/ / How to cook a delicious duck with apples for the holiday table?

How to cook a delicious duck with apples for a festive table?

How to cook a delicious duck with apples?This question always becomes relevant with the approaching winter holidays. After all, absolutely all housewives want to present some tasty, satisfying and beautiful dish to the New Year's dinner. Today we look at a detailed method of cooking poultry baked in the oven along with fruit.

how to cook a tasty duck

How to cook a delicious duck with apples: a step by step recipe

Required Products:

  • thick sour cream (mayonnaise can be) - 3 full big spoons;
  • floral honey - 2 large spoons;
  • table salt, allspice red pepper, dried dill - add on your own;
  • big duck carcass (for the whole family) - 1 pc .;
  • small sweet apples - 5 pcs .;
  • Ripe big lemon - 1 fruit.

Pretreatment of poultry

Having decided how to cook a delicious duck, herneed to be carefully processed to start. Most of the carcasses sold in the markets are not cleaned very well. Therefore, such a bird should definitely get rid of the hairs and the remaining feathers on the skin. To do this, it is recommended to hold the duck over the included gas burner. Then it is necessary to wash it well (inside and outside), and also to remove all unnecessary elements (for example, the tips of the wings, the neck, etc.).

cook delicious duck in the oven

Marinating meat

Want to cook? duck in the oven? That you will surely succeed if its in advancemarinate and soak for one and a half hours. To do this, in a small bowl, you need to mix the following components: thick sour cream (mayonnaise), flower honey, salt, red allspice, dried dill and lemon juice, squeezed from half of the fruit. Next, the resulting fragrant mass must be well lubricated previously treated carcass (inside and out). Close the container with a lid and refrigerate for an hour and a half.

Fruit Processing

Для приготовления такого блюда желательно acquire sweet and small apples. Fruits must be washed, cleaned from the seed box and peel, and then cut into several slices. To prevent the fruits from turning black in the air, they should be processed immediately before stuffing the carcass. In addition to ripe apples, it is desirable to fill the duck and lemon. To do this, a half of the fruit must be cut into thin circles.

tasty and quickly cook a duck

Forming and baking dishes

Tasty and quick to cook the duck is very easy.To do this, pickled carcass should be stuffed with fruit, and then sew up the hole with thick threads. Next, the bird must be placed in the culinary sleeve and sent to the oven for 60-80 minutes. When this dish is recommended to regularly try on the softness.

After the specified time, the duck is necessaryget out of the sleeve, and then carefully remove the thread, remove all the apples, beautifully putting them around the edges of a large plate, and put a whole carcass in the middle (if you like, cut them into portions).

How to serve for a festive dinner

Now you know how to cook a delicious duck with apples. For the holiday table it is desirable to serve it hot. Enjoy your meal!