Samson from puff pastry

Samsa from puff pastry came to us from the MiddleAsia with the flow of migrants, one of them went to the construction site, and someone to the food industry, namely to the sphere of fast food. Samsa, as best as possible meets the requirements for fast food - tasty, fast and inexpensive. For its preparation, complex equipment, large areas, and maintenance personnel are not required. All this reduces costs, and hence the price. Therefore, Central Asian fast food successfully competes even with American, not to mention any others. Interest in the Central Asian facades has also aroused interest among Russian producers, and it's just that the housewives, tired of yearly baking the same pies.

The real samsa from the puff pastry is made intandyr (Central Asian stove). Of course, the method of cooking the product strongly affects its taste, especially since all Asian flour products were originally created for tandyr. Therefore, yeast dough did not take root in Asia. Nevertheless, the craftsmen adapted the samsa to the Russian realities - they cook it in our oven, since it most closely corresponds to the tandyr according to the parameters. True, nowadays electric tandyrs appeared in many places, which are more adapted to baking Central Asian flour products.

Well, those who do not trust street vendors canprepare a real samsa at home. The Uzbek samsa is considered to be classical, its recipe is proposed below. Puff pastry for baking can be bought at the store, but you understand that the semi-finished product does not replace the real home cooking.

For the test, we will not need so many products - three glasses of flour, a glass of water, one egg, a spoonful of vinegar and a packet of margarine.

In the cup, break the egg, add a spoonful of vinegar andwater, whisk the contents well. Now take the cup a little more, pour in the flour and pour the cooked liquid into it. The dough is mixed not very steep, about the same as for noodles. We set it aside for half an hour to one side, covering it with a cup. This is done so that the flour is saturated with water.

Roll out a large layer of dough, how muchallows your desk. Since it is not very steep, it will be easy to roll out. Now we need margarine. We take the standard packaging, we dunk it in a cup and cool it so that the margarine retains the semi-liquid state. Pour it onto the rolled dough and spread it over the entire surface evenly. We are waiting for the margarine to freeze, it will take no more than half an hour, or even less.

Для дальнейших действий нам понадобится длинная rolling pin. Its length should exceed the width of the rolled dough. Gently wrapped around her dough. Now, right on the rolling pin, cut it along. We get a long strip of multilayer dough. We divide it into three parts and stack one on another, then wrap the dough in cellophane and put it in the fridge for two hours. If the puff pastry samsa is not prepared immediately, then it should be stored in the freezer.

We take out the dough, cut it into 20 cubes. Roll them out to make a square with sides of 12x12 cm, or so. Brush the edges with a beaten egg so that they can be firmly molded.

На середину лепешки кладем фарш и скрепляем края.This should be done very carefully and reliably so that they do not open up during the frying process. We smear samsa with a beaten egg and bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes at 200 ° C. There is a definite dialectic connection between form and content, as we know from philosophy, and puff pastry samsa, without disproving this thesis, can take the form of a triangle, square or crescent without affecting the content.

The filling for samsa can be the most diverse. The most running - lamb with onions, potatoes with mutton fat, cabbage with eggs, mushrooms with spices. Also very good is samsa with chicken.