Among the huge number of different types of saucesthis one is one of the most refined and delicious. Cheese sauce is the component of the dish, which gives it a special flavor and unique taste. There are a lot of recipes on which it can be cooked. Cheese sauce is suitable for dishes from meat, vegetables, pasta and many other food products.
The classic recipe for its preparation is one that includes 150 g of cheese, 200 ml of milk, 1 tbsp. flour, 200 ml of any broth (vegetable, mushroom, chicken); 50 g butter butter.

For vegetable dishes, a cheese sauce is prepared, prepared from the following ingredients: 150 g of cheese; 2 tablespoons mustard; 2 Bulgarian peppers; 50 ml of sour cream; salt, curry, pepper; 2 cloves garlic.

The following is a recipe for sauce with dill and garlic.Cheese sauce with these ingredients is suitable for those who love dishes with a bright garlic taste. The products needed for cooking: 100 g of cheese; 100 g of sour cream; 3 cloves of garlic; 100 g of mayonnaise; 1 tbsp. soy sauce; bunch of dill.
First of all, grated cheese on the graterput in a deep bowl. To it add mayonnaise, soy sauce, sour cream, greens and garlic. Using a blender, all ingredients are whipped until smooth.
For meat dishes the followinga recipe: 100 g of cream are poured into the sauté pan and placed on a small fire. They bring to a boil, stirring regularly. Grated cheese (100 g) is added to the cream and all is stirred until uniform. In the end, add salt, pepper, a little mustard.

Cheese spaghetti sauce is made from cream (200 ml), 3-4 sorts of hard cheese (400 g), a bunch of parsley, spices ("Italian herbs"), ground pepper, a pinch of ground nutmeg.
In a metal bowl of cream, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, and then add grated cheese to them.
The mixture is constantly stirred until completemelting cheese. To the finished sauce, add spices and chopped parsley. All ingredients are heated on the fire for no more than one minute. Ready dish is poured hot sauce.