/ / How to activate the promotional code in the Play Market. How to register in the "Play Market"

How to activate a promotional code in the Play Market. How to register in "Play Market"

Сегодня большинство смартфонов и планшетов Managed under the operating system Android. These are just statistics: devices on this OS are much more accessible than those that work with Apple iOS. Of course, there are still other operating systems (for example, Windows Phone), but the number of users on them is negligible compared to the above two.

About the content store that functions with the OSAndroid - Google Play Market, - we will tell you in this article. We will also explain how this catalog functions, how to download and buy content from there, as well as what bonus promo codes are.

What is the Play Market?

how to activate the promotional code in the Play Market

And to begin with, let's describe what PM is and howit functions. So, from itself it is a catalog of software operating on Android. The Play Market (now called Google Play, to be exact) contains a huge amount of different media content, which is divided into categories. These include films, books, music, applications and games. A user who wants to install any of them on his gadget can use a ready-made GP application, which already has a convenient form for selecting content. The developers provided each application (film, game, musical composition, or book) with a separate page on which an image, a brief description, and user feedback on this content is placed. Of course, on the same application, there are other opportunities for the visitor, in particular, the latter can activate the Play Market promo code, pay for purchases with it, pay for hidden content from his card, as well as evaluate this or that development, including feedback.

What can be found on the portal?

how to register in the play market

Search for PM (or GP) is quite convenient and simple.You can find the right application in two ways - using keywords, as well as through a category. In the first case, the program will give you the most advanced results (and if the entered application name exists in the catalog, you will see it first); in the second, they will simply offer you the most popular (and highly rated) files.

In principle, the search mechanism is quite simple -everyone can deal with it. Another thing is the question of how to register in the Play Market. After all, if in most mobile devices this application is installed from the very first moment of the gadget, then on some GP devices it is not. This means that it must be installed in order to be able to download the most relevant, new and proven content.

How to join the Play Market?

Instructions on how to register in the "PlayMarket ”, can be useful, most likely, to owners of inexpensive Chinese devices that are delivered to the market semi-legally. After all, as already noted, on gadgets of all major (authorized) manufacturers, the application icon is on the screen by default.

 Play Market asks to activate the promotional code

So, for registration in the catalog it is necessarydownload in the form of an .apk file, then install according to the usual procedure. This can be done both from a mobile browser and from a stationary computer, then simply transfer the file to a tablet or phone. Next, you need to run the usual procedure for installing the program and, of course, link your Google account to the PM page. So you can access the content that is suitable for your device (based on its technical parameters). Other applications directory will not issue.

Application Payments

Вообще контент на GP бывает двух видов (если break it down by availability) - paid and free. There are also applications in which purchases are made in the process of working with him (for example, for unlocking a further level - if it comes to the game). The user can pay for access with a credit card (in a foreign currency), as well as with the help of promotional codes. However, if you have the Play Market asks you to activate the promotional code during the actual entry into the application, this may indicate an error (failure) in the work of the program. Users recommend in such cases to delete the latest application updates (using the Settings section on your device).

Что касается того, как работают коды и что они из they represent themselves, we will tell further. Also, let's take a little look at the options for where to get the Play Market promo code, and, of course, how to use it (or rather, activate it). About this - in the next section.

Play Market requires you to activate the promotional code

Promotional codes Play Market

What is a promotional code?This is a special numeric and alphabetic code that allows you to pay in the catalog for digital content. They can be given in the form of gifts (for example, a certificate with a promotional code of $ 50), as well as used by users to simplify their account balance.

Using such a code is optional;It means that in practice there should not be a situation where the Play Market requires you to activate the promotional code. As noted above, this is a bug in the application.

Such a code can be entered by the user byown desire at the stage of payment of a content. In setting up a Google Play account, you can also see which promotional codes are used by you and how much money is left on it. How to activate the promotional code in the Play Market, you will understand directly in the payment process. The application simply prompts the user to enter the code in the appropriate field and click "activate". You need to understand that one code is activated only once on a particular account. If the amount to pay for the goods is not enough, the user can additionally pay for the purchase with a card.

Where can I get the Play Market promo code?

activate the Play Market promo code

In general, in theory, get the code of payment of goods inGoogle Play can be anywhere. For example, they are often played in contests in order to interest users in social networks. Still, as already noted, they are given to loved ones.

In general, knowing how to activate the promotional code inPlay Market, finding out where to get it is not a problem. They are sold in many mobile phone stores, on the Internet, and sometimes even in simple supermarkets (at least abroad such experience is quite common).

Sometimes, again in honor of some festive dates.and events, some companies or stores can give out promotional codes for free (although, of course, in limited quantities). Yes, by the way, the nominal codes are different - it all depends on the generosity of the organizers of the action. Having received such a promotional code, do not worry about how to use it - besides the fact that the procedure for working with it is extremely simple, how to activate the promotional code in the Play Market is indicated on it (if we are talking about a physical card with a code). Even such instructions can be written on the site where the codes are sold.


where to get the promo code of the Play Market

If you work with a mobile device onAndroid operating system, the possibilities that Google Play offers you are limited solely by the technical indicators of your gadget. Here you can find media content on any topic, find out any information you like and install applications with the widest possibilities. Everything depends on you - whether you are ready to pay for new content for your tablet or phone; do you want to use the received code (we already explained how to activate the promotional code in the Play Market). At the same time, in general, the service, as you can see, provides an alternative in the form of free applications, books, music and movies.