/ / Cake "Bear": cooking methods and popular recipes

Cake "Bear": cooking methods and popular recipes

Bear cake - one of the most popular dessertsthe era of the Soviet Union. To make it you need quite ordinary ingredients. In addition, these products are inexpensive. The recipe is an excellent option for those who want to please loved ones with delicious sweetness, without spending a lot of time, effort and money. About the features and types of treats referred to in the article.

Bear cake traditional

Thanks to this recipe, you can make not only a pleasant, but also a beautiful dessert. For this method of preparation must take:

  • Sour cream (in the amount of two and a half glasses).
  • A small spoon of soda.
  • A little vinegar.
  • 50 grams of oil.
  • 3 cups wheat flour.
  • Cocoa powder (2 tbsp and 1 small spoon).
  • 20 g of milk.
  • Sand sugar (about 500 grams).

Cake "Bear" on the recipe of this kind is prepared as follows. Measure out 1 cup of sour cream. In this product you need to put soda mixed with vinegar. Pour 200 grams of sugar sand. Combine the resulting mass with wheat flour.

Then divide the dough into 2 fragments.In one of the parts add a small spoonful of cocoa powder. Then both pieces, brown and light, cut into 3 more portions. Smooth each of them with a rolling pin and bake in the oven.

Cream for delicacy is prepared as follows. Sour cream in the amount of 1.5 glasses is combined with sugar by sand. Wait for the layers to cool.Cover the cake layers with a layer of cream. They are stacked on each other so that the cakes of a light shade alternate with dark ones. Then make the icing. The butter is mixed with milk. Pour 3 tbsp. l sugar sand and 2 large spoons of cocoa powder. The mixture is heated on the fire for about three minutes. This mass should pour the top layer of dessert.

Peanut Recipe

The classic version of the cake "Bear" suggeststhe presence in the delicacy of walnut kernels. However, this is not the only type of dish. Today there are other ways to make sweets. For example, some chefs use peanuts. This cake is not worse than the traditional one. It includes the following:

  • Sour cream in the amount of three glasses.
  • A pound of wheat flour.
  • About 500 grams of sugar sand.
  • 20 g cocoa powder.
  • Oil in the same amount.
  • A glass of ground nuts.
  • 5 grams of baking soda.

Flour from wheat is passed through a sieve. This component is divided into 2 parts. In one of them you need to add melted butter and sugar sand. Then put 1 glass of sour cream and soda.It is necessary to cut this mass into two pieces. One of them is supplemented with flour residue. In another poured the above product and cocoa powder. Each part should be divided into three fragments of the same size. Form the layers, cook them in the oven for about 7 minutes. If the cakes have to be cut, the crumb should not be thrown away, but baked.

They are waiting for the layers of the dessert to cool. In the meantime, you can make a cream. Two glasses sour cream ground with sugar песком, желательно с помощью миксера.The kernels of ground nuts are cooked in a frying pan. Then they need to grind. Layers of cake "Bear" lay on each other so that the layers of light shade alternate with dark.

Mishka cake with peanuts

Lubricate each cake with a mass of sour cream. At the top of the dessert should be placed crumbs from cakes and groundnuts.

Cooking sweets with condensed milk cream

The composition of the dish includes:

  • 2 cups wheat flour.
  • 4 large spoons of cocoa powder.
  • A pound of sour cream.
  • Packing butter.
  • Eggs (3 pieces).
  • Vanilla powder.
  • 10 g of soda.
  • 2 packs of condensed milk (plain and boiled).

This cake is called "Bear in the North."The dish is popular due to the composition of the cream. Prepare it in this way. Condensed milk should be combined with milk, sour cream (in the amount of 300 grams) and eggs. Pour the wheat flour and soda into the mass. The resulting dough is divided into two fragments, one of which is supplemented with two spoons of cocoa powder. Layers for dessert are cooked in the oven. Then they should be cut so that there are 2 pieces of light shade and as many dark ones. The oil is mixed with boiled condensed milk and vanilla powder using a mixer. Layers of dessert need to stack on each other. They put the resulting mass.

condensed milk cake

Рекомендуется чередовать коржи светлого оттенка с dark layers. Icing is placed on the top of the cake. It is done as follows. 2 large spoons of cocoa powder are combined with 1 tbsp. l sour cream. You need to put the mixture on the stove, reheat. This glaze evenly pour over the surface of the dessert.

Honey Cake

It includes the following:

  • About a pound of wheat flour.
  • 250 grams of sand sugar.
  • 2 eggs.
  • Squirrels (4 pieces).
  • A small spoon of soda.
  • Vinegar (1 tbsp. L.).
  • Glass of sugar powder
  • 200 grams of kernels of nuts.
  • Approximately 150 g of honey in liquid form.

Cake "Bear" for this recipe is made this way. Connect 2 eggs with sugar sand.Pour honey, wheat flour and soda with vinegar into the resulting mass. Mix well. The dough for this delicacy wrapped with film and put in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, it is necessary to cut it into 6 fragments, from which layers are formed. Roll out the layers to bake in the oven. While the cake tins are cooled, you can make a cream. Proteins combine with sugar powdered. Beat the components with a mixer. Layers of dessert lay on each other, covering each of them with the resulting mass.

cake with protein cream

It is recommended to clean the treat in a cold place for 6 hours.


One of the most popular dishes is the cake "Bear". Photos and recipes there are many.


The traditional version is prepared with sour cream.Other methods include cream of condensed milk, egg proteins, and honey cakes. This delicacy is beneficial in that any culinary specialist can choose the variety that seems to him the best.