/ Teriyaki sauce. Learn Japanese cuisine

Teriyaki sauce. Learn Japanese cuisine

Japanese cuisine stands out for its flavor.It is known that Eastern cultures are actively engaged in the exchange of experience in the preparation of certain dishes. One of the most popular culinary delights created by Japanese experts, was teriyaki sauce. Japanese cuisine is famous for the richness of sauces (sweet, sour, spicy), which are used when filling a variety of culinary products. It is this "highlight" that gives such a contrast of the most unexpected tastes to Japanese dishes.

So, for example, soy sauce, which isThe basis of many refills, famous for its benefits and ability to reduce the risk of both cancer and vascular diseases. Soy sauce is produced for more than three thousand years, and the principle of its production has not changed much today. Knowing his taste and ability to combine with certain ingredients, one can easily learn how to make teriyaki - a sauce that is considered to be traditional in the Japanese culture of cooking. The name is formed from two Japanese short words: "teri", which means sugar luster, and "yaki", which means fried.

In addition, teriyaki sauce canserved with meat, fish and even vegetables. Much depends not only on the components, but also on their proportions. How to make teriyaki sauce at home is not difficult to find out, but it is often much easier to buy it ready. Although, of course, a dish cooked with your own hands is often tastier than store counterparts.

Most likely, you know that teriyaki sauce,despite the exclusivity of its taste, based on soy sauce. Given that this seasoning appeared in the VIII century. BC. no wonder that all Asian cuisine, one way or another, is closely connected with it. So, it means that the quality of teriyaki directly depends on the correct soy sauce. The last, as many as 16 species, and manufacturers and should not be counted. It is worth noting that the leader in quality and taste for more than 300 years are the sauces of Kikkoman. They must be chosen as the main ingredient in order to prepare high-quality and tasty teriyaki sauce.

The first and easiest option. We will need:

  • soy sauce and Japanese wine - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sake (Japanese vodka) - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey (floral) - 1 teaspoon.

The cooking process is simple. All ingredients are heated and mixed until a homogeneous mass.

There is also such a popular way to make teriyaki sauce. Composition:

  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sake - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Spices: fennel, cumin, cloves, pepper (ground allspice), young cinnamon, cardamom. Total volume - 1 tsp;
  • Coriander - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.

All ingredients are simply mixed.This teriyaki sauce fits perfectly with poultry, meat and fish. Great taste is guaranteed if you pickle food in such a sauce for 30 minutes. It is worth to fry pickled food without oil, since a large proportion of oils are already included in teriyaki.

Sauce options are incredibly many, but oftenfantasize to such an extent that the usual dressing begins to transform into some kind of Chinese marinade. How to make teriyaki, a classic sauce that whole generations use in Japan? This requires only 4 basic ingredients:

  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sake - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mirin - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp. spoons.

That's all!Difficult nothing in this, it turns out. To give a brighter taste, you can add a little ginger and garlic (enough 2 cloves). Knowing how to cook teriyaki sauce, you should learn how to use it correctly. Most often he plays the role of a marinade, soaking poultry and fish. The sauce can give quite unexpected and interesting taste qualities even to ordinary chicken cutlets. So do not be afraid and feel free to experiment. Enjoy your meal!