Next to each you will see a rating (the number of stars is the ratings given by other users), as well as reviews. This is convenient: you do not need to make unnecessary transitions to understand what kind of program it is.

Play Market for tablet

In addition, users can view summary download statistics of the application, which can tell about the popularity of this content, its prevalence.

How to install the Play Market?

On most devices that work onAndroid system, the Play Market application is installed by default. This means that as soon as you turn on your new tablet or phone, you will see the icon of this program in the menu or on the desktop. This greatly facilitates the work, because, using the Play Market for the tablet, the user can download other applications necessary for his work. To do this, as noted above, is quite convenient and easy.

More difficult can be called the situation when PMnot installed by default. Then manufacturers, as a rule, offer their less popular products that work on the same principle. These are directories from where anyone can download the necessary materials. If you bought such a device - do not worry. You can easily download this app. There is nothing special about how to install the Play Market - just download the installer file of this add-on (in .apk format). This can be done, for example, from the official Google Android site, as well as from any other Internet resource. The main thing is to be careful and download the latest version of the application software, since it will be displayed on your device most correctly. The installation itself does not have anything complicated - it is the usual procedure for launching an .apk file.

How to use the Play Market?

how to install the play market

So, what to do after you have installedPlay Market for Android? First, decide what you would like to install on your device. It's about what kind of content you want to download from Market "and - it could be games, applications, etc.. Once you have decided - try to find the desired file.

This can be done, as already noted,in several ways. The first and easiest is to use a search box that displays the application that is most relevant to what you are looking for. The second is the search for a program that occupies one of the "top" positions in any category on the Play Market. Paid content or free you are looking for - does not matter. Any file can be found in both ways.

Bugs on the Play Market

Although this application isdeveloped by Google, the world's largest technology company, even it may produce some errors. For example, one of the most common is a message that can be viewed without the Internet in the Play Market interface: "Check the connection and try again."

In the case of the actual absence of an active connection to the network, this message is the norm. Removing it is easy - just connect to the signal and see how the Play Market will work again.

Play Market does not work

Another thing, when such an error occurs evenwith active connection. Then it really is a problem. And as the user reviews show, a message from the Play Market “Check connection and try again” is seen by quite a lot of people, which indicates the prevalence of the problem. And it is serious enough, because it does not allow you to connect to the “Market” and download media content from there to your tablet directly.

How to deal with this, we write in the followingparagraph. Since there may be several reasons for such a problem, we provide several solutions at once. Most likely, you will have to try more than one of them before the problem is resolved.

Play Market: check connection and try again

So let's start with the simplest options,why this application does not start. The solutions, of course, are also elementary. The first is the wrong date. Yes, if the date and time are set on your gadget that are not true, an application error may occur from the Play Market. It is very easy to fix everything - adjust the time parameters and restart your smartphone or tablet.

The second option is the wrong hosts file.You can find it in the system / hosts directory. It indicates the address to which the device sends the user. If there are records in addition to the standard (, they need to be erased.

The third version is some other errorsfor example, the program Freedom or something else that blocks the connection of the program with the server. Using the first to hack other games, by the way, do not forget about the possible further negative consequences for your system. One of them is the inability to enter PM. Solving such problems is quite simple - reset the settings and, having received a “clean” device, you can work again in the Google Play Market.

If on your gadget this application was not installed from the very beginning - perhaps the problem is that the version is out of date. As already mentioned, try to download the most recent release.

Nothing helps. Play Market does not work

Помимо того, что было указано выше, существуют и Other solutions to the problem of not being able to connect to the PM application directory. For example, it may be your internet connection. In this case, you need to check whether your 3G connection is working, or WiFi (depending on what you use).

Play Market for Android

If this is the problem, analyze andfind out what caused the interruption. For example, your access point settings were knocked down, and you just need to configure them again. Another example is that your WiFi router stopped connecting to the fixed network, which is why you cannot access the Internet from your tablet. As a result, you see a message from the Play Market: "Check the connection and try again."

Further actions

After having carried out the procedures describedabove, your problem should ideally be solved. You just need to press the "Repeat" button in the center of the screen, after which the program will try to connect to the server. If the connection really appeared and everything functions perfectly - you will see the opened program catalog on its main page. Then you can start directly downloading the necessary applications (or other content). How to do this, you know - on the left choose sections, at the top there is a special search line. Everything is arranged intuitively simple and concise!

Note!In addition to the thematic categories (we mentioned above), there are also other program divisions on the Play Market. In particular, we are talking about the sections "Popular", "Recommended", "Gaining popularity" and so on. Having learned to look for suitable materials in such sections, you can easily sift out all unnecessary. Plus, of course, reviews and user ratings will help you in this.

Play Market for other platforms

free play market for computer

A handy tool like the PM catalog,is so practical that many people are looking for an analogue for their platform. But this is not necessary, since the “Market” is exclusively a solution for Android. Consequently, under the Windows Play Market is missing. From an ordinary personal computer running this operating system, you can only go to the catalog as an online resource and view the description, screenshots and reviews of any program, book, or movie. You can’t see them, test them and, of course, install them on your device.

Analogs of the Play Market

However, there are other directoriesoperating on other platforms. In particular, the Appstore works on iOS, which is very similar to the Play Market, but it works with iPhone and iPad devices. In this case, the installation of the Play Market is, of course, impossible. These platforms are parallel, but completely different. However, some applications can be found on both.

In addition to the Appstore should also mention the sitewhich devices on Windows Phone (Nokia and Microsoft products) work with - this is the Windows Phone Market. Although less popular, it also has hundreds of thousands of applications from different categories.

Even less popular, but also enoughcatalogs such as the Samsung Store, Amazon and Blackberry can be called full. On them, the user can also download the necessary media content of a paid or free nature.

Other resources

That paid or free Play Market forcomputer does not exist, you understand. But there are many other, less popular and well-known resources. This, for example, some torrent portals, news sites and simple forums on the subject of Android. Of course, you can also easily find the necessary application on them; it is possible that there will also be a description and feedback from other users. But is it worth trusting such resources?

To decide, in fact, you.Some sites (for example, the largest Android communities of the Runet) really have enough authority to trust them and safely download applications and other content that has already been tested by moderators of such sites. However, there are small communities that number dozens or hundreds of people. Downloading materials from there is probably not worth it. Perhaps the content posted there has some kind of malicious code that could damage your device.

Knowing how to install the Play Market, you can besure that all materials from it will meet certain criteria. This guarantees the fact that all the content there passes a strict moderation, through which it is impossible to “push” applications with viruses, for example. This calms and actually gives confidence in the authenticity and security of the downloaded content. You will not worry if you will not see a lot of advertising banners on your device after a couple of days of use; will you install any additional software on your gadget and will you pick up another virus that steals data from the cards. All that is posted on the Play Market, is already selected material. To doubt his security, as already noted, does not make sense.


After studying this article, you understand why sometimesIt happens that the Play Market does not work. If this happened to you, do not think that the matter is in the resource itself. No, the error is in the settings of your device and, frankly, it can be fixed without much difficulty.

If you don't even have PM installed as standardapplication, we recommend to fix it and download the apk-file of this resource. If you are an Android user, you just have to search for content there. Easy navigation, constant updates, rating and reputation system, as well as checking all materials - this is what will guarantee you comfortable work with the catalog.

Finally, if you find this not enough, you cantry your luck in the Samsung or Amazon markets. True, given the absolute leadership of PM in this industry, it is hardly worth counting on a wider range of applications.

No play market

Also from the Play Market you can comfortably makeonline shopping. Now Google has introduced a special service that allows you to easily transfer money from your Wallet account to the account of the content seller. It is both convenient and safe due to a secure connection to servers and a well-thought-out interface. Unlike other platforms (except Appstore), on the Play Market you can actually make purchases in a couple of clicks, acquire the rights to use exclusive, feature-rich programs, read full versions of books, complete additional levels in games and much more. This, in turn, positively stimulates both the developers from this sphere, and the users themselves, who receive more and more high-quality content, expanding the capabilities of their devices.