/ / Apples in syrup for the winter: recipe

Apples in syrup for the winter: recipe

In this article we will tell you how to save onwinter the maximum of useful substances in fruits such as apples. After all, how to hunt up your exhausted body vitamins on cold days! One of the good and simple ways is to preserve apples in syrup for the winter. Usually this is done very simply, only sugar, fruit and water are needed. We will slightly complicate our recipes, for example, add vinegar, which will give the apple an unusual sweet-sour taste, and they can be stored for a very long time.

Canned apples with ginger and cinnamon

To enhance the taste and aroma of the winter billet, wein their recipe they added spices: ginger, cloves and cinnamon. So, we need the following ingredients: 300 ml of wine or apple cider vinegar, 0,4 kg of sugar sand, 25 grams of ginger, one stick of cinnamon, one kilogram of apples and a clove of cloves. Apples in sugar syrup are prepared according to the following recipe. We sort through our fruits, remove the remaining leaves and tails, carefully wash out under running cold water. Pour the vinegar into a saucepan, add sugar sand, ginger root sliced, cinnamon, other desired spices.

apples in syrup for the winter
We put on a small fire and, until the sugar isdissolve, stir, then boil. After boiling, turn off the fire, and leave the saucepan with the finished syrup on the stove. In order not to break the skin, poke the apples with a fork and send it to the pan to the syrup. A few minutes, until the fruit is a bit softer, cook. But they are not too soft to do. We transfer the rennet with a spoon into warm sterilized jars. Meanwhile, on a strong fire, we boil the syrup again, exactly five minutes, filter and pour into cans. We roll up the lids - and everything: apples in syrup for the winter are ready. We remove for storage. The shelf life of such conservation is one year.

Preserving apples with lobules

Such fruits are very delicious.They are quite suitable for eating instead of dessert. The main condition - they must be strong. We need: apples - two and a half kilograms, water - two liters, sugar sand - half a kilo, citric acid - a teaspoon, without a slide. It is not known why, but according to this recipe the fruit is preserved only in 3-liter glass jars. We cook apples with lobules in syrup. We wash out, wait for the water to drain, cut first into four parts and remove the core, then cut them into slices. We boil water with acid lemon and granulated sugar, we dip it into the syrup, slices, boil for a couple of minutes, it is not necessary to bring it to the boil, it is important to carefully prevent them from getting into the syrup. It is important that they remain intact, not digested.

apples slices in syrup
Ошпаренной ложкой, имеющей дырочки, перекладываем slices in a dry pasteurized jar, boiled once again with syrup poured over and rolled up with lids, boiled before. We turn the jar upside down and wrap it up for a couple of days. You can store at room temperature.

Preservation of apples in the easiest way

Для выполнения данного рецепты выбираем фрукты small size, hard grades, and try so that they have no flaws. Prepare for the syrup three liters of water and 0.4 kg of sugar. Carefully wash the apples, those of a larger size, cut them into pieces and lay them in pre-sterilized three-liter jars somewhere in. Boil water and fill it with cans to the top.

apples in sugar syrup
Leave overnight, let cool.In the morning, pour the water into a separate saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil and immediately pour the jars to the top. We roll them up with sterilized caps and set for 15 minutes to be sterilized. Apples in syrup for the winter are preserved. We turn over, we wrap. In a day we remove for storage in a cool, preferably dark place. With this recipe vitamins are saved to the maximum.

Preservation of apples with citric acid

To make fruit with this recipe to usIt will take 30 minutes of time. Cooking apples in sugar syrup is easy, especially if you follow the instructions. To get a spicy and delicate flavor, add a little cinnamon. Ingredients: 0.6 kg of apples, six spoons of sugar sand, one stick of cinnamon, a teaspoon of citric acid, 0.5 liters of water.

whole apples in syrup
Cooking our apples in syrup for the winter. The recipe is as follows:

  1. We prepare the necessary components.
  2. After removing the bones, chop the apples into slices.
  3. After mixing the sugar with water, boil the syrup for 20 minutes.
  4. Lay the fruit in jars, putting cinnamon on the bottom, half the sticks.
  5. Since we use two liter and a half jars, then add citric acid to each of them, it turns out to be half a teaspoon.
  6. Fill containers with syrup.
  7. Cover with lids and sterilize for five minutes in boiling water.
  8. Roll up, turn upside down for a day.
  9. Sent before the winter in a dark place.

Preserved apple extract

In this, also very simple recipe, take the fruitwinter or autumn varieties, medium or small size, wash them, put them in jars and pour the cooked hot syrup. We proceed from the following relationship: for one kilogram of apples you need a liter of water and about 300 grams of sugar sand.

canned apples in syrup
We stand apples in syrup for six to eight hours,then we add the missing amount of syrup and pasteurize at 85 degrees. We do it: 15 minutes for one-liter cans, 20 minutes - for two-liter and 30 minutes - for three-liter. Whole apples in syrup are ready; now in winter there will be no problems with replenishing the body's vitamin reserve. Enjoy your meal!