Chicken egg is very useful.In whatever form we did not use it, it is still tasty and useful. Chicken eggs are used in cooking soups, salads, they eat just like that. How to cook eggs, I think everyone knows, but there are some subtleties in their preparation. This article is about them.
Eggs are boiled hard, soft, in a bag, theiryou can fry, eat raw. Not so often, but still cook poached eggs. With this method it is worthwhile to tinker. It is a little more complicated than regular cooking. Eggs are a main component in some dishes. Especially it is applicable to different salads. For example, salad olivier, or winter salad, without chicken eggs, hard-boiled, will lose all palatability. Now about how to boil an egg hard-boiled, not soft-boiled or in a bag.
Before you start cooking eggs, it should berinse well, preferably in warm water. And yet, after buying an egg, you do not have to wash it at once, in order to avoid breaking the integrity of the shell, and their quick damage. Therefore - wash only before cooking. Do not throw the egg immediately into a pan of water, just getting it out of the refrigerator - it will give a crack. We give it a little exposure at room temperature.
There is a nuance about which not everyone knows.How to boil an egg to preserve its integrity? It is necessary to pierce it with a needle from a more round side. Now a simple question that interests many: how much time to cook eggs to achieve the desired state. For this purpose, you can mark the time on the timer, and as soon as it gives a signal, immediately turn off the fire. The time for cooking fresh eggs should be longer for a couple of minutes than stored for a long time. Usually, eggs are hard boiled for ten minutes, soft-boiled eggs - five minutes, if you want to boil an egg in a bag - three minutes. After the eggs are cooked, they must be lowered into cold water in order to be easy to clean. The shell will be removed quickly, and large areas.
Теперь подробней о том, как варить яйца вкрутую.They must be lowered into boiling water, which can be added to raise the boiling point. Water should cover the eggs completely. Cook for 9-10 minutes. Digestion is fraught with the fact that they will acquire excessive stiffness and hardness. You can eat both separately and use in salads.
How to boil soft-boiled eggs.Egg, cooked soft-boiled, is, as it were, undercooked protein, which has a liquid consistency, the yolk is also not finished until the end. Such eggs ray is a dessert spoon.
Промываем яйца и кладём их в кипяток.Cook for 4-5 minutes. Water should completely hide the contents of the saucepan. If the water is less than it should be and the fire is weak, cook longer. To eggs after removal from the fire did not continue to cook, they should be filled with cold water.
Consider the way how to boil the poached eggs. Here the cooking process is more complicated than traditional cooking. The fact is that this type of cooking of eggs implies their cooking without shell.
In a saucepan with water or with a broth cautiouslypour pre-broken eggs. In the broth or water should be added vinegar and salt - to taste. It will be better if the eggs are fresh, not more than four days old. Before placing in boiling broth, eggs should be cooled. Cook should be on low heat, for 3 minutes. If the fire is strong or the time for stitching has gone more, our dish will deteriorate, that is, the protein will break down. Then we take the finished product, put it for a while in cold, slightly salted water. After that, you can put the dish on the table.
Eggs cooked in this way become flattened. Yolk - in the form of a dense creamy formation.
So, from this article you learned how to cook eggs, what they eat, in what dishes they are the main ingredient.