The most useful meat can be called steamed meatmultivark. For today, propaganda of healthy, healthy and high-quality food has become widespread. To prepare it, any housewife in the kitchen will need a miracle technique - a multivarker. With the help of this modern automatic device with a lot of function, you can spend significantly less time on the cooking process. And is not this the dream of any busy housewife?

In the multivariate you can cook a variety of typesmeat. It can be a rabbit, pork, beef, chicken. You can use and game. Multivarka due to the softening effect of fumes allows even the hardest meat to turn into melting in the mouth. Of course, the main criterion of choice is food preferences. In order to make delicious, juicy and soft meat in the multivark, it's enough to hold a few simple rules.

How to cook meat in a multi-dieting? It's easy to do this. It is enough to boil the meat and not add a large amount of spices and salt. Due to the steam the dish will turn out to be soft and easy, regardless of what kind of meat is planned to cook. The result will please any hostess.
How to cook meat in a multi-cooker "under a fur coat"?This is a fairly simple recipe, which is combined with potato casserole. To prepare this dish will not take more than an hour. The main ingredient should be meat, it is better to dwell on tender varieties, such as pork. It will take about 300 grams of fillet, a few medium potatoes, a pair of onions, two medium tomatoes, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 100 grams of cheese, herbs, salt, pepper to taste.
All ingredients must be finely chopped andlayering: first meat, then onion, on top raw potatoes. Tomatoes are cut into half rings and collapse in sour cream. Laid on top of the potato. It is necessary to cook for one hour in the "baking" mode, 10 minutes before the end of sprinkled with grated cheese.