/ / Only the best snacks: herring with onion and vinegar, cooking recipes

Only the best snacks: herring with onion and vinegar, cooking recipes

Among traditional dishes, without which it does not dono feast, a place of honor is occupied by herring. A piece of fillet on a slice of black bread is an ideal snack for a misted glass of iced vodka. A good fish and for the awakening of appetite, it is remarkably combined with a large number of dishes. About how to cook it delicious, we'll talk.

Atlantic, Astrakhan, Norwegian

herring with onion and vinegar
The main "heroine" of our today's article -herring with onion and vinegar. They serve it in a variety of forms - under a fur coat, in various salads. The simplest way of cooking looks like this: clean the fish from the husks and entrails, cut off the head and fin of the tail. Carefully peel the peel, separate the fillets from the ridge, remove the large bones. To your herring with onion and vinegar in the finished form turned out to taste tender, soak it for a couple of hours in milk. Cut into small portions, put into a dish. On top crumble feathers of spring onions and parsley. Generously sprinkle with vinegar, preferably grape. Pour vegetable (sunflower or olive) oil. To appetizer became even more juicy, overlay fish with dark olives, it is better without pits. Now herring with onion and vinegar looks simply delicious! Another option of how it can be served: slice thin slices of lemon and lay on the edges of the dish. If the feathers of the onions are not there, it does not matter. Suitable and regular. Chop it with rings, spread evenly over the whole fillet. And decorate the way as suggested above. Such herring with onion and vinegar will compete with the most exotic and rich snacks of the world.

We choose the herring correctly

herring with onion and vinegar recipe
If you choose a whole fish in the store toto make a quality dish out of it, you need to know some tricks. Pay attention to the appearance of the product. Fish should be free from damage or dents, rust stains or smudges. And the reddish liquid to ooze out of it, too, should not. This also applies to Far Eastern sardines, popularly referred to as "Iwasi", and the usual, already mentioned Atlantic. Dark, more precisely, black with blue tint back, silver belly - this is the perfect look of beauty. Due to the careful selection of herring with onions and vinegar, the recipe of which we quoted above, will not have an unpleasant smell and taste and will not cause poisoning.

Marinas themselves

pickled herring with onions and vinegar
Suppose you bought fresh fish and wantmake herring "homemade". Is it possible? Yes, easy! Marinated herring with onions and vinegar will be a great addition to the potatoes, if you cook it with this recipe. You will need: for 1 liter of water half a glass of salt (you can use a third for a weak pickle), a whole sliced ​​herring, a quarter cup of sugar, 1.5-2 cups of vinegar, a few pieces of bay leaves, a couple of cloves of garlic and a handful of allspice and hot pepper, lemon and onion head. If desired, add a few clove buds and a teaspoon of coriander to the marinade. Step by step: warm up the water, add salt to dissolve well. When it cools down, immerse the fish in it and leave it for a day. Then cook the marinade: mix a glass of water with vinegar, heat, add sugar, dissolve, boil for about 5 minutes, cool. Cut the herring into pieces. Lay layers of lemon, onion mugs, fillet slices in layers in a jar, sprinkling everything with spices. Pour marinade, add a spoonful of vegetable oil, put in a fridge for a day. And eat with pleasure!

And fast and tasty

herring with green onions
If the herring is already salted, and its taste is quite yourssatisfies, you can only pickle onions. This ingredient will give the snack an extra piquancy. And time will take only an hour. Cut the onion into half rings. In a glass of heated water, dissolve a tablespoon of sugar, one and a half teaspoons of salt. Pour in a bowl, add half a cup of vinegar, stir. Pour onion with marinade and leave for about an hour at room temperature. Then put it on the herring, sprinkle the dish with marinade and carry on the table. Well, very tasty!