/ / Calcium ionized: normal and deviations

Calcium ionized: the norm and deviations

Virtually any disease or suspicionDoctors direct a person to him for a blood test, one of the important trace elements of which is calcium ionized. Its norm is 1.2-1.3 mmol / l.

The role of calcium in the body

For humans, calcium is one of the most important elements, because it is contained in the skeleton and teeth.

calcium ionized

Кальций ионизированный же принимает участие в blood coagulation. In addition, it regulates numerous processes of cell activity: the release of hormones, muscle contraction, the release of very important substances - neurotransmitters, without which the transfer of impulse from neurons to various tissues would be impossible. Calcium ionized also reduces the permeability of the cell walls of blood vessels and increases its resistance to viruses and allergens.

For the human body is more important that calcium wasinto the blood, therefore, if there is a lack of calcium, then the started problems with the teeth and bones will be a clear signal. It is important to note that along with magnesium, sodium and potassium, calcium ionized plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure. He also, like many other minerals, strengthens the immune system of the body, triggers the action of many hormones and enzymes.

Calcium-rich foods

Most of the calcium enters the bodyperson with milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, processed cheeses). If we talk about its other sources, it will be cereals (for example, buckwheat porridge), some fruits (oranges), nuts and legumes, as well as greens. Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption. Therefore, parents must give it to children from a very early age. The least calcium is found in carrots and beets, wheat bread and cereals.

calcium ionized rate

If you pay attention to daily consumptioncalcium, it ranges from 850 to 1300 mg per day, but not more than 2500 mg. However, it can be increased when a woman is pregnant or nursing, as the baby takes the calcium from her body. Also, sometimes the rate of consumption of this substance is more in athletes.

Calcium absorption

It is important to note that there are foods that promotecalcium, and there are those that interfere with its absorption. The second are: palm oil, which is often present in infant formula, and some animal fats.

ionized calcium is elevated

In addition to undergo intestinalabsorption, ionized calcium should be dissolved with hydrochloric acid contained in the juice excreted by the stomach. Therefore, candy and other sweets that contribute to the release of alkaline juice, interfere with its absorption, as well as other alkaline substances. After all, alkali come with acids in a chemical neutralization reaction. By the way, it is important to note that there is an opinion about the desired use of ionized calcium as a vitamin, since, due to chemical characteristics, it does not react with alkalis, and also does not remain an insoluble residue.

Indications for Assignment Analysis

There are many signs that indicate a lack of calcium in the body; they should all be considered by the physician as a whole.

ionized calcium is reduced

Of these, we can distinguish the main ones:

  • slow growth;
  • increased heartbeat;
  • high brittle nails;
  • high pressure;
  • irritability, severe nervous irritability;
  • cramps, tingling in limbs.

The purpose of the analysis occurs whenthere are suspicions of diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, various malignant tumors, as well as diseases associated with the thyroid gland.

Delivery of the analysis

The ionized calcium assay is performed atblood sampling, which, as in many other procedures, should be given on an empty stomach 8 hours after the last meal. However, you can use simple drinking water, if you really want something to eat.

ionized calcium analysis

You should not take alcoholic drinks the day beforefoods high in fat, as well as expose your body to increased physical exertion. You also need to remember that if you want to know the most reliable result of the analysis of calcium ionized, then you need to take it when you are not taking any drugs.

Deviations from the norm. Boost

Ionized calcium in the blood can be elevated in cases when present:

  • gigantism;
  • a surplus of vitamin D;
  • enteritis in the chronic stage;
  • various malignant tumors, among which are myeloma and leukemia.

Before the analysis of hypercalcemia will say such changes in the state of the body, such as:

  • persistent nausea or vomiting;
  • feeling of thirst;
  • convulsions;
  • general weakness.

Among the reasons for the increased calcium content may be: excessive consumption of this substance or impaired metabolic processes.

Reduced element content

Ionized calcium is reduced if the person has:

  • various renal diseases;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • rickets;
  • magnesium deficiency;
  • pancreatitis, etc.

So, as mentioned above, if in the bodythere is a lack of calcium, or hypocalcemia, it can be expressed in too nervous behavior and deterioration of the emotional state, depressed mood.

Causes of lower calcium levels will also beprocesses such as problems with the absorption of a substance in the intestine, the formation of calcium stones in the kidneys, as well as its excessive excretion in the urine and a constant strongly increased pressure.

Diagnosis by a doctor

Finally it is worth noting that you do not needengage in self-diagnosis, look in medical encyclopedias or the Internet, which means a particular number, recorded in the graph of the analysis opposite the trace element "calcium ionized". This can only be done by a doctor. Since the diagnosis is not carried out only on the basis of a single analysis, an integrated approach is necessary, and the ordinary people who do not have medical education do not possess the necessary knowledge for this.

ionized blood calcium is elevated

Most likely, the person who hasproblems with lack of calcium in the body, vitamins containing it will be prescribed. And since this is a really important element, it is impossible to let the whole situation take its course.

So, what is important to remember:

  1. It should be competent to treat the consumption of calcium, as well as sensitively note all the symptoms that indicate its decrease or increase.
  2. If the ionized calcium is reduced, then it is worth to use more often those products in which it is contained.
  3. If ionized calcium is elevated, then you should at least limit the consumption of coffee drinks, salt, products containing animal proteins.
  4. In both cases, it is worth contacting a doctor for referral to a specialized analysis and further diagnosis.
  5. Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, as this can lead to negative consequences.