/ / How to quickly cook apple jam and pie from it

How to quickly cook apple jam and pie from it

Домашние блюда – это приготовленные с любовью with their own hands, in which are invested not only strength, time, but also soul. Some of these sweet dishes are jam and fruit jam, in particular from apples. This article contains a step-by-step recipe and a photo of apple jam, as well as a pie with its use.

What is the difference between jam and jam

Modern billets for future use are variegated with a variety of products from fruits and berries, some of the most popular ones are sweet billets for a long time: jam, jam, jams and confitures.

apple jam

What is their difference from each other? In fact, everything is very simple:

  • Jam is a morsel shreddedfruits or apples and are sugared with sugar to a density that does not allow the mass to spread over the dishes. Most often it is used to make sweet pastry with stuffing.
  • Jam consists of pieces of fruit and syrup in which they are located.
  • Jam is a thicker jam, which is oftenthey confuse him. The difference is only in density. Jam, as well as jam, is often used for cooking various baked goods, more often open: bagels, cookies with stuffing, etc.
  • Confiture is a fruit puree,sugar to the density of jam, but having in its composition the whole pieces of berries (strawberries, raspberries, etc.). Use to spread on bread and toast as a breakfast or a snack.

How to cook a thick apple jam

The recipe for apple jam is simple:three kilograms of apples cut into quarters and remove the core. We put in a wide pan and pour a small amount of water, boil down no more than ten minutes. As soon as the apples become soft, the water is drained, and the fruit is wiped through a sieve.

apple jam

You can also blend with a blender - it's faster,but small pieces of peel can be found in the jam, which need not be removed during preparation, because it contains the most useful substances, as well as pectin, which makes apple jam more dense. Then add 2 kg of granulated sugar to the mass, mix it and put it back on the stove, and when it boils, we reduce the heat to a minimum. Cook, stirring to the necessary density, making sure that the jam does not burn. It is for this reason that some housewives put a pot of future jam in the oven - there it does not burn, but it is inconvenient if a large amount of the product is prepared at a time.

Recipe # 2

Also, apple jam can be cooked, nappedthe same number of apples on a large grater, pour sugar (per 1 kg of apples - 650 grams of sugar) and leave for a couple of hours to allow the fruit mass to release juice. Next, put the pan on the stove (preferably, if it will be with a thick bottom) and cook, stirring, to the required density. Jam on this recipe can be prepared in several ways: let it simmer for 15-20 minutes, then turn it off and leave it overnight under the lid, and continue the next day. This method makes the finished jam more flavorful and thick.

apple jam recipe

If the product is harvested for future use, thenhot it must be spread out on clean, sterilized jars and tightly rolled with tin covers using a special machine, then at any time of the year it will be possible to open a jar and cook a delicious pie with jam to home tea drinking.

Cake with apple jam

A pie with a cup of tea or milk is very home-like, and it's unlikely that a person will refuse such a treat, especially if it is cooked by oneself.

simple apple pie

The easiest recipe for a pie with apple jam:

  • 800 grams of ready-frozen dough:you can take a yeast or puff - which is more like. Defrost and divide into two parts. One roll out the size of the baking dish, and the second just a thin layer.
  • The bottom of the form is lined with a test, necessarily formingheight about three centimeters. It is very convenient in such cases to use a split form - then there will be no problems with the extraction of the finished pie.
  • On the surface of the dough in the form, distribute an even layer of 500 grams of apple jam.
  • From the remaining dough, cut out a one-centimeter strip with a knife and lay them on the cake with a grid (at right angles) or a grid (diagonally) a short distance from each other.
  • Lubricate the top of the pie with a beaten egg and send it to the oven, heated to 200-220 degrees and bake until ready. Already cooled down into portions.

This kind of pie (from any dough) is prepared literally in half an hour, but it is tasty, especially with fresh milk.

Another proven recipe

Пирог с яблочным повидлом можно приготовить с the addition of walnuts or almonds, which will make the baking more flavorful and unusual in taste. At the same time, its top design will become its special design, for which this pie is often called "grated".

grated cake

For its preparation is prepared the usual shortbreaddough (the recipe of which is available for each hostess), then it is divided into two equal parts: one part is frozen in the refrigerator, the other is rolled out according to the size of the baking dish. Cover it with a layer of apple jam, mixed with a glass of chopped nuts, and on top with a grater with large holes rub the frozen dough, and evenly covering them with jam. Sprinkle the top of the cake with half a glass of walnuts and send it to the oven. The cake is baked in the oven at a standard temperature of 200 degrees until cooked and before serving, but after cooling, it is cut into cute squares.

A few facts about apple jam

  • Apple jam has a caloric value of 250 calories per hundred grams, and a pie with its use - from 280 to 350, depending on the type of dough.
  • In cookery jam from apples is considered the most popular for use in baking.
  • It is believed that jam comes from Poland. It was there that for the first time they began to cook a sweet mixture of crushed apples and honey.