/ / Semolina - what is it? Where used, what to replace, recipes

Semolina - what is it? Where to use, what to replace, recipes

In recipes of some dishes traditional wheatflour is sometimes partially or completely replaced by semolina. Few know what it is. Therefore, it is difficult to guess what can replace this ingredient with an unusual name in dishes. This article will help to deal with semolina and its analogues.

Semolina - what is it: flour or groats?

The word "semolina" came to us from Italy.In this edge of pasta and pizza semolino means "semolina". Indeed, by grinding, semolina very much reminds everyone of the known semolina. It is produced exclusively from durum wheat. The protein content in such croup is at least 12%.

semolina what is it
Very often mainly due to the area of ​​herSemolina applications are considered flour. It is used to make traditional Italian pasta, often mixed with wheat flour. By the way, there is also corn and rice semolina. What it is, few know. In fact, it is semolina, obtained after grinding rice and corn. It is often used in baby food for the first feeding of babies.

Italian semolina: what to replace?

Often found in Italian recipesan ingredient like semolina. But few know what to replace it with. Russia also produces semolina. What it is? This is the well-known durum wheat semolina, which is labeled with the letter "T". The usual semolina, which is used to make traditional milk porridge, is indicated by the letter “M” on the package. And this is no longer a semolina, since it is not made of solid varieties only.

On sale is also semolina with marking"TM". This is a mixture of semolina from hard and soft wheat varieties. Therefore, if in recipes there is such an ingredient as semolina flour, then you should not be afraid. It is quite possible to replace it with semolina, but only with hard grinding, the taste of the dish will not change much.

Where is semolina used?

In Italy, semolina cooked pasta, ItalianTortillas or ciabatta bread, gnocchi dumplings, are added to the dough when cooking pizza, in desserts and pastries. She has a low glycemic index, which means that even diabetics can afford it.

semolina than replace
Used for cooking milk porridge, puddings and casseroles such flour. Semolina can replace breadcrumbs when cooking meat and fish dishes, sprinkle with it a baking dish.

Ciabatta Bread with Semolina

Ciabatta is a country bread originally from Italy.Translated from Italian, the word ciabatta translates as "slippers." This is due to the fact that on the baking sheet, as a rule, two flat cakes are baked at once, which are very reminiscent of home slippers.

flour semolina
The peculiarity of this bread is crispycrust and porous pulp with large holes, like Swiss cheese. Real Italian ciabatta baked from semolina. The bread recipes in different regions of Italy are different, but in most of them country bread is baked from such ingredients:

  • Opara: 3 g of fresh yeast, 125 wheat flour, 125 g of semolina flour, 125 g of water.
  • Dough: 1 g of fresh yeast, 25 g of semolina flour, 125 g of water, 1 tsp of rye malt, 1 tsp of honey, 2 tsp of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil.

Step by step preparation consists of several stages:

  1. Make a brew of the prepared ingredients. Mix thoroughly and cover with cling film. Leave at room temperature for 12-14 hours.
  2. Combine the ingredients for the test: water, malt, yeast and honey. To stir thoroughly. Add salt and semolina.
  3. Knead the sticky dough. Put it in a bowl with olive oil (so that the dough does not stick to the walls), cover with foil and leave for 1 hour to fit.
  4. Spray the table with semolina (about 100 g). Divide the dough into two parts, form loaves of it. Put on baking paper for 40 minutes to fit.
  5. At this time, heat the oven to 220 degrees. Down put the pan with water.
  6. Send shaped loaves to the oven for 30 minutes. Ciabatta is ready!

Is it possible to cook porridge from semolina?

In Russia, semolina is a trademark."Mistral". It is a durum wheat semolina. Rich in protein, vitamins, macro- and microelements, semolina. The recipes in which it is used are quite diverse.

People leading a healthy lifestyle are cooked fromsuch cereal semolina porridge. The benefits of such a dish will be much greater. The semolina turns out much tastier, and when cooked it never forms lumps. In addition, a special taste distinguishes porridge made from cereals with the name of semolina. What it is? This is a very finely ground grits of durum, which gives the milk porridge a creamy shade and a sweetish taste.

semolina recipes
To make semolina decoys you need:

  • pour prepared cereal into boiling milk in the ratio of 1: 7;
  • boil it as usual semolina on low heat for 3-5 minutes, until thickened, not forgetting to stir continuously;
  • to taste add salt, sugar, jam, honey or butter.

Enjoy your meal! Semolina porridge can be served on the table. It is not only tasty, but also a healthy dish.