/ / "RosDengi": reviews. "RosDengi" - microfinance organization

"RosDenghi": reviews. "RosDengi" - microfinance organization

Деятельность микрофинансовых структур России is aimed at providing urgent financial assistance to Russian citizens within a limited amount of cash for a short period of time. As a rule, applications for obtaining a microloan in an MFI do not have failures, since a high interest rate fully compensates for unforeseen delinquencies on loans. One of such credit services is the company "RosDenegy". The clients' testimonies testify to the trouble-free delivery of short-term loans and loyal conditions, which allow making out micro-loans to citizens with a bad credit history.

What is a microfinance organization?

The term "microfinance structure" appeared on thethe modern financial market for a long time. The first MFI was founded in 1944. At that time, the profitability of microcrediting was evaluated by borrowers and accepted in the society. To date, the majority of the population enjoys the services of microfinance organizations. According to the MFI's register, which was organized by the Ministry of Finance, there are about 350 such institutions. Microcredit services are under intensive growth, and by the end of the year their number may increase to 450.

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High degree of demand among Russian citizensis conditioned by loyal loan processing conditions and the possibility to take a term loan without additional certificates of income and attraction of guarantors. As a rule, microcrediting is carried out online, that is without the need to personally visit the office of the company. Therefore, the client base of MFIs is constantly expanding at the expense of new users, which creates healthy competition for loans in large banking structures.

The similarity of a bank loan with a short-term loan

Both types of lending representby obtaining borrowed funds in order to improve their financial situation and solve urgent financial problems. From the moment of reception of money the borrower has before the organization certain debt obligations which it should execute after the expiration of the established term. The crediting period is indicated in the contract. Together with the principal amount of the debt, the client is obliged to pay a fixed interest rate charged for the use of funds.

Невыполненные долговые обязательства перед банком or MFIs can lead to serious consequences, up to criminal liability. The imposition of penalties and penalties on the amount of debt is also a common feature of both types of lending. Do not think that microfinance with its simplified system of registration is not a serious type of lending. Just like large financial institutions, MFIs take measures and charge debt from the borrower in the same ways as banks.

Credit or microloan - what's the difference?

According to the borrowers, credit and microcredit differ significantly from each other.

  • First of all, issue micro-loans in MFIsmuch easier and faster than a loan in a bank. The bank carefully checks the client's identity, solvency, and, as a rule, 50% of applications are refused. Microfinance structures are more loyal to their clients and give out money even with the presence of a bad credit history. 9 applications out of 10 are approved by the credit service.
  • The amount of the loan in the bank is many times higher than the possible amount of the microloan. MFIs do not give customers more than 30,000 rubles, and the bank is able to lend to millions of people.
    росденьги feedback
  • Maturity of loan debtis several years. Return the microloan is necessary for a short period of time. As evidenced by the reviews, "RosDengi" requires the borrowers to refund the money after 17 days.
  • To arrange a loan, you need to collecta large package of documents: a passport, a tax ID, a certificate from the job, a certificate of the average monthly income, medical insurance, a pension certificate, a military ticket, documents for property or vehicles, etc. Microcredit is issued only on the passport of a Russian citizen.
  • Оформить кредит можно только в отделении банка.Microfinance is carried out by transferring the requested amount to the customer's bank card. The identity of the borrower is checked on the scanned copy of the passport.
  • The majority of large banking structures issue a loan in 5-7 days from the date of application. You can get an urgent loan as early as the day of treatment.
  • You can issue urgent microcredits at any time of the day, as credit services are open around the clock. The loan is executed at the bank's branch and only at the established working hours.

Interest rates in MFIs: Myths and Reality

Among the comments of those who use the servicesmicrofinance organizations, such as "RosDenegi", feedback on interest rates are of a common nature. The annual interest rate on loans in numerical terms is quite high and, compared to bank charges, is not profitable. The company set a fixed interest rate of 2% of the loan amount per day. That is, for every day of using money, the borrower must pay part of the funds to the organization. The less crediting period, the less money will be overpaid.

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Однако если проанализировать и сравнить годовые interest rates of banks and MFIs, it turns out that there is practically no difference. A high ready rate is compensated for by a short loan term and a small loan amount. Instant bank loans, which financial institutions issue on the day of circulation, have interest rates not much lower than microloans in MFIs. Reviews of the company "RosDenghi" point to the fact that borrowing money before paycheck or pension is realistic, as well as paying interest on the loan. However, do not forget that in case of late repayment of debt to the borrower, a penalty of 2% of the debt amount is charged every day.

RosDengi: customer reviews

The company specializes in providingurgent micro-loans to Russian citizens and provides financial support on the day of treatment. MFO "RosDenghi", whose comments can confirm its popularity among borrowers, was founded in 2010 in St. Petersburg. To date, this is the leading federal microfinance network, represented in 33 regions of the country and numbering about 300 offices. Thanks to the activities of the company's employees, more than 1,000,000 people have already received urgent financial assistance from "RosDengi". Reviews of MFI employees characterize the company only on the positive side. Employees continue to gladly serve customers.

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To issue an urgent loan in "RosDenegah"it is possible for all adult citizens of the Russian Federation who have a constant income. Loyal conditions of registration allow the company to constantly increase the client base and, accordingly, to provide the clients with proven services with separate services.

Conditions for obtaining a microloan

The company "RosDengi" provides the opportunityurgently receive credit funds without income certificates, as well as without the involvement of guarantors and liquid collateral. Make a microloan can be on the following conditions:

  • the loan is issued in the amount of 1,000 to 30,000 rubles;
  • the maximum loan period is from 7 to 17 days;
  • the interest rate on the loan is 2% per day of the total amount.

Having issued a micro loan and not being able totimely make the full amount of debt, the borrower has the right to use the loan extension service, paying off only interest for the actual amount of the loan provided by RosDenghi. The feedback from numerous customers indicates the convenience of this service, since no one is insured against force majeure situations.

Timely payment on a short-term basisLoan guarantees customers with a bad credit history the opportunity to improve it. According to statistics, most of the delinquencies for loans were not due to the borrower's fault. It may be a sudden illness or a delay in salary due to the manager's fault. Therefore, a bad CI can not objectively characterize a person as an insolvent client. Microfinance organizations meet their clients and provide loans in 96% of cases. Thus, with the help of microcrediting services, you can not only improve your financial situation, but also change your credit history for the better.

Basic requirements for borrowers

To issue an urgent micro loan, every solvent client can meet the basic requirements of the company:

  • the borrower's age must be within a certain framework (at least 18 and not more than 70 years);
  • the client must be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a potential borrower must have a permanent registration in the territory of one of the subjects of the country;
  • the presence of a stable income is an indispensable condition for microcrediting of "RosDengi".
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Reviews borrowers who enjoy financialsupport of the company, testify to loyalty requirements, since not all microfinance organizations lend to citizens from 18 years of age. This fact allows you to take an urgent loan to students who receive a scholarship, but still do not have the opportunity to officially find a job and provide a certificate of income. As a rule, adult citizens of the Russian Federation do not yet have any experience of lending, which means that their identity can not be checked by the bank for the existence of a transparent credit history. MFO "RosDenghi" does not submit an inquiry to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories, therefore citizens who are on the list of bad borrowers can also issue urgent micro-loans. Timely repaying the debt, the client can change the credit history for the better, which in the future will allow him to take more serious loans (mortgage or car loan).

"RosDengi": delay, customer reviews

LLC "RosDengi", reviews of debtorsprove the seriousness of the problems in case of non-payment of debt, sets a penalty for late payment of debt in the amount of 2% of the actual amount for each day. If the circumstances of the borrower fit into the category of force majeure, the company can prolong the term of the loan by paying only daily interest. If the client did not deem it necessary to warn the MFI of a possible deferment of payment, then for a small amount of credit an impressive debt can accumulate. For example, 5,000 rubles not redeemed may grow into 70,000-80,000, which the borrower will have to return to the RosDengi company.

Delay, reviews and letters from the company, as well asunpleasant conversations with collectors - all this can be expected of the debtor in case of non-payment of the amount spent. As a rule, the company does not immediately take serious action in relation to the borrower. Before litigation and transfer of debt to collection agencies, a client may receive more than one written or telephone warning from MFI employees.

MFO "RosDengi" in different cities of the Russian Federation

  • "RosDengi" (Moscow).Customer feedback is mostly positive. In the capital there are 12 branches located in different parts of the city. The MFI is one of the three largest organizations providing short-term loans to residents of Moscow.
  • "RosDengi" (St. Petersburg). Reviews of employees receive regularly. Branches in St. Petersburg provide jobs for many residents. Employees are satisfied with work and wages.
    mfo rodengi reviews
  • "RosDengi" (Saratov).Customer reviews are mostly positive. Borrowers note that microfinance centers in Saratov are located at 6 addresses, and the terms and conditions of the loan allow for an urgent loan of up to 30,000 rubles.
  • "RosDengi" (Ulyanovsk).Customer reviews testify to the convenience of the location of the branch at 47B Moskovskoye Shosse, which provides an opportunity to lend money before salary or pension in the office of a microfinance institution.
  • "RosDengi" (Samara). Borrower reviews are generally quite good. The microfinance center in Samara is located at 96 Metallurgov Avenue.

Online application for an urgent loan

Urgently get financial support Ltd.“RosDengi” is possible not only in one of the company's branches, but also online, without leaving home. The official website works around the clock, so you can submit a loan application at any time convenient for the client. The application must specify the personal data of the borrower, and the accuracy of the information is one of the requirements of the company. The questionnaire should indicate the source of a stable income. This information is necessary, as the lender must be confident in the client's solvency. The income certificate is not necessary to provide, which allows not to waste time collecting documents. The MFI may ask you to send a scanned copy of the borrower's passport. The scan must be of good quality, the photo and personal data of the client must be clearly visible.

Заемщики отмечают тот факт, что заявки на getting financial support is considered instantly. As a rule, this procedure does not take more than half an hour. The lender sends a response decision to an e-mail or mobile phone as an SMS message. The credit limit is indicated in the borrower's application form. Based on the data provided, company employees can reduce the size of the requested borrowed funds. To obtain a loan, you must provide a bank account number or a borrower's card. If desired, a loan can be obtained in cash in one of the branches of the company RosDengi.

How to repay a loan on microcredit

Customers note that timely repaymentMicroloan debt will allow you to easily use the financial services of the company RosDengi. Collectors, reviews of which prove the seriousness of debt obligations to MFIs, sometimes use harsh measures against debtors, up to blackmail and threats, therefore it is worth taking the repayment of the loan as seriously as possible and avoiding unjustified delays. After 17 days, the borrower is obliged to pay the debt in full: the loan body and interest for each day of using the money. Payments on microloans are accepted by the company in any way convenient for the client:

  • in any of the MFI offices;
  • through electronic payment systems;
  • by transferring the required amount of debt from the borrower's bank card to the company details;
  • using the service centers of mobile operators.
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Форс-мажорные обстоятельства могут случиться с by everyone. They detained a salary or pension, did not return the debt in time, or any other situations could take the borrower off guard. If after a loan period for a number of valid reasons, the client cannot repay the debt, then MFO RosDengi (customer reviews of all cities in the country prove the convenience of this service) provides an opportunity to extend the loan for a period of 3-5 days. During this period, the borrower can only pay interest on the loan without paying the actual amount of the loan.

Advantages of microcredit

  • The main advantage of microfinance is, of course, the ability to urgently lend money.
  • There is no need to collect a voluminous package of documents and personally visit the company's office.
  • The entire lending procedure can be performed only on a scanned copy of the borrower's passport.
  • Компания "РосДеньги" не требует от клиентов having a flawless credit history. This is also an important advantage of microfinance, since large banking institutions do not lend to citizens in the list of insolvent clients.
  • 10 minutes is enough for consideration of the application, after which the borrower can receive money on the card of any bank.


  • The loan is provided for a short period of time (17 days), so you need to know for sure whether the borrower will have the material opportunity to repay the company's debt in 2 weeks.
  • Unpaid debts canlead to serious problems: a significant amount of debt, litigation and even criminal liability. In addition, the company has the right to deprive the borrower of property equal to the amount of debt.
  • If debt is resold to collection agencies, then you can expect night calls with threats, blackmail, and other illegal actions.

Therefore, before you take a loan to an MFI, it is worthcarefully analyze the financial situation and not commit rash actions. Remember that the debt to the bank, formed once, has a tendency to rapid growth.