/ / Sauce "Gamadari": cooking secrets

Sauce "Gamadari": the secrets of cooking

Gamadari sauce is very popular in Japan and manyother countries of Asia. His recipe spread far beyond the historical homeland. In Europe and the US, you can easily find a ready-made sauce in any supermarket. It is noteworthy that it is served not only with dishes of traditional Japanese cuisine, for which it was originally intended, but also with various meat, vegetable and fish dishes.

Hamadari sauce

In Russian supermarkets to find thisdelicious food is not so simple. But you can regard this as an extra reason to prepare the sauce "Gamadari" yourself. The recipe for it is not so simple, but if you already have basic skills in preparing various dishes of Japanese cuisine, then you can cope with it. And our article will help you in this.

Features of the dish

In Japan, the hamadary is a traditional dressing of the Chuka salad. At the heart of the recipe are nuts, sesame and spices, highlighted with harsh notes of rice vinegar and soy sauce.

The expressive sweet and sour taste of the sauce fits well with different dishes, so you can also serve Gamadari sauce with baked meat, vegetable salads and grilled fish.


To prepare a classic sauce we need some products. Many of the ingredients are in every house, but for some of the components you will have to hunt in the Asian departments of the supermarket.

The main role is played by peanuts - it needs 100 g.Another 20 grams of sesame seeds. It will take one teaspoon of sesame oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce and mustard. Sunflower oil needs about 4 tbsp. l. The amount of water can vary - on average enough 4-5 st. l. An important component is sugar, preferably brown, 2 tsp.

There are different versions of the recipe.Some add to the sauce "Gamadari" grated ginger, peanut paste, fried seeds, rice wine mirin. But to start better with the simplest. If you are preparing this dish for the first time, clearly measure the ingredients and discard any experiments. Time for them will come when you master the basic recipe.

sauce hamadari composition


The main flavor accents possessed by the sauce "Gamadari", give him nuts and sesame. Therefore, we start cooking with them.

Peel the peanuts from the husk.Heat the frying pan without oil and fry the nuts until golden. Fat in peanuts and so it is enough, therefore prepare it on a dry frying pan. Best for this purpose is an iron wok. Put the finished nuts in the bowl of the blender.

In the same frying pan lightly fry the sesame seeds, send it to the nuts and carefully grind it to a consistency resembling flour.

Pour into the bowl of vinegar, mustard, soy sauce, add sugar. Again, work with a blender until you achieve absolute homogeneity.

It remains to introduce the oil into the mixture.At this stage, it may be more convenient to use a regular tablespoon, not a blender. At the very end, pour in water. It is better not to add everything at once - add in small portions until you get the desired density.

sauce of hamadari recipe

Feed to the table

Gamadari sauce is served to various types of Japaneseseafood dishes, shrimp soup, gedza dumplings. It fits perfectly with Chinese and Thai cuisine: baked chicken, soups, glass and rice noodles. A harmonious combination of the dominant nutty taste with bright notes of soy sauce and rice vinegar is the company for traditional dishes of European cuisine.

Serve in a serving saucepans, so that each of the guests can add sauce to the main dish at their own discretion, or dunk the pieces, holding them with chopsticks.