The first thing that will hear the mother of a slender baby with"Aristocratic" complexion from well-wishers - a recommendation to check hemoglobin and drink iron-containing vitamins. Indeed, a small weight in a child and pale skin can be evidence of a lack of this important trace element. The need to increase iron intake in children may be indicated by digestive disorders, fatigue, frequent stomatitis and “stuck”, irritability and other symptoms. In adults, they are similar. Eczema and other skin diseases may indicate this problem. Clinically, iron deficiency is manifested by a decrease in such a laboratory indicator as hemoglobin. We will not give exact values for each category of patients; however, it is worth noting that the figure, which differs somewhat from the norm in a smaller direction, indicates iron deficiency only in combination with other signs. So, if we talk about babies, you need to know about the physiological decrease in hemoglobin between 2 and 6 months, which is not a reason for panic in the absence of other symptoms. If the complete blood count, in combination with other patient complaints, suggests an iron deficiency, there are two complementary ways to supplement it: these are pharmacy food supplements and dietary correction. Next, we briefly focus on each of them.
By the way, the term "iron-containing vitamins"not quite accurate. It is about the so-called vitamin-mineral complexes, including such trace element as iron. The main problem with these countless jars, offering to solve all the problems of one pill, is the possible intolerance of their individual components, as well as their controversial compatibility. So if after the results of the blood test you are recommended to take iron, vitamins and trace elements it makes sense to take and separately. Among the most common iron supplements are Sorbifer Durules, Ferropleks, Aktiferrin. For children, it is usually recommended the same "Aktiferrin", "Ferrum Lek", "Maltofer". When breastfeeding it is often not necessary to give these or other supplements to the baby if the mother takes the necessary vitamins. Iron-containing drugs in this case, the doctor may prescribe mom.
A few words about compatibility.What can iron be combined with? Vitamins that promote its absorption are C and B2. Improves its absorption and folic acid. It does not go well with manganese and calcium. Of course, there is no need to memorize these combinations by heart, because the manufacturers of iron-containing drugs take this aspect into account. If you want to take iron and vitamins at the same time, there are such complexes as Iron Plus for children or Vitrum Super Stress for adults.
Of course, we know where to get the iron.Legumes, meat, apples, blueberries ... But when it comes to food, again, the question of their compatibility becomes relevant. Iron-rich meat is most useful in combination with products rich in rutin and vitamin C. The classic combination of buckwheat with meat works as well as possible. Herbal products supply us with non-heme iron. B vitamins and ascorbic acid already mentioned contribute to its absorption, so do not neglect bran, cereals and citrus. But dairy products during the treatment of iron deficiency anemia is better to limit, because calcium iron is not the best friend. We'll have to temporarily give up caffeine, which means not only coffee, but also black tea and cola. Replace tea with broth hips, add honey - and perhaps you will not be useful tips on the treatment of colds. And proper nutrition is not only a restriction, but also the pleasure of taking care of yourself.