/ / Brewed dough for dumplings

Brewed dough for dumplings

At us many like pel'menis.Everyone agrees that dumplings with a thin dough are the most delicious. And to prepare such a dough so that it rolled out thinly like a piece of paper, and it did not break, it's difficult to make according to the traditional recipe, but the dough for pelmeni is easy to cook, it is more gentle and softer, but rolled to the thickness of parchment paper, before the translucence . This dough is also called kundyumnym, but the word is badly remembered, so do not overly emphasize your attention to this name.

Brewed dough for pelmeni can be usedalso for dumplings, and for fried cakes with a variety of fillings. The following recipe does not include eggs, which is good for those who can not eat eggs, it is very plastic, beautifully sculpted, but does not stick to hands and the surface, does not require constant dusting with flour. It is suitable for those people who fast.

You will need:

  • 250 ml of boiling water, half a teaspoon of salt, 50 g of vegetable oil, 400 g of flour.
  • In boiling water should be poured oil, add half the flour and salt.
  • Stir with a mixer using special dough nozzles.
  • The dough is at first clumsy enough, however, very soon it becomes smooth and uniform.
  • Adding gradually flour, you need to knead a fairly steep, but soft dough.
  • In case the dough is too steep, you can place it for 30 minutes in a bag, it will be more plastic.
  • The brewed dough for pelmeni is similar to soft plasticine, it is remarkably sculpted, rolled thinly enough, does not tear when stretched, does not shrink when rolling.
  • Dumplings from such a test are cooked very quickly, keeping shape well.

You can cook the custard batter for dumplings and the following recipe, which uses exclusively fresh milk.

You will need:

  • 500 ml. milk, salt, two eggs, flour.
  • In a saucepan, mix milk with salt and eggs. Add the flour gradually to make the dough liquid, like pancakes.
  • Put the saucepan on a small fire andheat the dough with continuous stirring. Gradually the dough will begin to thicken and be brewed. At the same time, the dough can be slightly crocked, but it's not scary at all.
  • As soon as the dough a little thickens, the saucepan should beRemove from the plate and knead elastic dough, adding gradually flour. The finished dough should be covered with a plate and left for 30 minutes. Then you can sculpt our dumplings.

Methods and forms of cutting dumpling dough canbe completely different. You can cut the dough in the form of diamonds, circles, squares. Brewed dough for pelmeni allows you to make dumplings of absolutely any shape.

Also very tasty chebureki from the brewed dough

For the test, you will need:

  • half a liter of water, 2 tablespoons of vodka, spoons of sunflower oil, a teaspoon of sugar and salt, 6 glasses of flour, 2 yolks.

For filling:

  • 500 g minced meat, 5 onions, 300 ml kefir or broth, 2 cloves garlic, pepper, salt, sunflower oil.
  • Water bring to a boil, pour it into a bowl, add water to the oil, vodka, sugar, salt and flour and quickly, so that we do not have lumps, mix.
  • When the dough is slightly cool, we mix two yolks into it and mix it thoroughly, for about 20 minutes, until the dough ceases to stick to the surface and hands.

Then we cover the brewed dough with a towel and leave it for two hours.

Then we start to make chebureks.

To do this, pinch pieces of dough and stretchit is in our hands, then we make a flagell, then wrap it and twist it into a round, to give the chebureks more puffiness, then put the workpiece on the board, put it in a flour and roll it thinly, cut out the circle of the right size, circle the dough with the protein, stuffing and well zalehlyayem edges, with a fork, we make a rim, pressing the fork to the test.

Chebureks should be fried in deep frying or in a pan in a considerable amount of oil.

Of course, this is not all products from the custard that you can cook. Any hostess can pick up what she likes. Brewed dough is very easy to manufacture.