/ / Error 905 in Play Market: how to fix?

Error 905 in the Play Market: how to fix it?

Error 905 in the Play Market very muchnot common, and it appeared relatively recently. Some users, without understanding, blame their mobile gadgets for everything. However, failures when downloading or installing programs, games, etc. in most cases are associated with shortcomings in the operation of the service itself.

Error 905 in the Play Market: the reasons for the appearance

Наверное, многие владельцы смартфонов и tablets running different versions of the Android operating system have sometimes noticed that when you try to download and then install an application or game, crashes may occur.

Error 905 in the play market

При этом ошибка 905 в «Плей Маркете», вернее a message about her appearance, says that this and that could not be downloaded or installed. But many users often connect to high-speed Internet. So what could have happened?

Error 905 in the playlist

First of all, no matter how trite it sounds, eitherAn internal flash drive or removable memory card simply does not have enough space to download and install the program. Needless to say, it is advisable to see how much free space is required and to remove all unnecessary in order to free it. Communication violations are not being discussed at all.

On the other hand, error 905 in the Play Storemay appear with sufficient disk space, and with a normal high-speed connection. There may be several reasons for this, including too short a time to go to sleep, set on the device itself. But most often the error 905 in the Play Market (also known as Google Play) is related to the functioning of the service itself, or rather, its automatic update (in some recent updates there were quite a lot of “bugs”). But first things first.

Error 905 in the Play Market: how to fix it in the simplest way?

So, as already mentioned, one of the reasons“Underutilization” or the inability to install software can quickly turn on the sleep mode of a smartphone or tablet (sometimes this can also cause this error).

Error 905 in the play market how to fix

In such a situation it is recommended to increase thisthe gap by going to the settings section where the display parameters are selected. Here you can choose the longest period of time before going to sleep (usually it is 30 minutes). Now you can try to download and install the required application again.

Disable active services and processes

If the failure occurs again, you can apply andanother fix method. Often, the error 905 "Android" is interpreted as a lack of RAM, which is associated with a large number of running processes and services.

error 905 in play

In this case, it is recommended to complete allcurrently active applications. Some of them can be closed manually, but background services will have to be disabled through the settings menu, where the application section is selected. We turn to the active, we look, which of them are the most "voracious", and turn off all unnecessary.

error 905 android

However, this method is quitelaborious and unsafe (you never know, an inexperienced user will turn it off). The easiest way is to use special utilities like the mobile version of CCleaner, which automatically scans the system and disable system processes that are not required at the moment (you will need to check the box next to “Processes” before cleaning). If this does not help, and the error 905 in the Play Market occurs again, go to the next step.

Clearing the cache and data of the Play Market app

First you need to clean the cache of the service itself.remove all the "garbage" that has accumulated in the system. Again, this can be done with the help of the CCleaner utility, but for complete confidence it is better to perform this process in the service itself.

Error code 905 in the play market

To do this, go back to the settings, selectsection of applications, tap on the tab display all services and scrolling through all the records, we find the Play Market. When entering the service, use the "Clear Cache" and "Delete Data" buttons. But even this without some additional procedures does not always work.

Uninstalling Play Market Updates

Error code 905 in the Play Store often indicates not only the impossibility of performing actions on downloading and installing applications. As already mentioned, the service itself has its shortcomings.

Therefore, upon entering the service, in addition to clearing the cache anddata deletion, it is necessary to click on the delete updates button. Nothing bad will happen, but the service itself will return to its original factory state. When you reconnect to the Network, the service will be updated automatically, and the latest update will be installed, in which all the “jambs” have already been fixed. This method is considered by many experts to be the most effective. After such procedures, an error 905 in the Play Market, in theory, should no longer arise. But here, not everything is so smooth. There are also situations in which it is necessary to apply cardinal measures.

Delete active account

So, suppose that all of the above methodsdo not help, and the error 905 in the Play Market appears again with enviable regularity and consistency. What to do? Apply what many call the "control shot."

Иногда проблема может заключаться в некорректной user account identification. Therefore, as a last resort, you can try to remove it. But this is already connected with the “Android” itself, especially if the user has independently installed various updates or non-standard firmware.

Error 905 in the play market

Again, go to the settings section, where we carry outgo to the section "Accounts". Here you need to find a Google account - get rid of it by clicking the "Delete Account" button. Just in case, we overload the device, and then go back to the Google Play (Play Market) service and re-enter with a login (as a rule, this is the registered address of gmail.com) and password. Now everything should work without fail.

Error 905 in the playlist

In a pinch, if nothing helps,a full reset to the factory state should be made. But, I think, this will not be necessary, because in this way one can also remove many necessary applications, for example, manually installed from an unofficial source. To protect yourself from this, you can first create a backup.


Как видим, природа ошибки проста для понимания.Just in case here are a few standard situations that occur most often. It may well be that not all solutions are suitable for each specific user in this situation. However, the method of removing updates to the Google Play service, according to many experts in this field, is the most universal. However, before performing an action, it is necessary, as they say, to soberly assess the situation, and only then proceed to solving the problem.

Finally it remains to add that in this caseOnly solutions that can be used directly on a mobile gadget were considered. Sometimes, with additionally installed clients, something similar can be done on a computer. But why reinvent the wheel, if all this is elementary solved without connecting to computer systems?