/ / A wonderful drink - beet kvass

A wonderful drink - beet kvass

Beet kvass was known back in ancient timestimes, like a thirst-quenching drink, and as a medicine. Nowadays, it also takes a worthy place in cooking, in traditional and folk medicine.

Healing properties of kvass from beets are appreciatednutritionists, hematologists, gastroenterologists, urologists, and a number of other specialists. This drink is rich in vitamins and microelements, such as iodine, zinc, manganese, copper, iron.

He also removes accumulated slag from the body,clears the blood vessels, prevents the formation of cholesterol, normalizes the work of the intestine and liver, removes sand and stones from the kidneys. Along with this, beet kvass reduces arterial blood pressure, raises hemoglobin in the blood, smooths bacteriological balance in the gastrointestinal tract, is often used in diets for weight loss.

The basic ways of preparation of beet kvass:with the addition of yeast and without yeast, that is, a method of natural fermentation. The most common is the no-yeast way of cooking kvass. Because such a kvass can be used for three months, adding water as it is consumed.

Beet kvass - recipe without yeast

To prepare such a kvass, you need red beetroot varietiesgrate on a large grater or cut into thin strips. Fill a 3-liter jar with half, add a tablespoon of salt and pour water, which should be boiled in advance and cooled to room temperature. Water will need about 2 liters.

The bank should not be heavily populated, as inDuring the fermentation process, the mass in the bank will increase. It is better not to cover the lid, but to tie it with gauze, folded in two layers. Leave kvass in a warm place for two weeks, until full ripening. Although it is quite possible to start using it after 5 days, when the first signs of fermentation appear in the form of foaming.

Yeast recipe for kvass

1 kilogram of peeled red beetslice thin plates and simmer in a low heat oven. In a large saucepan (at least 7 liters), cook this beet in 5 liters of water until soft. Then strain through a strainer, cool to a temperature of 35-40C and add the rest of the ingredients: yeast (50g.), Black bread (50g.) And sugar (100g.).

Leave to ferment in a warm place for 2-4day, then filter and cool again. This beet kvass is good for making cold first courses. If you want to use it in the form of a drink, then add sugar to taste.

Dishes based on kvass

Russian, Ukrainian and Polish cuisine is used inpreparation of cold beet soup kvass. The recipe for okroshki based on kvass from beets is known for a long time. Only before okroshka did not contain meat products. Basically, it was cooked in the summer, using finely chopped cucumbers, boiled potatoes, greens and eggs. Fill vegetables with cold kvass and add salt, sour cream, horseradish and mustard to taste.

To prepare beetroot Ukrainiansprefer kvass from red beets, but Poles - from white. And this dish is prepared in the same way as okroshka, only potatoes should be replaced with boiled beets, grated on a large grater.

Weight correction with beet kvass

The decision to lose weight pushes many women tounreasonable rejection of vital products, than they cause irreparable harm to their health. But the fact that the use of kvass from beets significantly reduces weight, very few people know.

It should be noted that such a dietary methodhas a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the female body. You lose extra pounds by cleaning the body of toxins, restoring metabolic processes and the ability to burn fat cells. During weight correction, nutritionists prefer kvass cooked without yeast.

During classes in the fitness hall, tryreplace water with water diluted with beet kvass in the proportion of 1: 1. This drink adds strength and vigor, promotes fat burning and normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, which is important in times of increased physical exertion.