/ Recipe of a roll from a biscuit dough. Sweet pastry

The recipe for a roll from a biscuit dough. Sweet pastry

In the world, probably, there are no people who do not likesweet. In any case, they are few. On global experiments with baking in the housewife is usually corny there is no time, so cakes and fancy cakes are postponed until the big holidays. But the recipe of a roll from a sponge-cake test does not require any time costs or capital investments. Therefore, the family can be pampered with such a delicacy even in the middle of the week.

recipe of biscuit roll

Fast biscuit roll

In most cases, a biscuit dough requirescertain fuss, first of all - with eggs. But this recipe of a roll from a biscuit test does not require the cook anything extraordinary. First of all, five eggs are beaten with the addition of a glass of sugar. When the mixture has turned white, a glass of sifted flour and a spoonful of soda are poured into it, which can be extinguished better with lemon juice or diluted acid. The liquid thick dough is kneaded, the baking tray is forgiven with parchment, and a base is distributed over it. It will be burned for about eight minutes. Ready hot biscuit layer is divided in half, so that the roll does not turn out too long, smeets generously boiled condensed milk and rolls into a bundle. After cooling, the biscuit roll is decorated - poured with melted chocolate or sprinkled with powder (coconut shavings, chopped candied fruits, etc.).

biscuit roll

Roll with whipped cream

What is good about the proposed roulette recipe frombiscuit test, so this is the fact that the result certainly succeeds magnificent and gentle. True, he will take more time than the previous one. First, a couple of spoons of flour is combined with a bag of baking powder and sieved. The flour remaining from the two glasses is sieved into another bowl. With a glass of sugar, five eggs are beaten, then half a cup of steep boiling water pours in it (this is important, the temperature of the test depends on the temperature). Without stopping whipping, pure flour is poured in, and in the end - mixed with a baking powder. The dough is distributed over a sheet of baking paper, pasted for 12-15 minutes into the oven. When the layer cools, it is greased with fat cream, whipped with four packets of fixer and two spoons of sugar, and curled up with rolls. Decoration - to the best of the imagination of the cook.

recipe biscuit roll with cream

Lemon roll

Filling for dessert can be taken any, because heis good in any configuration. But the most interesting, perhaps, is the recipe for a biscuit roll with cream, especially lemon: citrus gives the bake a unique subtlety and refinement. The first step to a perfect treat will be baking the cake. For him, four eggs are divided into yolks with proteins. The first whipped to splendor with four tablespoons of water (not cold and not warmed) and half a glass of sugar (120 g). The second break through to the peaks with a pinch of salt. They layer on the yolk mass, after which the flour is sifted from above - 100 grams. At the same stage, 60 g of coconut are poured in, and the dough is mixed with a spoon, from top to bottom, until it is homogeneous. it is baked on parchment for 15-20 minutes, put on a towel and folds together with it. While the base cools down, you can make a cream: 5 g of gelatin soak in a pile of water, remove the zest from two lemons, squeeze juice out of three (it should be about half a glass) and strain it. A glass of powdered sugar is poured into the juice, a piece of butter is put in 100 grams and zest. All this is cooked for about seven minutes, after which the peel is extracted. In another container, two eggs are mixed with a small volume of hot cream and added to the total mass. With stirring, it is brought to a boil, removed and combined with gelatin. The container is put in cold water, and the contents are whipped until cooled. After an hour and a half, spent in the refrigerator, the cream is applied to the unfolded cake, the roll is rolled back and decorated.

biscuit roll at home

Honey pleasure

Very pleased with all members of the family biscuitroll at home on honey. Four eggs are divided for him; the yolks are beaten with 90 grams of brown sugar until they grow in volume, they are injected with five drops of rum essence and 80 g of liquid honey, and the mixer is turned on again. Proteins break apart, with salt and citric acid, taken on a pinch. In the yolks, flour is poured - two-thirds of a half-glass-and a spoonful of baking powder. After mixing, a third of the proteins are added, mixed, and the remaining flour and proteins are added. The dough is distributed on parchment on a baking sheet and baked for about a quarter of an hour, folded together with paper into a roll and so cools. For filling the recipe of a roll from a biscuit test advises to beat together boiled condensed milk (150 g), vanillin and fat cream (200 g). The wrapping turns around, the parchment is removed, the surface is smeared, and the dough rolls up again.

simple biscuit roll

Strawberry delicacy

Such a biscuit roll can be prepared evenin winter: frozen berries will suit it. For him, mix a glass of flour, two and a half spoons of sugar, a little salt, a spoonful of baking powder and vanillin. Three eggs are divided into constituents, whites are beaten with two tablespoons of sugar, and yolks are ground separately. Strawberry is passed through with a sugar blender; the mashed potatoes should emit 80 grams. It is divided in half. Half goes to the yolks, there is poured a pile of lean oil and everything beats a whisk. Then slowly added a loose mixture, and at the very end - proteins. The dough is distributed over the laid baking tray and is baked for 11-13 minutes, curled and cooled with rolls. For the filling you can use any cream, but it is better to supplement it with the remaining strawberry puree.

quick biscuit roll

Poppy pleasure

Another very simple biscuit roll.The dough does not require special manipulation: two eggs are simply beaten for it, two thirds of a standard can of condensed milk, half a spoonful of baking powder mixed with a hundred grams of flour, a pinch of salt and a spoon of ordinary vegetable oil. The dough is placed on a parchment a layer of half a centimeter and baked five, on the strength of seven minutes. For the filling in half a glass of milk six spoonfuls of poppy, four - manki and the same amount of sugar are mixed. Another glass of milk is boiled, after which the prepared mixture is poured into it. All together brewed until thick, cool and smeared on the cake. The last step is his roll-up.

Banana dessert

The dough for the next roll is rather primitive:four eggs are punched up to the foam, and then a glass of sugar is poured out - a gradual, thin stream. When the mass is compacted and becomes whitish, flour is added, also a glass and also in portions. Mix this time with a spoon, from the bottom to the surface. The baking sheet is covered with parchment, the base is distributed over it and placed in the oven for a third of an hour. When hot, the cake wraps itself up and is left to “breathe” for at least a couple of hours. Some housewives are advised to give him rest all night. For the filling, cream is made of condensed milk can, whipped with 70 grams of butter. Two bananas are cut along strips and laid out soaked in syrup or jam cake, the cream is placed on top of them, roll is rolled again and decorated.

Tips from experienced chefs

Whatever recipe you like, it will give more tender results if you sprinkle the dough with rum, liqueur or brandy before making the dough.

The taste will become more interesting and richer if the cream is supplemented with berries / fruits that the current season offers. The apples aren’t too good - they aren’t too juicy.