Surely among you there are many lovershome baking. But due to the constant shortage of free time, few people can often afford to cook such delicacies. After reading today's publication, you will learn more than one quick recipe for unleavened dough for pies in the oven.
Option One: a list of ingredients
This recipe is interesting because it requiresavailability of scarce products. All the necessary components, as a rule, are always in every home. If something is missing, then you can safely buy in the nearest store. To make you delicious unleavened pie dough in the oven, you should make sure in advance that you have at your disposal:
- A glass of yogurt.
- Two teaspoons of sugar.
- Two and a half glasses of flour.
- Half a teaspoon of salt.
To pamper your family with a tasty delicacy, it is advisable to supplement the above list with a small amount of high-quality vegetable oil and baking soda.
If you want to get really tasty andsoft unleavened dough for pies in the oven, you need to strictly follow the recommended proportions. Salt, sugar and two tablespoons of any vegetable oil are added to slightly heated kefir. All is well mixed and gradually pour flour.
In the end, you should have an elastic, but notvery tight mass. Therefore, it is important to add flour in small portions so as not to overdo it. Otherwise, your uncooked pastry dough in the oven will not be saturated with air bubbles, giving it a delicious taste. After that, it is spread on the table, flushed with flour, rolled into a layer, the thickness of which is no more than one centimeter, and sprinkled with a third part of the soda, so that it is evenly distributed over the entire surface.
The dough prepared in this way is folded inthree layers. As a result, you should have something that looks like a bundle. It is re-rolled into the reservoir, sprinkled with soda and rolled in the same way. After this, repeat this manipulation. The resulting porous fluffy dough is covered with a clean bag and left for forty minutes to rise.
Option Two: a list of products
Fresh pies made according to this recipeare very light and airy. In addition, their baking takes not so much time and effort. Before starting the process, make sure that your kitchen has all the necessary components. At your hand should be:
- One chicken egg.
- A tablespoon of sugar.
- 150 grams of yogurt or yogurt.
- A teaspoon of mayonnaise, sour cream and vodka.
To cook really tasty blandPastry dough in the oven the above list should be expanded. It additionally make flour, salt and half a teaspoon of soda, quenched with vinegar.
Process description
To egg, pre-rubbed with sugarsand, add sour cream, mayonnaise, vodka and salt and mix well. Sour yogurt or yogurt and soda quenched with vinegar are placed in a separate bowl. All is thoroughly mixed and combined with sour-mayonnaise mass. After that, flour is gradually added to the resulting liquid. As a result, you should have a cool unleavened pie dough in the oven (the recipe from the photo can be viewed in today's article).
It is laid on a cutting board andmix thoroughly. Then the finished dough is divided into approximately the same balls and set aside for ten minutes. After this time, you can begin to form and bake pies. Ready-made pastries with a beautiful toasty crust are served hot on the table.
Option Three: a set of components
Следует отметить, что по этому рецепту можно Quickly and without any problems to prepare sweet unleavened pastry dough for pies in the oven. In order not to interrupt the process in search of the right products, you should audit your lockers in advance and buy the missing components. Be sure to check if you have at hand:
- Half a liter of sour cream.
- Two eggs.
- A teaspoon of soda.
Flour, granulated sugar and salt will be used as additional ingredients. Their number depends on the taste preferences of the cook and his family members.
Technology of preparation
To get delicious unleavened piesIn the oven, it is desirable to use a non-acidic thick sour cream. Add in it extinguished vinegar soda and mix thoroughly. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with salt and sugar. After that, everything is combined in one bowl and, gradually pouring flour, knead not too tight dough.
Oval or rounded cakes are formed from the resulting mass, in the middle of which the stuffing is placed. Before sending raw pies to the oven, small punctures are made in them.
Option Four
Cooked for this recipe unleavenedUnleavened pastry dough is great for products with various fillings. The only caveat is that it is recommended to add more sugar to sweet pastries.
To cook delicious cakes, you must stock up on all the necessary products. In order not to interrupt the process, you should make sure in advance that your kitchen has:
- 250 grams of cottage cheese.
- One third cup of milk.
- 300 grams of flour.
- Half a teaspoon of salt and soda.
As an additional component, vegetable oil and granulated sugar will be used. The last ingredient is added to the dough intended for sweet pastries.
В одной миске соединяют пять столовых ложек vegetable oil, milk, cottage cheese and salt. All thoroughly rubbed or whipped with a mixer. Into the resulting homogeneous mass gradually pour flour, mixed with soda in advance, and the dough is kneaded, which does not stick to the palms and walls of dishes. After that, it is sent to the refrigerator. After a quarter of an hour, cakes are made from it and baked.
Option Five
This recipe is so simple that with itEasy to handle any novice cook. It is also important that the preparation of such a test requires a minimum set of products. In order not to interrupt the process, you should check in advance if you have all the required components. Your kitchen should have:
- Two glasses of water.
- 150-200 grams of oil or vegetable fat.
- Two teaspoons of dry yeast.
- About 300 grams of flour.
In this case, vegetable fat plays a very important role in the process of raising the dough. Without it, you get dry and tasteless pies. Therefore, in advance, stock this component.
In one bowl connect previouslymelted and cooled to room temperature vegetable oil and water. Yeast, salt and sifted flour are sent there in advance and mixed well.
As a result, you should get a soft dough,which does not stick to the palms. They form a ball out of it, place it in a clean container, cover it with plastic wrap, wrap it in a thick towel and leave it for half an hour in a warm place. During this time, the dough will have time to slightly increase in volume, and butter will come out on its surface.
Thirty minutes later it is rolled out into a longthe roll is divided into small pieces of approximately the same size, laid out on a pie-plate and wrapped in plastic. Then each piece is rolled out, stuffed with ground beef in advance and formed into patties. The resulting product is placed on a baking sheet, greased with a small amount of any vegetable oil, again wrapped and allowed to infuse for a quarter of an hour. Fifteen minutes later, polyethylene film is removed from the pies and straightened to be baked in the oven, preheated to two hundred degrees. This time will be more than enough for them to redden. After half an hour, ready-made cakes from plain unleavened dough can be served on the table.