/ / Tasty and sweet peaches in syrup: recipe

Tasty and sweet peaches in syrup: recipe

Peaches in syrup (recipe reviewed below) wellsuitable for those cases when you want to feast on fragrant and juicy fruits, but the winter or spring season does not allow this. It should be noted that it is possible to cook such a canned food in different ways. Today we look at the easiest way.

Peaches in syrup: a quick recipe

peaches in syrup recipe

Ingredients for canned dessert:

  • plain filtered water - 1.5 l;
  • small ripe peaches - 3 kg;
  • lemon - ½ medium fruit;
  • sugar sand - 500 g

Features of the choice of the main product

Peaches in syrup, the recipe of which impliesthe use of whole fruits is tasty and beautiful, if only small fruits are obtained for such preservation. It should be noted that this ingredient must be ripe, but have rigidity. After all, if you buy too soft and flourishing peaches, they will not retain their shape in the process of pouring syrup, with the result that you get the usual liquid jam. Thus, the fruit is desirable to choose by touch. When pressing on them, there should be a slight dent.

Processing of the main ingredient

how to cook peaches in syrup
Before cooking the peaches in syrup,It should be good to wash all purchased fruits, using a coarse brush or a rag with villi. This is necessary in order to maximize depriving the product of its hairs. Next, each ingredient requires a little incision and remove the bone, without damaging the holistic appearance of the peach. After that, the fruit should be tightly put in sterilized jars, filling them only 2/3.

Syrup preparation

Чтобы в дальнейшем залить фрукты сладкой liquid, it is required to take the enameled ware, to pour in it usual drinking water and to pour granulated sugar. Next, the container must be put on a low heat, wait for boiling and complete dissolution of the bulk product.

Fruit pouring

whole peaches in syrup
So that the whole peaches in the syrup are soft,juicy and tender, they should be filled with hot sweet liquid 4 or 5 times. To do this, it is required to distribute boiling syrup over 2/3 filled cans and hold them for 5 minutes. Next, you need to put it back in the saucepan and bring to a boil. For the last time, you should additionally pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice or pour in the appropriate acid.

The final stage in the preparation of preservative

After the peaches are filled with syrup in4th or 5th time, they should be rolled up and turned upside down. Next, the jars must be covered with a towel and left to cool for a day. In the future, canned fruit is recommended to be cleaned in the cellar, refrigeration chamber or cellar. There they should be stored until the 1st year.

Peaches in syrup, the recipe of which was reviewedabove, can be used only after 1-1.5 months after seaming. If you do it before, the fruit will not be as tasty and tender as we would like. After all, for the impregnation of the sweet syrup ingredients need a certain extract.