/ / Plum of cherry plums: the secrets of cooking, the benefits, harvesting for future use

Jam from cherry plum: the secrets of cooking, the benefit, the harvesting for future use

Sweet cherry plum suits well to homebaking. On a cold winter day it can turn evening tea drinking into a small holiday thanks to the amber color and summer aroma. Alycha retains vitamins and expressive taste even after prolonged heat treatment. Knowing the features of this fruit, you can easily prepare yourself jam from the plum for winter and enjoy home delicious desserts during the cold season.

jam from a plum

The benefits of plumbers

Doctors are advised to eat cherry plum for those who sufferdisorders of the gastrointestinal tract and liver diseases. This fruit is useful for pregnant women and convalescent patients. Alycha is rich in vitamins and microelements, which are especially necessary in the winter. Jam from cherry plum is a delicious and reliable way to avoid seasonal vitamin deficiency.


Preparatory stage

Some varieties of plum is simply impossiblefree from bones without preliminary heat treatment. Usually, such fruits are used for making compotes, canning together with bones. But these sweet and fragrant fruits are so good in jams and jams! Preparation of jam is an excellent way of harvesting cherry plums, because the features of the process involve getting rid of pits.

cherry from cherry plum

If you use a variety that is easyopen in half, brush the fruit beforehand. This is the only thing that needs to be done at the preparatory stage. Jam from a plum without pits can be prepared from different varieties of these fruits. Peel is not necessary to remove, it will become soft enough during cooking.

Proportion of products for jam and jam

Usually for the preparation of jams fruit and sugartake in equal parts. But cherry plum contains a large amount of fructose, so in order to prepare jam or jam from a plum without pits, you need other proportions.

Usually, one kilogram of fruit, purified fromseeds, take 600-700 grams of sugar. Much depends on the type of cherry plum, because some of its species are sour. And you should not forget about your own culinary preferences. If you do not like too sweet desserts, follow the proportions of 1: 0.6. But sweets can easily bring its quantity even to a ratio of 1: 1. If you use a sweet fruit variety, you can add a few slices of lemon or orange to the prepared jam. Water for these juicy fruits can not be used at all, they have enough natural moisture.

jam from cherry plum for the winter

The process of making jam with syrup

Jam from a plum will be even more delicious if syrupweld separately from lobules. For this recipe, a variety is suitable, from which it is easy to remove the bones. It is best to do this in the evening. Cut the cherry plum into halves, fold it into a fire-resistant dish, in which jam will be cooked. Add sugar and leave until morning. A few hours later, slices of plum simply drown in their own juice, which is very quickly released when interacting with sugar. In the morning they must be caught with a noise and put into a clean dry dish. Syrup with dissolved sugar put on the fire, cook, stirring constantly. Let it boil and then stand for about 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times. After that, pour the cherry plum into the syrup and cook the jam for 3 days, bringing it to a boil twice a day. The syrup prepared in this way turns out to be thick, homogeneous, similar to honey. Immediately after the last boil, pour the jam over sterile jars, cork and cover with a blanket. Cooled banks carry in the pantry.

Preparation of jam

If you decide to cook jam from a plum, fromwhich is difficult to remove the bones, will have to poke around longer. Three kilograms of sugar dissolved in 2 liters of water. Preheat over medium heat. Add 5 kg of fruit. So that they give juice faster, pierce them with a needle or just mash with a pestle. Warm up the jam, not allowing boiling. Repeat the procedure several times until the fruits soften. Next is the process of grinding. To do this, it is better to use a colander with a large mesh. Jam preserves the temperature for a long time, so try not to touch the mass with your hands. Use a spoon or ladle. Rinse the pulp through a sieve, and remove the bones immediately. When the whole mass is rubbed, put the jam on the fire and cook again. Continue until the product reaches the desired density.

jam from cherry plum for the winter

Jam from cherry plum in the multivark

If you have a modernkitchen technology, the process can be speeded up and simplified. You can cook jam in just a couple of hours. Kilogram of fruit, along with seeds, throw into boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes, then pour in cold water. Now you can easily remove the bones. Flesh plums stack in a bowl multivarka, add 800 grams of sugar. Set the "Baking" mode and cook the jam for 45 minutes. If you wish, you can blend the mass with a blender and get a jam. It can be immediately served to the table or corked in a jar for the winter.