/ How many eggs are cooked in a bag after boiling? Cooking tips

How much to cook eggs "in a bag" after boiling? Cooking tips

It would seem that it can be simpler than boiled eggs?He put it in the water, turned on the fire, and let them prepare themselves. There is nothing to do, as they say. But, honestly, we acknowledge that even an experienced housewife often admits that far from always boiled eggs are obtained exactly as needed. And today we will talk about a fairly rare variety of this dish. These eggs are "in a bag". How much to cook them, why they are so called, with what and how to serve them on the table and whether you need any special tools for this - you will find out all this if you read the article below.

how much to cook eggs

Egg "in a bag" and soft-boiled - what's the difference?

Известно приблизительно три типа приготовления product in this way. This boiled eggs are hard-boiled, soft-boiled and "in a bag". In the first case we are talking about a completely welded product. Both protein and yolk are solid. Eggs "soft" are known more. With this method of cooking, the protein is only slightly thickened, and the yolk remains liquid. What do eggs mean "in a bag"? This is when the protein is completely (or almost) cooked, and the yolk is still liquid, or at least viscous, creamy. That is, in this dish there is a combination of a solid and a liquid consistency. It turns out a kind of "pouch" of protein, in which there is a yolk that does not have time to cook. But this is not always the case. For success, you need to know how much to cook the eggs "in a bag". It is also necessary to take into account other secrets and rules. Now we will deal with all this.

Why is time so important?

To the chicken egg "in a bag" came out so thatthe protein remained solid, and the yolk "stretched" like a melted cheese and from this acquired a simply divine taste, you need to know exactly how many minutes to keep the eggs in the water when cooking. The fact is that each of the ingredients requires its temperature. Protein eggs are best cooked at a temperature of 82 degrees Celsius. Then it curls up, but it will not taste like rubber. But the yolk needs a little less - up to 77 degrees. Otherwise, it will not only not remain liquid, but also cover with a touch of unpleasant greenish color. Therefore, you need to know several rules, observing which you will achieve that the protein and yolk have reached the desired consistency.

In what kind of water do the eggs drop into the bag when cooking

Cook time

How much to cook eggs "in a bag", if you laidthem in cold water? Most cooks believe that in this case, the exact time in boiling water is not very easy to determine, because it is highly dependent on the heating rate. In any case, depending on how large you are using eggs, you need to keep them in boiling water for at least 4-5 minutes. And lay them in such a way that they are slightly covered with liquid. If you prefer boiling water, then the time of staying there eggs is easier to determine. We need to keep them there from 4.5 to 5.5 minutes - also depending on the size. But here you should rely on the flair of the hostess. How much to cook eggs "in a bag" as much as possible? Sometimes the time can be brought up to six or seven minutes. However, if you boil the eggs too long, you will not get the desired dish. They will come out hard. Some skilful cooks cook such eggs after boiling for just one minute. But the product is not immediately taken out. Just turn off the gas and keep the eggs in hot water for about 7 minutes.

How much to cook eggs in a bag

Rules of cooking

To get a boiled egg "in a bag," littleremember how much to keep it in boiling water. You need to know some more cooking secrets. For example, if you put eggs in boiling water, then it should be salted. And although many housewives believe that this does not matter, the taste of the dish will depend on such manipulation. To salt it is necessary in such proportions: 2 tablespoons of white crystals per liter of water. The products themselves should be poured into boiling water very carefully, so that the eggs do not hit the bottom of the dishes and do not crack. But if you pour water, then even breaking the integrity of the shell will not scare you. Then the protein will not flow out anyway. Well, cook the eggs in a small saucepan, especially if you do not have a lot of them. Then they will not roll over and boil over each other.

Secrets of cooking

First of all, it is necessary to go to the selection of eggs smartly.Preferably, of course, home. But if you are a city dweller and you do not have a choice, then when buying eggs pay attention to ensure that they are clean. By weight, they should not be too light, but not heavy, but in appearance - matte. And one more secret: if the eggs are fresh (up to four days), then they are cooked longer. And you need to consider this if you want to get the perfect dish. Therefore, to the average time of cooking eggs "in the bag" should be added another minute or two. To the shell does not burst from the heat, it is advised to pierce it a little with a needle from different sides before placing it in boiling water. In addition, from the blunt end is an air sac. When heated, the gas begins to expand, and from this the egg can crack. With punctures, this problem is solved. But, of course, eggs should not be too cold. Better about an hour to keep them at room temperature, before cooking. The fire should be small. Chicken egg "in a bag", like the usual cool, after cooking, you must immediately put it in cold water. So much easier to later get rid of the shell.

Boiled egg in a bag

What is more useful for health?

It has long been thought that if you cook for a long timesome product, then all substances that we do not need will come out of it, and what remains will be easily assimilated. So, for example, the situation is with mushrooms. But eggs are a completely different matter. The longer you cook them, the worse they will be absorbed. Especially when it comes to the child's body. Therefore, steep eggs are less useful. So, there are two other types of cooking. However, not all babies, but what's there - even adults! - love soft-boiled eggs. Moreover, often the protein in them is undercooked, looks not very aesthetic, and the taste is often not very good. Ideally, from the point of view of a healthy lifestyle, it looks like eggs "in a bag". We found out their recipe. Now let's see what to do with them further, after being cooked.

Egg in a bag how to serve

Filing and laying

To make the dish tasty and guests orthe homemakers were amazed at how you can initially prepare such a familiar product, you need to know, first, how many eggs to boil in a bag, and secondly - how to offer them. They are served hot on the table, immediately after cooking. If you cook these eggs for 4-5 minutes, then it is not easy to clean them - they are too soft. In this case, guests should be offered special dishes - a stand in the form of a glass. It allows you to eat this dish with a spoon, right from the natural "bowl", which is the lower shell. If the eggs were boiled for 6 or 7 minutes, they can be cleaned easily. In addition, your guests or household will not worry that they will stain the clothes with a yolk. In the stand of such an egg put a sharp end. In order to eat it properly, it is necessary to break the shell and clean it from above a little. A hard protein is usually cut off like a lid to open the yolk. And he is already eating a teaspoon. In the "best houses" for such eggs there are special appliances. In addition to the stand, it is also a special teaspoon. It has an extended end in the form of a scapula.

What does the egg in the pouch mean?

Sauce for eggs "in a bag"

Очень часто такое блюда требует особых соусов, so that its taste is better "revealed". For this you need to know not only how to prepare an egg "in a bag", but also what better choice for him dressing. Mayonnaise for this dish looks a little rough. Most often as a sauce, use oil, balsamic sauce or Dutch. They perfectly emphasize the taste of eggs. Oily sauce is prepared, as for vegetable dishes. It will also suit our eggs "in a bag". To do this, melt the butter - preferably in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Then add salt and spices (black pepper is required). And in the end, sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice. If you want to make a Dutch with a delicate velvety taste, then beat two raw yolks in a water bath, and then add small portions of butter sauce there. And before serving, you need to pour in the whipped cream (for greater tenderness) and stir to make a homogeneous mass. How to make balsamic sauce? For this you will need starch and special vinegar. It is also called balsamic. There are not many products, but everything needs to be done very quickly. It is necessary to dilute the starch with a hundred grams of balsamic vinegar. It should be prevented until the lumps disappear. Then add another 200 grams of vinegar and put on medium heat. Stir all the time. After two or three minutes of cooking, the sauce suddenly begins to thicken. Then it immediately needs to be removed from the heat and cooled. And then you can serve. But it's better to put oil and Dutch on the table hot.

With which garnish to serve

Сколько варить яйца «в мешочек», прекрасно знают in many countries of Europe, where this product has become a traditional component of a hearty breakfast or snack. As a rule, they are served with croutons, vegetable or winter salads, depending on the season. Bread is better to choose black - it sets off the taste of a tender yolk. Often this dish is prepared for Easter. In May, in restaurants in Germany, eggs are cooked in this way, prefer to offer white asparagus to customers. And in England this dish is like garnishing fried bacon. Recently, it is fashionable to serve these eggs with toast and green salad. As a festive or banquet option, add slightly salted salmon or trout. You can say that the eggs "in a bag" - this is a real aristocratic and at the same time a hearty breakfast.

With what to serve eggs in a bag

Instead of concluding

Above,how much to cook eggs "in a bag". But this is not a dogma, but a "guide to action." Many people, sharing their experience, write that someone got it all in 5 minutes, and someone and after 4 minutes of eggs came out hard. But do not be surprised! After all, all these prescriptions are good for "medium" eggs. But whether the dish will come out depends on the height of your location above sea level, the quality of the gas, the thickness of pans and shell, the freshness of the product, the composition of water and many other factors. So dare and do not forget to share your experience with others!