Elk Meal Dishes

Today, the increasing popularity ofhunters acquires elk meat. It should be said that the carcass of this animal is finished in the same way as the cows. At the same time, the meat is first kept in herbs, then marinated under pressure, only then it is possible to cook various dishes from moose meat (for frying, the dorsal and renal parts are taken, as well as the pulp from the hind legs).

Лосиное мясо употребляют в холодное время года (autumn, winter), because in a different period it contains many fibers and is not suitable for food. In the winter it is frozen, for this it is suspended in the open air for several hours, and salted during the thaw period.

Elk Meal Dishes

Consider a few recipes on how to prepare dishes from moose meat.

Elk hunting

Ingredients: half a kilo of moose meat, one spoonful of vinegar, one hundred grams of lard, fifty grams of fat, fifty grams of tomato puree, six cloves of garlic, one onion, juice of one lemon.

The meat is soaked in a solution of vinegar, stuffedgarlic, bacon and fried in fat, salt and add spices. Next, add chopped half rings onions, tomato puree and continue to fry. After that, put the meat in a bowl, pour broth, add lemon juice, sugar and stew until it is cooked.

Elk soup

Elk soup

Ingredients:seven hundred grams of elk meat, one white and red onion, two liters of boiling water, two potatoes, one carrot, two celery stalks, one fennel root, three tablespoons of flour, two spoons of paprika, greens, salt and spices, vegetable oil for frying.

Мясо нарезают крупными кусками, лук шинкуют, всё fried in oil, a little salt. Then, boiling water, sliced ​​potatoes and carrots are added to the first courses of elk (in our case, this soup), boiled for fifteen minutes. Next, add chopped celery and fennel.

Separately, fry the flour and paprika in butter, pour the mixture into the soup and cook for five minutes. In the finished dish put chopped greens.

How to cook elk meat

Elk barbecue

Ingredients: one kilogram of elk meat, one hundred grams of pork fat, three onions, one glass of white wine, salt and spices, greens.

The loin is cut into large chunks,placed in a bowl, pour wine and let stand for several hours. Then the meat is strung on skewers, alternating it with lard and onion, salted, sprinkled with spices and fried over hot coals for fifteen minutes. Usually such moose dishes are sprinkled with greens before serving.


Ingredients: one kilogram of elk meat, one hundred grams of pork fat, four cloves of garlic, one onion, half a tablespoon of ground pepper, one and a half cups of water, one spoonful of starch, and salt.

How to cook elk meat?It is necessary to fry meat, lard, onion and garlic in a frying pan, adding pepper and salt for five minutes, then pour in water and simmer for two hours. Then stir the water with the starch, add the mixture to the meat and cook for a few more minutes, until the starch thickens.

Thus, recently, elk meat has become very popular with hunters. It is easy to prepare, and the dishes from it are not only appetizing, but also quite tasty.