/ / Delicious chicken fillet with cheese and tomatoes

Delicious chicken fillet with cheese and tomatoes

From chicken fillet you can cook a variety of delicious, mouth-watering and delicious dishes, for example nagens, rolls, salads, medallions, schnitzels, cutlets, etc.

chicken fillet with cheese and tomatoes
But the most important thing is that many dishes fromwhite poultry meat are low-calorie dishes. Do not forget that the bird's brisket is one of the most dietary products, that's why it enters the menu of various diets. Chicken fillet almost does not contain fat, which means, and cholesterol, but it is a storehouse of animal protein. Baked chicken fillet with cheese and tomatoes is a delicious and delicate dish. In addition, he has a very beautiful and appetizing appearance. This dish can decorate any, even the most refined festive table. In the culinary books there are many of its varieties, and, naturally, they have different names. When preparing this dish, each of the chefs brings to the recipe something of their own, individual. For example, in some recipes there are some additional products: mushrooms, sweet pepper, carrots, sour cream, etc. However, we want to present you a special recipe for this dish (chicken fillet with cheese and tomatoes), which was invented by the chef in the hero-city of Volgograd. They called it "Bird in Volga". This dish is beautiful, elegant and exciting appetite, and the taste is simply delicious. The most important thing here is to use a freshly baked chicken instead of frozen. Only in this case the meat will turn out tender and will melt in the mouth.

"The bird in the Volga": recipe

So, we prepare chicken fillet with cheese and tomatoes.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

chicken fillet, tomatoes, cheese

As you already understood, we will need chicken fillet, tomatoes, cheese. However, let's list all the products and the amount that they need to prepare this dish.

  • 1 large chicken breast.
  • 1 large tomato.
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of finely chopped parsley.
  • 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped dill.
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of milk.
  • 100 grams of cheese of solid grades.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise.
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of flour.
  • 1 tsp condiments for chicken.

Cooking Instructions

chicken fillet with cheese

  1. Brisket to wash, dry and gently cutvery sharp knife on four thin seams. Each of them is slightly discouraged and spiced with chicken and salt. Leave the fillets for a while, so that the spices are absorbed into the meat.
  2. From flour, 1 egg and milk with additionchopped dill cook lezones. It should be quite thick, but not as thick as sour cream, but a little bit lighter. In it, dipped each layer of chicken fillets and fry from both sides to light golden color on the warmed oil.
  3. Separately cook the cheese fondant. To do this, the cheese should be grated on a fine grater, add to it one beaten egg, a little (2-3 tablespoons) of light mayonnaise. All is good to stir.
  4. Cut the tomato first in half, and then in a semicircle.
  5. Finished layers of fillets to lay out on a baking sheet.
  6. On top of each layer accurately in the form of a fan put 3-4 petals of a tomato.
  7. Carefully, using a spoon, cover the fillet with cheese mass. Tomatoes and chicken fillet with cheese, or rather with cheese fondant, must completely disappear from sight.
  8. Leave the baking sheet in the preheated oven.
  9. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees until light sweating.
  10. For completeness, before serving, chicken fillet withcheese and tomatoes should be sprinkled with parsley, previously stocked for decoration "Birds in the Volga." I hope this delicious dish, devised by Volgograd chefs, you will definitely enjoy and will be your favorite dish. It is either served separately, or with mashed potatoes and salad.