/ / Drink juice more often: a recipe will help make it more useful.

Drink juice more often: a recipe will help make it healthier.

All in childhood mothers watered.As a rule, this drink was made very simply. For his preparation used improvised means: boiled or filtered water, jam and sugar. From these ingredients, and it turned out delicious, familiar from childhood mors. The recipe for this drink is somewhat different from the usual and simple method of preparation. This article will tell you how to make fruit drink properly, with all the steps.

First, it’s worth talking aboutmake juice. Most often it is made from all kinds of berries: raspberries, blueberries, currants, cherries, cranberries, strawberries and many others. The variation of tastes is very wide. Nuts are often added to the berries. Such an additive not only makes the taste more unusual, but also fills the drink with special properties inherent in nuts. For example, peanuts activate mental activity. A grated nut can serve as a wonderful addition to such a tasty drink as fruit drink.

The recipe of preparation allows the presence of fruit.So, often prepare a refreshing drink from apples, oranges, peaches. Very popular is lemon juice. It is not only useful in the fight against various diseases of the catarrhal nature, but also allows you to fight against excess weight, so it is better to replace low-calorie cola with lemon juice. Among other things, in the preparation of such a drink and vegetables are used, however, it must be sweetish roots. Carrots and beets are perfect for making healthy fruit drinks. To make the drink more saturated and give it an unusual taste, it adds a variety of herbs, such as cloves, mint, cinnamon. Such additives will certainly be appreciated by gourmets.

Having dealt with what you can cookhealthy drink, and having bought all the necessary ingredients, you can start making fruit drinks. How to cook it correctly? It is not difficult at all. To do this, the first thing you need to wash berries, fruits or vegetables, then separate the pulp from unnecessary, inedible parts (such as bones or leaves). After that, the juice is squeezed out of the products. We need fresh concentrated juice, which is immediately sent to the refrigerator. The amount of juice that will result as a result depends on which fruits are selected. For example, almost all liquid is very easily squeezed out of citrus fruits, but it will take a long time to work with carrot juice. It is for this reason that it is better to do it in combination with some other, more juicy fruit. For juice, it is better to use a juicer, so this process will be simplified to a minimum.

As soon as the juice is removed in the refrigerator, it is necessarybegin processing the remaining pulp. She goes to the preparation of the main part of such a drink, as mors. The recipe prescribes the following procedure.

1. Place the pulp in a saucepan and add water to the rim.

2. Add sugar to taste; fall asleep worn nuts and herbs (if you decide to cook with them).

3. Boil the resulting broth for a few minutes and cool slightly.

After the main broth for morse is ready,You can serve it to the table. Although this is not quite a full fruit drink. The recipe for making a drink includes a little trick. In order to keep the juice cool and also more fortified, the cooled concentrated juice is added to the finished broth, which saturates the juice with various beneficial substances. Such a drink will certainly appeal to everyone, despite the fact that the cooking process is a bit longer than is commonly believed. Be sure to cook by all the rules of fruit drink, the recipe of which is quite simple to memorize and play.