/ / Tomatoes in a package salted with garlic: the best recipes, important secrets

Tomatoes in a package salted with garlic: the best recipes, important secrets

Salted cucumbers indulge everyone who is notalien to cooking. But the fact that in the same way you can cook more and tomatoes, most housewives forget. Meanwhile, the tomatoes in the package - lightly salted, with garlic - are prepared very quickly, turn out to be dense and appetizing and require very little effort from the side of the chef. In addition, they can give a very different taste, satisfying the gourmet preferences of their family.

tomatoes in a package salted with garlic

A few important rules

To lightly salted tomatoes in a package quickly“Ripe”, you need to take small tomatoes, something like a medium-sized “cream” or cherry. The process can be accelerated even more by incising the place where the stem was attached. Just do not overdo it with depth, so that the tomato does not become soft.

For uniform salting, all fruits should be about the same size. Sorting takes a few minutes, but it guarantees the desired result.

The package needs to be found durable - it must withstand the weight of the tomatoes, and occasional shaking. If you are not sure about the strength of the package, put it in another pair of bags.

tomatoes in package salted with garlic recipe

It is impossible to pack a bag tightly: tomatoes will make juice, and there must be room for it.

Avoid storing tomatoes in a package.salted. First, if they remain tied up, they can “suffocate”. A mold doesn’t improve taste. Secondly, from overexposure, tomatoes can become sluggish and begin to creep under your fingers. Thirdly, they elementally saline and bitter.

If the tomatoes were over-salty due to an excess of salt or overexposure, add a little sugar to the bag, shake the bag and leave to lie for a third of an hour.

Recipe for salted tomatoes in the package

How to cook salted tomatoes with garlic in the package: the first recipe

The set of products listed below is calculatedon a dozen tomatoes. So, tomatoes are prepared for salting, that is, they are washed (no need to dry), pick up a toothpick and fold into a strong bag. Pour there too: a large spoonful of salt and a little sugar, five cloves of garlic, if desired, spices in the form of dill, horseradish leaves and peppers. Tie up, shake - and warm until tomorrow.

Lightly salted tomatoes in a package in 5 minutes,Of course, not reach the condition. But if you want to get them quickly, cross the end of the tomato opposite to the stem and cut the place where it was attached to the stem completely - and after a couple of hours it will be possible to taste the pickles.

quickly salted tomatoes in a package

Add pepper

Tomatoes in a package (lightly salted, with garlic)have become even more interesting and varied in taste, you can add them with Bulgarian pepper. On eight tomatoes usually put one or two medium pods. Tomatoes are prepared for shipment in a bag in the manner already described. Pepper is cleaned and cut into narrow strips. Half a head of garlic is recommended not only to release from the husk, but also cut lengthwise into halves. In addition to vegetables, fresh dill with parsley and lemon balm, a full spoonful of sugar and salt, oregano, sage and rosemary are put in the package (they can be put into action and dried). Love spicy - add a bit of mustard seed. Shake - and forget about the package, this time for two days: unlike the salted tomatoes with garlic, the pepper in the package is spiced up longer.

Tomatoes plus cucumbers

Так сказать, два в одном:Both favorite vegetables will be in stock. They are taken in equal quantities and (by eye) of the same size. Say, six pieces each. Tomatoes are punctured, cucumbers are cut at the "ass" at both ends. Garlic in the original recipe indicated five teeth, you can adjust to your own preferences. Again, it is recommended to nakroms it plates, but if you do not like the pronounced garlic smell, put the whole. Fold cucumbers and tomatoes in the package. Lightly salted and with garlic - your household will surely like them! From the greenery taken parsley, dill and carrot tops. The first two herbs are crushed, the tops are laid whole. Salt - a full spoon, sugar - with a lack of sleep. Night the vegetables should lie in the refrigerator in the paper bag, then they need to be moved to the container along with the brine.

Recipe with vinegar

В последние годы стало модным ценить солености, в which is missing vinegar. Nevertheless, there remain traditionalists who "respect" the workpiece with the presence of this component. Especially for them - a recipe for salted tomatoes in a package, where vinegar is used as a preservative. Eight tomatoes leave the head of garlic in chopped form, chopped dill, three spoons of salt and 30 ml of vinegar. All ingredients are combined and poured into a package. Already in the mixture are laid tomatoes, tied, shaken and placed in a dark place for two hours. Wait for the tasting, as it turns out, will not have long!

lightly salted tomatoes in a package in 5 minutes

Flight of fancy is approved!

If you are shy at first, try the basic versionRecipe salted tomatoes in the package. When make sure the system works, invent your own. You can start the experiment by adding turmeric or basil. You can try cilantro, but very carefully, yet her smell is too strong. But with dry spices you can behave more freely, although, again, without extremism. Some cooks successfully salted stuffed tomatoes - it would be appropriate to recall the stuffing from the Armenian or Georgian cuisine. Do not forget about the note that gives hot pepper to pickles - without it, supporters of spicy food are unlikely to manage.

Очень интересен вариант, при котором в cruciform cuts on tomatoes are put in greens and garlic. But to get a successful result, you will have to buy hard fruits, brown, and possibly green ones: fully ripe tomatoes can by the end of salting turn into slurred porridge.