/ / Elk meat stew at home: cooking recipes

Elk meat stew at home: cooking recipes

Elk is a very useful anddietary meat, which contains in its composition a lot of useful chemical elements. Since these animals are not fed chemicals and hormones, their meat is environmentally friendly.

elk stew at home recipe

Few have tried moose meatsucceeded - everyone claims that it tastes great. She has especially good reviews in stewed form. This dish is easy to prepare at home, even if you do not have culinary talents and do not have much experience in the kitchen. With proper observance of technology with minimal effort, you will get very tasty meat. It tastes like beef, so it goes well with buckwheat or barley porridge, potatoes or pasta. To make a moose meat stew at home, the recipe of which is given below, turned out tasty, you need to use only clean pieces of meat, without films and bones. It is necessary to grind them carefully, approximately as on beef stroganoff. It is advisable to slightly beat off the chopped elk in order to make it softer. Be sure to also add fat - without it, the finished dish will turn out too dry. The amount of fat is calculated according to taste, but it should be at least 60 grams per kilogram of pure meat.

Elk stew is excellenta dish that to your taste resembles beef. If you do it yourself, you can later regale them both at home and during outdoor activities (hiking or picnic).

moose meat cob at home in the oven

Elk stew at home: recipe

To make it, you will need:

  • 1 kg of elk tenderloin.
  • About 150 grams of pork fat or lard.
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 10 pieces of pepper peas.
  • 1 teaspoon tea salt.
  • 0.5 liters of white wine.

How to cook?

First, prepare the meat.To do this, rinse it in running cold water, blot with paper towels and cut into small pieces. Since elk meat is sometimes tough (especially if the animal was not entirely young), it is advisable to put it in white wine overnight for soaking.

moose meat stew at home recipe in a pressure cooker

After that, place the pieces of elk meat in the cast iron.pan and put it on a small fire, water is not required to add. Meat has a large amount of its own juice, released when heated. On a small fire should extinguish elk about 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally.

Prepare glass jars and lids while cooking moose meat - rinse them thoroughly and sterilize with boiling water or steam. Then let them cool and dry.

elk stew at home recipe in a slow cooker

Secondly, cut the bacon into small pieces orfat, then put them to the meat. There you also need to add salt, bay leaf and pepper. Other spices can not be added to the stew, as this will reduce its shelf life. Equal parts of all the banks, then pour formed during the preparation of juice.

Sterilization of the finished product

As soon as the stew is laid outBanks need to be sterilized. According to the requirements of GOST, this should be done for at least 75 minutes, and the processing temperature should be 120 degrees. Only if these conditions are met, the product will be completely safe - bacteria will be destroyed and the risk of botulism infection will be eliminated. It is always necessary to remember that botulinum toxins affect canned food locally, so only one piece of meat can be dangerous, while the rest of the contents of the jar will not pose any threat. That is why long-term treatment is important. To achieve the required temperature of 120 degrees, you can use a domestic autoclave, a slow cooker with this mode, a pressure cooker or an oven. Ideally, in the above units, you should prepare the moose meat for another 3 hours after adding all the additional ingredients.

elk stew at home in an autoclave

What must be considered?

It must also be remembered that not allMulticookers have this temperature processing products. If you have a budget model, and the temperature is not indicated, most likely, it will not exceed 110-115 degrees. For the same reason, it is not possible to sterilize jars with canned meat in a tank with boiling water or steam it - the boiling point of water is not sufficient to destroy all dangerous microorganisms.

This means that without complying with the temperatureThe elk stew mode at home, the recipe of which is indicated above, cannot be prepared for long-term storage in a closed jar. However, you can make a tasty meat dish that can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, as well as freeze it.

Cooking in the oven

Homemade elk stew in the ovencan be prepared as follows. Follow all steps of the basic recipe. Place the jars with meat on a baking sheet, spread the lids on top (if they contain rubber rings, be sure to remove them). Put them in the oven and heat it to 200 degrees. As soon as the stew boils, the temperature can be reduced, but not to the minimum limit (no more than 150 degrees). Continue cooking meat for three hours, then remove the jars and roll them up. In the event that you removed the gum from the covers, you must put them back. The closed jars must be turned over and allowed to cool.

Cooking in a domestic autoclave

Тушенка из лосятины в домашних условиях в The autoclave can be made as follows. It is necessary to fulfill all the requirements of the main recipe. Then the cans filled with meat should be rolled up with covers, after which it is required to ensure their tightness. To do this, immerse them in a container with hot water. If the cans are not sealed, air bubbles will start emanating from them. Such a container must be replaced. Then closed cans are sterilized in an autoclave for about three hours at a temperature of at least 130 degrees. Only if these requirements are met, you will get a safe moose meat stew at home. The recipe in a pressure cooker is completely analogous to the order of cooking in an autoclave.

elk stew at home recipe with photos

Recipe for multicooker - not for canning

If you are cooking moose meat stewMulticooker, you need to perform the first steps, as reflected in the above recipe (wash, cut and soak the meat, chop the fat). Then the pieces of meat are laid out in a slow cooker, a little bit of any vegetable oil is poured. It is required to fry the loot meat slightly to provide a ruddy crust, after which the stewing mode should be turned on. A moose meat stew is cooked at home (the recipe in the slow cooker assumes that this dish will not be intended for long-term storage) in this mode for about an hour and a half. As soon as the set program is completed, the device automatically switches to the function of maintaining heat. It is necessary to leave the multicooker working for several hours, and then the meat is salted, paprika, the desired amount of chopped onion is added to it. You can also put chopped carrots and other vegetables or herbs.

How can the best moose meat stew be made at home?

Рецепт приготовления предполагает, что мясо It is laid in the banks tightly, not reaching about one and a half centimeters to the neck. When cooking homemade stew necessarily clean the meat from bones, films and tendons. In addition, it is better to trim areas that have changed color. Adding fat is also necessary, since moose meat is low-fat meat, and in canned food a fat layer between the lid and the meat is necessary. In addition, if you do not add fat, the stew will turn out too dry and hard.

In addition, moose meat stewconditions, the recipe from which photo is presented in this article, can be "improved". You can cook canned food from several types of meat at the same time. For example, you can mix elk, beef and pork or even add poultry meat. If one of the types of meat is fat, you can not add fat in addition - the fat will be melted from product pieces. It is necessary to store ready canned food at a temperature up to 15 degrees. They should not be frozen, since tightness may be impaired due to too low temperatures.