/ / How to cook cranberry juice: a recipe

How to Boil Morse from Cranberry: Recipe

Cranberry juice is one of the most popular.drinks in the world. Thanks to his taste and useful properties, he attracted the attention of many people. It contains vitamin C, which not only fights against viral diseases, but also lowers the temperature and strengthens the immune system. Cranberry juice is very useful for both pregnant women and children from three years old. Some doctors advise to use this drink to those people who suffer from edema, slow metabolism and pyelonephritis. The drink is very quickly absorbed in the body and has no contraindications, with the exception of gastric ulcer.

Features in cooking

Before you make the first cranberry juice, you need to remember a few important features that can affect the quality of the drink and affect your health.

  1. In the list of essential ingredients mostrecipes included honey. This food is a powerful allergen, so its quantity should be regulated depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. Honey must be added only to the cooled liquid, that is, the temperature of which is not higher than 40 degrees.
  2. In the process of cooking, observe the correct proportions of cranberry juice and water. In order for the drink to bring you maximum benefit, it must have at least 40% of cranberry juice.
  3. Since cranberry juice is bad for the skin,irritating it and staining, you must use medical or other rubber gloves during chafing. In no case can not use metal utensils - it quickly oxidizes. The best option is glass, plastic or ceramic dishes.
  4. If you want to cook cranberry juice fromfrozen cranberries, you should not use to defrost a microwave or hot water. It is best to pre-lay the fruit out of the freezer, rinse with clean water and hold at room temperature until thawed.
  5. The amount of sugar, like honey, is governed by personal preferences. It is worth noting that more ripe berries require much less sugar.
  6. After preparation, the drink must always be kept in the refrigerator. Shelf life - 3 days. Cranberry fruit drink loses all its beneficial properties after this time.
cranberry juice frozen recipe

Cranberry juice - really a great drink to strengthen the body and enrich it with vitamin C.

Classic recipe

To make cranberry juice in the classical way, we need:

  1. Purified water - 2 liters.
  2. Sugar - 150 grams (optional).
  3. Cranberries are 200-250 grams.

Now let's look at the cooking method:

  • The first thing you need to select the most ripe berries. After that, rinse them under running water and leave for a few minutes to glass all the liquid.
  • Next, using a blender, grinder or otherkitchen appliances chop the berries to a semi-liquid state. Preparing in advance a large piece of gauze fabric, squeeze out all the juice, and put the remaining cake in a separate saucer.
  • Pour purified water into a small saucepan and put on a strong fire. After the water boils, pour into the pan all the cooked ingredients (cranberry juice, the remaining cake and sugar).
  • Mix thoroughly and cook for 10 minutes.
frozen cranberry mors

Cooked drink should not be consumedright away, it's best to let it stand for 10-20 minutes. During this time, you can prepare a fine sieve to properly strain the juice and container in which it will be stored. You can store the drink only in the refrigerator and not more than 3 days.

Cranberry juice with ginger

Morse, made from cranberries with the addition of ginger, is not considered the most popular, but it is still healthier than other similar drinks. Here is what we need:

  1. Granulated sugar - 250 grams.
  2. Purified water - up to 3 liters.
  3. Ginger root - at the discretion.
  4. Cranberries (fresh or frozen) - 350 grams.

The cooking method is slightly different from the classic recipe:

  • First you need to cook heat-resistant dishes,Pour it with purified water and put on fire. Do not neglect the purified water and replace it with the usual from the tap. If we want the drink to be as healthy as possible, the water should only be purified.
  • After the water boils, cool it to room temperature.
  • Wash cranberries thoroughly and leave in a colander for 15-20 minutes to drain all the liquid.
  • Prepare ginger root: cut into small pieces and chop with a blender.
  • Pour all cooked ingredients (ginger, cranberries and sugar) into a saucepan with water and put it on a small fire again.
Morse with ginger

Water should not boil.As soon as the first bubbles appear, immediately turn off the stove and allow the drink to brew for 1.5-2 hours. At the end, strain all compote through cheesecloth with a sieve and pour it into a prepared jug.

Cranberry juice with blueberries

Клюквенный морс, дополненный ягодами черники, forms a vitamin bomb. This drink is consumed regardless of age. It is useful both for children from 2-3 years old and for older people. Before we learn how to cook juice from cranberries and blueberries, let's look at what ingredients we may need:

  1. Sugar - 230 grams.
  2. Drinking water - 1.5 liters.
  3. Bilberry fruits - 300 grams.
  4. Cranberry berries - 330 grams.
Cranberry juice with blueberries

Now we find out how to cook cranberry juice with the addition of blueberries:

  1. Wash out all the fruits of blueberries and cranberries and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  2. In a blender tank, we mix all the ingredients (blueberries, sugar and cranberries) and grind for 5 minutes.
  3. After that, add some water to the blender bowl and mix it again until smooth.
  4. Strain the whole mass through cheesecloth.

If the drink is similar in consistency to a sticky jelly, then you can dilute it with boiled water and add some sugar. Do not forget to keep the drink in the refrigerator.

Lemon Cranberry Mors

Adding lemon to cranberry juice enriches itwith additional vitamins, such a drink will help to quench your thirst faster. It is recommended to use in the hot season. Let's break down the necessary ingredients:

  1. Filtered water - 1.3 liters.
  2. Cranberry berries - 840 grams.
  3. Sugar - 15 grams.
  4. Lemon peel - 80-120 grams.
  5. Lemon juice - 100 ml.

It takes at least 30 minutes to cook cranberry juice with lemon.

  • We touch the fruits of cranberries, sifting unripe and spoiled.
  • After that, wash the lemon and remove from it the whole zest.
  • Cranberries and citrus rind are ground in a blender until smooth.
  • Squeeze lemon juice into boiled water and pour out the mixture from a blender. All components should be cooked over low heat for about 15 minutes after boiling.
Cranberry juice with lemon

Thirst quenching juice is ready. It remains only to strain it into a jug and you can drink it. It is recommended to leave the prepared juice for 10-12 hours in the refrigerator.

What is the use of cranberry juice?

Frozen cranberry juice or fresh cranberry juiceThe fruit has many beneficial properties. Vitamin C, which is present in this drink, strengthens the body and improves your immunity. Particular attention should be paid to this drink in the winter season, when the body of each person needs an extra dose of vitamins. But regardless of the beneficial qualities, cranberry juice has disadvantages.

the use of cranberry juice


Frozen cranberry fruit juice recipe is simple butThis drink is able to remove toxins, remove swelling, reduce cholesterol levels and effectively fight various infectious diseases. For its preparation does not require special financial costs, all the necessary ingredients can be found in the courtyard of your house.

Harmful properties

Frequent use of cranberry morse destroystooth enamel. Therefore, it is not recommended to use in children under 3 years old and lactating women. There are contraindications for those people who suffer from pyelonephritis, slow metabolism, ulcers and gastritis.